Today, Microsoft confirmed the Family Pack is coming, but neglected to give a price.
If the leaked price is true, the Family Pack will be a significant discount from the standard price, which is $100 USD per license.
according to pcpro not in the u.k. though
we get ripped off AGAIN!
And, will it be 1/2 price for pre-sale upgrade like the single licenses are?
Here's hoping they discount those of us that have pre-ordered already.
Heres a thought 90/140$(home/premium) a winXP/vista upgrade and 15/200(home/premium) bucks outright for 3 pc keys, then 60$ for a key by itself, MS you would print money hand over fist instead of the normal and weak anal diving of this BS....
This is cool for people who pay for Operating Systems, I suppose. Linux ftw!
No matter what the price will be it will be inflated regardless.
Of course, what this article fails to mention is that this is the "upgrade" version. This time, though, there doesn't sound like there will be too much of a difference.
as may coperations use their product, they should deff. be slashing prices for the consumer.