*cough**Joost**cough* *cough**bandwagon**cough*
Originally posted by PeaInAPod:ditto. They need to do something to keep up.
*cough**Joost**cough* *cough**bandwagon**cough*
they will force viewers to view using their own player with a secret MPAA rootkit that cripples you system as soon as you try to watch, delete, copy, paste ect, fuk... they already did that its called Vista!
network stations already do this for shows like survivor and tons of stuff. Joost wasnt the first company to start having tv channels.
CBS lets you stream them all, and i bet abc is going to be streaming too.
Ditto; ABC already has streaming set up for many of their shows, such as Lost, in SD instead of HD.
What is the buzz about Joost? TVUPlayer already does what Joost does and you don't need a "beta" invite...
Joost is like free cable, you got MTV, Warner Brothers, CBS, tons of big name media corporations signing up for Joost. Why? Because they see the future and it is Joost. Any company can host a stream of their own TV show, but go on the net and try finding a decent video (doesn't pause to stream, good video quality, etc.) of anything. Chances are you wont find one.