50 is better than 30 ;)
Originally posted by chaos_zzz:- What you mean gb's in disc capcity?
50 is better than 30 ;)
Good to see this but best buy been doing this for a while now.Blu-Ray is all over the electronics area were as HD-DVD is no were to be advertise unless a customer ask for it.I see Target has made a smart choice because Best Buy is the leading HD seller so it good they are following in there footsteps who's next because it going to fall like domino s.
Report: Best Buy Sells Most Blu-ray, HD DVD Titles
Many has faith in Amazon but Best Buy sells the most Hi def electronics.So if they cater to Blu-Ray that should give people a clear picture to whats really going on in this Format war & not the twisted numbers Toshiba trying to spin on customer saying PS3 not a Blu-Ray standalone player which i find laughable,I guess not when there are 7 million sold i would discredit it also to make numbers look good.With Blu-Ray still having the most exclusive content thing are not looking good for HD-DVD even with there 150 million exclusive deal with Paramount.
As seen on this list on Amazon HD-DVD has just two movie in the top 100 selling items on Amazon where as Blu-Ray has 15.
Much hyped transformers couldn't beat out Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man chest for the highest HD selling title.
This is better for the PS3 ;)
And about the 51GB HD-DVD, that's 3 layers... Even if DL Blu-Ray discs are only 45GB, they don' need 3 layers to accomplish it. Plus, 50GBs will hardly ever be used anyways and they're only going to be more expensive just because it's triple-layered.
old news but good job target
Originally posted by NexGen76:- Well Amazon is only the 2nd largest retailer.
Many has faith in Amazon but Best Buy sells the most Hi def electronics.
Originally posted by NexGen76:- What, you mean show people that despite having between 10 - 20 times the number of Blu-ray capable devices out there
give people a clear picture to whats really going on in this Format war
Originally posted by NexGen76:- Yeah of course you do......I bet you go moaning to Canon or Pentax that they didn't include cell/mobile phone cameras in the sales numbers they release too, eh?
not the twisted numbers Toshiba trying to spin on customer saying PS3 not a Blu-Ray standalone player which i find laughable
Originally posted by NexGen76:- Actually whilst the 'HD DVD side' rightly insist on comparing like with like when talking about stand-alone sales numbers they're only too happy for the Blu-ray crowd to talk about the 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 million PS3s shipped or sold.
I guess not when there are 7 million sold i would discredit it also to make numbers look good.
Originally posted by NexGen76:- LMAO
With Blu-Ray still having the most exclusive content thing are not looking good for HD-DVD even with there 150 million exclusive deal with Paramount.
Originally posted by NexGen76:- The occasional week or two in isolation means little.
As seen on this list on Amazon HD-DVD has just two movie in the top 100 selling items on Amazon where as Blu-Ray has 15.
Originally posted by NexGen76:- We'll see, it's only out today (16th).
Much hyped transformers couldn't beat out Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man chest for the highest HD selling title.
Originally posted by vinny13:- How so?
This is better for the PS3
Originally posted by vinny13:- Er, yeah. The clue was in the name 'Triple layer'.
And about the 51GB HD-DVD, that's 3 layers.
Originally posted by vinny13:- Nobody gives a rats a$$ how the capacity is acomplished, the fact remains that it is shortly HD DVD that will be offering significantly greater capacity of the 2 formats.
Even if DL Blu-Ray discs are only 45GB, they don' need 3 layers to accomplish it
Originally posted by vinny13:- Er if you're referring to HD DVD's 51gb disc there the issue is not one of expense
Plus, 50GBs will hardly ever be used anyways and they're only going to be more expensive just because it's triple-layered.
i thin k i have this figured out.... ***removed***
Originally posted by banshee07:- Wrong.
i thin k i have this figured out.... hughjars must be an employee of the hd-dvd camp.
Originally posted by banshee07:- Awwww, what's up?
damn dog take their nuts out your mouth. you swallow mor hd-dvd jizz then anyone i know
seriously it just trying seeing your hd commercial in everything blu -ray. we get it you dont like blu ray you wanna marry hd-dvd and let us decide what format suits us.
HD-DVD get's the crap nobody wants to watch.
ie. Exclusive content - ohh yay more previews, or boy are movie commentators so much interesting then the actual movie, or woo-hoo movie out-takes that were takin' out for a reason... I wonder why they took them out?
That's all useless to 99.9% of people that buy movies to watch, well, the movie. And like you said yourself, Blu-Ray is doing better then HD-DVD with more movies in total, and no you can't minus any just because they were sold before a company dropped out... that's just BS lol
good old standard DVD for me,way cheaper bigger selection.can find them used dirt cheap anywhere.
Originally posted by banshee07:LOL, you can say that again, couldn't of said it better myself
i thin k i have this figured out.... hughjars must be an employee of the hd-dvd camp. damn dog take their nuts out your mouth. you swallow mor hd-dvd jizz then anyone i know
bluray and hd-dvd is basically the same thing... at least for the non tech-nerds. picture is basically the same as well as sound. the average person isn't gonna care about storage capacity. what they will care about is price. sure, rich people won't care about price but if HD players take off, then most of the buyers will be in the middle-class to lower-class range. and price matters alot to those people. HD-DVD over Bluray easily
but unfortunately we have an employee of hd-dvd in every blu-ray and ps3 news :P stop repeating yourself oh nvm i forgot you have a saved document on your computer for this already LMAO
LOL, i was wondering whether he had a saved document or actually spent his time rewriting the same thing in every thread.
Hilarious to see the infantile & lame personal attacks when you can't challenge the facts kiddies.
Get back to your game consoles.
Originally posted by hughjars:Face it HDDVD is dying. Why do you think the players are so cheap? Er, because nobody wants them (cost and demand). I mean come on if blu ray players were a little cheaper the sales would be double that of what they are now and they wouldn't be able to keep the players on the shelves. Not to mention Blockbuster going Blu Rray exclusive that alone is going to kill HDDVD and now target is leaning toward blu ray. Come on Hugh wake up, you sound like a broken record.
Hilarious to see the infantile & lame personal attacks when you can't challenge the facts kiddies.
Get back to your game consoles.
Originally posted by saltynuts:I'm with this guy. All you need is an upconvert dvd player and you are set. Hit up the 5$ bin at wally world or some used Dvds.
good old standard DVD for me,way cheaper bigger selection.can find them used dirt cheap anywhere.
Originally posted by OhCrap:- Hilarious.
Face it HDDVD is dying.
Originally posted by OhCrap:- Firstly because the technology is so much closer to the existing SD DVD tech & did not requite the multi-billions $ Blu-ray has needed in new plant + R&D.
Why do you think the players are so cheap?
Originally posted by OhCrap:- LMAO.
because nobody wants them (cost and demand).
Originally posted by OhCrap:- You seem to be blind to the fact that it's part of the intent behind Blu-ray to see a return to the kinds of profit margins the CE corporations 'enjoyed' when SD DVD 1st appeared.
I mean come on if blu ray players were a little cheaper the sales would be double that of what they are now and they wouldn't be able to keep the players on the shelves.
Originally posted by OhCrap:- Yeah except they didn't, did they?
Not to mention Blockbuster going Blu Rray exclusive that alone is going to kill HDDVD
Originally posted by OhCrap:- LMAO
now target is leaning toward blu ray.
Originally posted by OhCrap:- No, just challenging the idiotic BS each time it rears it's ugly head is all.
Come on Hugh wake up, you sound like a broken record.
Originally posted by hughjars:Cmon how can HD-DVD have the most Exclsive content when they have only 2 studio's that do exclusive movies for them.Universal & Paramount which really not exclusive bacause some Dream work titles
HD DVD has more exclusive movie content, by far......over 1/3 more in fact.
Then add those same 70 titles to the total number of titles available to HD DVD and
remove the 30 Paramount movies Blu-ray no longer has and the 3 Dreamworks titles
and we are left with -
Blu-ray available content = 311
HD DVD available content = 393.
HD DVD also has more available content, by far
i still think blu-ray wont loose format war... only for hd-dvd that is possible. Ps3 like it or not is blu-rays stronghold. Having blu-ray makes every ps3 owner possible blu-ray movie buyer. Even if no standalone players are sold, there is still big market for those disks. So blu-ray has pretty solid ground. Price seems to be the only thing keeping hd-dvd alive. For non-tech nerd i would see grate benefit with grater storage size... for example recording hd content to disk... when you see how mutch that takes spaces you will think even those 200gb disks arent enought =)... only reason why media industry would´t want to take bluray is because they dont like 50gb of piratet content in one disk/layer idea =)
prices pioneer blu-ray 210€ (bluray read, dvd+/-rw, cd-rw)
toshiba xbox hd-dvd 170€ hd-dvd read only
prize differense isnt so big anymore if you think about the benefit of having old standard burner =).
Originally posted by nextgen76:- Stop pretending you don't get this.
Cmon how can HD-DVD have the most Exclsive content when they have only 2 studio's that do exclusive movies for them.
Originally posted by nextgen76:- Wow, a single Spielberg movie is coming out on BD, well, that proves it eh?
Finally, yesterday's stunner of a Paramount/DreamWorks HD DVD exclusivity press release included a conspicuous one line carve-out, stating that Spielberg's DreamWorks films would be exempt from the terms of the HD DVD exclusivity arrangement, opening the door to the possible future release of more recent Spielberg blockbusters on Blu-ray.
Originally posted by nextgen76:- It seems as if every PS3 owner is asking themselves just that!
If you own the SD version why buy the HD version?
Originally posted by oappi:- Naaa, Blu-ray has hobbled itself by being far too reliant on those PS3s.
i still think blu-ray wont loose format war... only for hd-dvd that is possible.
Originally posted by oappi:- .....and also it's biggest weakness.
Ps3 like it or not is blu-rays stronghold.
Originally posted by oappi:- .....and yet as we can see from the laughable attachment rates the overwhelming majority of them resolutely are not interested.
Having blu-ray makes every ps3 owner possible blu-ray movie buyer.
Originally posted by oappi:- Which is how it's going to finish up.
Even if no standalone players are sold, there is still big market for those disks.
Originally posted by oappi:- No, you're joking.
So blu-ray has pretty solid ground.
Originally posted by oappi:
Price seems to be the only thing keeping hd-dvd alive. [/quopte]
- .....and content and a fixed and settled spec and a proper range of players and accelerating sales.
Not much eh?
Originally posted by oappi:- 50gb is your lot (er I mean 45gb).
For non-tech nerd i would see grate benefit with grater storage size... for example recording hd content to disk... when you see how mutch that takes spaces you will think even those 200gb disks arent enought
There won't be any 100gb or 200gb discs (if the movie studios aren't going to use them in millions then the costs will never fall enough to make them affordable on the street.
Wake up.
They can barely get 50gb (ooops that's really approx 45gb) to work and at an affordable price.
Originally posted by oappi:- .....and of course Blu-ray stand-alones like the S300 won't let you play BD -R or BD -RE.
only reason why media industry would´t want to take bluray is because they dont like 50gb of piratet content in one disk/layer idea
Originally posted by oappi:- Those are ROM prices.
prices pioneer blu-ray 210€ (bluray read, dvd+/-rw, cd-rw)
toshiba xbox hd-dvd 170€ hd-dvd read only
prize differense isnt so big anymore if you think about the benefit of having old standard burner =).
Blu-ray burners are all over the $500 level......and the media is as expensive as can be too.
HDDs are the most cost-effective way to back anything up atm.This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 16 Oct 2007 @ 2:46
Walmart is already starting to stock toshiba HD-DVD players in store's instead of just online. With target choosing one side it wouldn't surprise me if Walmart chose the other. Oh ya just got Transformers on HD-DVD today. Nice to have the best PQ/AQ high-def disk to date.
Why an idiot would defend Blu-ray or HD-DVD, let alone buy one is beyond me. Who cares which one holds more per disc, or is technically superiour? They both push exessive amounts of DRM on us, the consumers. HDCP compliance, BD+, and so on.
Its all a big joke.
Originally posted by club42:- Watch out for Walmart stocking their own brand of $149 HD DVD player for this X-mas.
Walmart is already starting to stock toshiba HD-DVD players in store's instead of just online. With target choosing one side it wouldn't surprise me if Walmart chose the other.
I don't think anyone expected them to immediatley take all of the HDDVDs out to their parking lot and set them on fire. I mean I'm sure they do have a few from before they became blu ray exclusive, duh.
Oh check this out Hugh:
The release of Sony's Blu-ray-enabled PlayStation 3 games console was also a factor in the decision, said Blockbuster senior vice president of merchandising Matthew Smith. Smith's comments comes after Microsoft conceded that the Xbox 360 games console may eventually support Blu-ray.
Here is the link:
Quote:90% of the items Walmart carries are crap anyway. At least target doesn't make manufactures alter their products like walmart.Originally posted by club42:- Watch out for Walmart stocking their own brand of $149 HD DVD player for this X-mas.
Walmart is already starting to stock toshiba HD-DVD players in store's instead of just online. With target choosing one side it wouldn't surprise me if Walmart chose the other.
Originally posted by subpopz:
Why an idiot would defend Blu-ray or HD-DVD, let alone buy one is beyond me. Who cares which one holds more per disc, or is technically superiour? They both push exessive amounts of DRM on us, the consumers. HDCP compliance, BD+, and so on.
Its all a big joke.
lol, who cares about blockbuster. they'll be going out of business soon enough.
more interested on who'll come out on top during the Christmas Holiday season
Originally posted by jimmer:Oh I don't know they only have over 1400 US stores. So I don't think they'll be closing up shop anytime soon.
lol, who cares about blockbuster. they'll be going out of business soon enough.
more interested on who'll come out on top during the Christmas Holiday season
I can say that after owning a ps3 and an HD DVD , i say that HD DVD is much better , here are some reasons : 1 ) Cheaper players , 2)more exclusice content ( Yes there are a lot who likes speacial features) 3) After watching Happy Feet on both Blu ray and HD DVD version....HD DVD is better . In the long run doesnt matter who wins but i believe that HD DVD is the best format .
Originally posted by OhCrap:- Why do you guys always have to lie or be so badly informed.
Companies like slysoft have already cracked the drm on blu ray and hddvd. So whats the problem? Its not like standard DVD's don't have the same problem.
Haha the public likes Blu-Ray better then HD-DVD! It's like teasing a 4 year-old.
No body wants to take the time to research a machine that plays movies. So, when these people decide to buy either or, they'll buy what sounds cooler, looks nicer, or even more expensive because some people think the higher the cost, the better the quality or something. They might not even know what could possibly be better about something that's more expensive even though they were all made for 1 purpose, which is to play HD movies. As long as they do that, they're happy.
"What will he pull out of his ass next?"
Originally posted by banshee07:enjoy a holiday on me...
i thin k i have this figured out.... ***removed***
LOCOENG, you and binkie7 have gone to work quick. Keep up the good work.
Originally posted by vinny13:- Uh huh.
No body wants to take the time to research a machine that plays movies.
Originally posted by subpopz:
Why an idiot would defend Blu-ray or HD-DVD, let alone buy one is beyond me. Who cares which one holds more per disc, or is technically superiour? They both push exessive amounts of DRM on us, the consumers. HDCP compliance, BD+, and so on.
Its all a big joke.
Originally posted by club42:- Yeah and sometimes they make a choice to go 'one format' (or sell things like 'end caps' - as Target has done) and then later reverse the decision.
Walmart is already starting to stock toshiba HD-DVD players in store's instead of just online. With target choosing one side it wouldn't surprise me if Walmart chose the other.
Sony and Blu-ray have lost their exclusivity in JBHi-Fi stores with the announcement that effective from November, the major retailer will start selling HD DVD players and content.
The big winner is Toshiba, with JB Hi-Fi Marketing Director Scott Browning conceding that it was the exclusive Paramount content deal with HD DVD that swung him over to the HD DVD format.
Back in February this year at the launch of the Blu-ray Disc Working Group, Browning said that JB Hi-Fi would only sell Blu-ray hardware and software because of the strength of the format.
But in an interview with SmartHouse today Browning said, "We have come to the conclusion that cutting the consumer out of a HD DVD opportunity was not right, as content is critical and the move by Paramount to support HD DVD exclusively influenced our decision.
In addition, Toshiba is a strong brand and we are currently selling their computer products, and will next year be selling their LCD TVs."
He added, "The dropping of the entry-level price to a HD DVD player late last week by Toshiba was not a key part of our decision. We are focused on 1080p and the HD DVD offering from Toshiba will complement our existing customer offering.
Toshiba have done a great job in expanding their CE range and we look forward to working with their team."
And after reading the whole thing, my opinion is still the same. I'm going to wait until the stupid war is over or until LG releases a $150 dual format player. I recently bought a $150 excellent UpConverting DVD player that is DiVX capable and has a USB port which I use to plug an external HD full of content. Standard DVD and DiVX look just great.
Quote:With Transformers HD-DVD now has the highest 1st day and 1st week sales of any high def release to date. Far from dead.
Face it HDDVD is dying
Well at least they have focused on their target :P