AfterDawn: Tech news

Server change - final words

Written by Petteri Pyyny @ 19 Jun 2001 10:12

Ok, our server has been successfully transferred to a new host -- the actual change happened in last week, but during last few days we've been fixing codes that were effected because of this transition. Few notes:
-email addresses were cut off for a while in last week, so there might be cases where we didn't receive your emails

-feedback has been down, because we simply forgot to change it to use new server -- all feedback sent in last 5 days or so, is lost. Sorry.

-bugs -- there have been bugs and oddities, specially in, but hopefully these issues are now solved.

-band email addresses - some of our oldest bands had their addresses. Unfortunately we lost these, because we don't have facilities nor interest to continue our SMTP forward service we offered for our artists.

...if you find anything weird, please don't hesitate to send feedback to us (yes, now it works ;-).

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