AfterDawn: Tech news

Microsoft reduces shipping estimate for Xbox 360

Written by James Delahunty @ 26 Jan 2007 5:23 User comments (8)

Microsoft reduces shipping estimate for Xbox 360 Microsoft Corp. has reduced its shipping estimate for the Xbox 360 console. Its Entertainment and Devices division posted a $289 million (&euro223.6m) loss for the second quarter also today. The company expects to ship 12 million Xbox 360 units by the end of June, down from a previous estimate that put the figure somewhere between 13 million and 15 million shipped.
"We are just being cautious about the second half," Microsoft CFO Chris Liddell told Reuters. "There's a reasonable amount of inventory in the channel." Despite posting a $289 million loss, the Entertainment Devices division was responsible for $2.63 billion (€2.03 billion) profit during the second quarter.

Microsoft pointed to repair expenses and the recent extension of Xbox 360 warranty from 9 months to a year in the U.S. and Canada for affecting the division's profitability.


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8 user comments

126.1.2007 23:40

i don't see Microsoft fanboys jumping on this.Seem like microsoft got some build up of consoles on store selves.

227.1.2007 04:24

not really, they are just tell the truth and are not big liars like sony who tells everyone exaggerated numbers even tho the facts say otherwise.

327.1.2007 07:16

agree it is nice to some a company not lying about shipping. but i think the 360s sells are way down since both sony and nintendo entered the console race. probably retailers are cutting the amount they want on store shelves, thats why there are less 360s shipping out

427.1.2007 09:46

At least, like the others have said, Microsoft took blame and said "Hey, we are not selling as many consoles as we thought we would have, so we are giving a notice that our shipping estimates will be reduced to reflect the current market situation." At least Microsoft is doing something right, for once.

530.1.2007 06:34

WEll damn MS is getting better and better while sony is dieing a slow painfull death. I just wish the 360 was less a hodge podge of things..

630.1.2007 07:12

Wow this makes Sony look bad. MS straight out said we are not selling enough to warrant a big shipment. While sony boasts on how many they ship but not how many they sell.

75.2.2007 11:52

i got hit by lightning for spamming this fine site!!! edited by ddp

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 05 Feb 2007 @ 1:02

85.2.2007 11:57


These 'free' offers are a joke.

For the few who don't know, sign up at your peril guys.
You get nothing for nothing.

The sting might not come straight away but you can be sure it'll come some time.

I wonder what the people working this call those lists of 'contacts'?
Maybe a list of saps gullible enough to believe in freebies?
A list of easy idiot targets for their next scam?

Buy a bargain, find a cheap outlet, get a good deal - any of that stuff - but don't ever kid yourself that anything comes for free.

Cut out the wishful thinking and wake up.

Remember, the sharks are always on the prowl for the weak and vulnerable.

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