The Motion Picture Association of America accused ESS of braking the CSS license agreement, which prohibits microchip manufacturers from selling DVD chips to hardware manufacturers who have not licensed CSS technology. MPAA claims to having acquired and disassembled a non-licensed player which was equipped with an ESS chip.
ESS claims to be in full compliance of the CSS license, and every other agreement they have made.
Unlicensed players often have some or all DVD copy prevention mechanisms disabled or have key combinations that makes it easy to disable them. With the lack of Macrovision protection DVD content can be copied to a VCR or DVD recordable.
Source: Reuters.com
ESS claims to be in full compliance of the CSS license, and every other agreement they have made.
Unlicensed players often have some or all DVD copy prevention mechanisms disabled or have key combinations that makes it easy to disable them. With the lack of Macrovision protection DVD content can be copied to a VCR or DVD recordable.
Source: Reuters.com