
Microsoft and GoPro sign a patent licensing deal
That was quick: CBS returns to Dish after one-day blackout following dispute
Nokia will not return to the phone building business, but could license name out
Microsoft slashes licensing fees for Windows 8.1 by 70 percent to fend off Chromebooks
Apple must spill details on HTC settlement to Samsung
HTC bashes reports of Apple settlement estimates
Apple to get $8 per HTC phone sold with new agreement?
HTC settles with Apple, start 10-year licensing agreement
HBO secures new rights deal with Fox
Amazon Cloud gets full music label licensing
YouTube, Paramount sign deal to license 500 films signs licensing deals with Big 4
Microsoft's extortion continues as company inks another Android licensing deal
YouTube acquires licensing and royalty service provider RightsFlow
Microsoft will make $444 million this year in Android licensing fees
JPEG licensing fees?!
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