![Chat with AfterDawn.com users](https://cdn.afterdawn.fi/v3/news/1072111243749.jpg)
Channel: #afterdawn
If you need to use a Java chat application to access with your web browser, then visit http://www.adbuddies.org.
If you would like to learn how to use a proper IRC client, then you can read a guide for that at AfterDawn too.
How to connect to the AfterDawn IRC Channel:
Even though the channel is not directly affiliated with AfterDawn, that doesn't mean it has no rules. Besides following simple common sense, here are a few easy rules to abide by...
- Don't be a nuisance, or you'll be banned.
- File servers and XDCC bots are not allowed.
- Absolutely no requesting or trading anything illegal is allowed.
- Don't harass people for help. Most regulars of the channel have full time jobs and family life, which means they spent a lot of time idling. If you need help, be patient.
- Have fun!