Hopefully Nintendo will release an update to fix the issues in the near future.
Not even Nintendo is safe from bugs. Let's hope the update don't take to long to arrive.
I declare bull-s*** ... I have a Wii, up to date, and have been running 480p in widescreen with no issues for several weeks. Zelda, Red Steel and all Wii channels (including browser) have given me no issue.
No Problem here. I have been running my Wii in 480p mode for nearly 2 months with no problem. However I do have a 3rd Party component cable so maybe that is the deciding factor.
Razengan, No matter who the MFG is there are always problems that arise, this doesn't mean the MFG is bad necessarily. How they handle their problems can be the big issue.
SProdigy, Just because you don't have the problem doesn't mean there isn't a problem. My guess is that they are having quality issues in the manufacturing of their component cables, it probably isn't a design issue and shouldn't be unless they have a poor design engineer. I haven't checked out their cables but use to be a design cabling solutions engineer for high end communication systems that the military and commercial businesses used, including new design technology for short throw fiber backshells. Component cabling is nothing new and if you follow the standards you won't have problems unless your production of them is flawed.
Look guys dont get upset over this stuff it very common for any new system on the market to have bugs.Why you think Sony or etc never flood the market during launch.Its much easy to fix 1.5 or 4 million compared to 15 to 20 million.Every system has bugs period.The only thing we should be worry about is how long its going to take to fix the problem or if they going to fix it at all.
Launch-day Wii, component cables, and 32" Daytek LCD TV from Costco. No problems at all. Perhaps this is fairly limited to older prog-scan CRT TVs?
I knew this i have posted several times about certain gamecube titles not running with the wii component cable i have not experianced any issues with my component cable i decided to purchase the heavy duty madcatz component cable that sells for 59.99 expensive yes but worth every pennie
i have had issues with the tv flashing after the console is off but after the last firmware update for the voting channel i haven't experianced any issues
this is BS