This is great! Added storage without having to crack the case open. Does this still leave the warranty intact?
vinny13 (Member) 30 July 2007 16:32
What exactly is the Apple TV? Is it like a recorder or something?'
Originally posted by Unfocused:Whats the point, its only 40 gig
This is great! Added storage without having to crack the case open. Does this still leave the warranty intact?
These leads to much easier access to putting the files onto your computer, so you can do whatever you'd like with them.
Maybe its just me but personally i think its easier for a noob who has a working knowlage of a screwdriver to take out the 8 or so required screws to swap the 2.5" drive.
Instead of the noob having to make sure that they have:
An ssh-enabled Apple TV. If you don’t have that enabled yet, you can refer to this post to get it enabled. For instructions on how to enable ssh without opening the case, refer to this wiki page.
An Intel-Mac or Intel-based *nix. This is needed to run the script to patch the kernel on the Apple TV remotely. It maybe possible to run the install script under Windows using cygwin. However, we have not tried this.
An installed version of Mac OS X 10.4 Intel. Or a full copy of the contents of the “/System/Library/Extensions” folder from one.
An original, unmodified copy of the ‘mach_kernel.prelink’ file from the Apple TV. If the kernel on your Apple TV has not been modified yet, you can just tell the script to get it from there. Otherwise, you can obtain the file from Apple TV Software 1.1 update available here.
An external USB drive formatted using “Journaled HFS+” with the Apple Parition Map option (which is the default). This is the format the Apple TV expects.
Anyway thats what i think.