Of course, the price is still too high for the average consumer to be interested in the player.
Engadget HD
qte: Of course, the price is still too high for the average consumer to be interested in the player and of course the whole betamax revisted scheme is to risky for those who value their entertainment dollars and longetivity of media usefulness to purchase one as of yet either.
This is why competition is good. It gives consumers lower prices on even new technology.
I for one will be waiting for 2 things The price to drop more and for an all-in-one solution that will play CD/DVD/HD-DVD/Blu-Ray. There is no reason any consumer should be locked into one format.
It doesn't help that even Sony have slated this player as poor. It's stock clearance of a dead 1st gen model with a bad rep. If that appeals (at a price still above HD-DVD's) then go for it.
They are all dropping the ball when it comes to encouraging consumers to make the transition DVD to HD. The vast majority of people aren't going to pay NEAR that much on a dvd player