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Google announces plans for Google Video, YouTube

Written by James Delahunty @ 26 Jan 2007 5:46 User comments (2)

Google announces plans for Google Video, YouTube Google Inc. has announced some plans for the immediate future of Google Video and YouTube. When Google bough YouTube last year, many wondered if it was the end of Google Video or if indeed, all of YouTube's content would be transfered to Google Video instead. However, Google plans to change the Google Video search engine so that now it will bring up results from Google Video and from YouTube.
Users who click on results for a YouTube video will be redirected to the video page on the YouTube site. Google's plan is to eventually have Google Video as the primary search for all video content online. "Google Video will become even more comprehensive as it evolves into a service where users can search for the world's online video content, irrespective of where it may be hosted," according to a company statement.

YouTube will remain an independent subsidiary of Google. The company said it can "envision most user-generated and premium video content being hosted on YouTube," providing a hint that YouTube will soon sell premium content like Google Video. For now, it seems Google will have to keep convincing content providers that YouTube is good for promotion of content until it can provide a means to sell premium content to YouTube's massive userbase.

Ars Technica

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2 user comments

128.1.2007 01:54

Google Video will be the cheap, search-engine driven content & results. YouTube will be the content-rich site for longer content & higher advertising revenue. Nothing extraordinary about their plans. What i'd like to see on GooTube is longer content by the Directors & keep very short videos on Google Video. That would tie in well to the search engine. They could (i know that nobody will like this) insert ads into the videos when you go to Google to do a search. But doing that on GooTube would be a huge mistake. Most people are not ready for that.

230.1.2007 07:10

I agree. And I hope they keep the adds off youtube.

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