Apple has responded as it was ordered to by July 31st, but the consumer watchdog believes it falls short in vital areas. Apple has acknowledged the jurisdiction of Norwegian law, has promised not to implement changes to the terms of service retrospectively to music a consumer had already purchased and will make changes more visible, Waterhouse noted.
However, he said that Apple has made little effort to respond appropriately in the area of its Digital Rights Management technology; FairPlay. "They do not even try to come close to lift the lock-in between iTunes Music Store and the iPod." he said "It seems clear to us that iTunes intend to continue their unfair practice of using the DRM as lock-in technology under the cover being [a] copy-protection only scheme."
He also had some criticism for Steve Jobs over a comment he made a few years ago. "The position they're signaling now is the direct opposite of the consumer-friendly attitude Steve Jobs put forward in 2002, when he told MacWorld that 'if you legally acquire music, you need to have the right to manage it on all other devices that you own'", he said. Jobs made those comments some months after the iPod launch and a year before iTunes launch.
"Obviously there'll be a lot of work on the DRM issue which clearly is the area where iTunes Music Store is most reluctant to offer the consumers a fair deal." Waterhouse said. The Norwegian Consumer Council does not expect the issue to be resolved soon.