AfterDawn: Tech news

Kazaa shields up for the MyDoom virus

Written by Lasse Penttinen @ 27 Jan 2004 9:56 User comments (2)

Kazaa shields up for the MyDoom virus

The Sharman Networks have updated Kazaa in order to protect users from the recent MyDoom virus. The virus spreads mostly via email but can also utilize P2P-networks (Kazaa) for self distribution.
"Users of latest versions of Kazaa are protected against MyDoom and other viruses, provided they have enabled the built-in BullGuard antivirus feature which is updated with the most recent virus definitions," says Phil Morle, Director of Technology, Sharman Networks. "The BullGuard software is free to Kazaa users and enabled automatically when the Kazaa software is downloaded. It provides advanced virus protection for peer-to-peer use."
Prevention is always better than cure and by using this feature, Kazaa users are playing a role in stopping the spread of all viruses. This has the benefit of protecting the Fasttrack peer-to-peer network, which is also licensed by several other file sharing applications.Source: Yahoo!

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2 user comments

128.1.2004 06:32

Do not fall for the load of crap! I knew they would come out with some gimic like this to get people to download the new version. From my understanding the new version of kazaa is IRAA friendly. if you download it you will regret it. If you look through the forums at the post about "suddenly i cant find any sources" or "im almost constantly qued". The reason why is because they downloaded the newer version. eventually if everyone downloads it it will be the end of kazaa. this is exactly what kazaa has agreed to do for the IRAA. Bottom line DONT DOWNLOAD IT!

228.1.2004 19:37

It's RIAA = Recording Industry Assosiation of America not IRAA

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