Pokemon Soul Silver and Pokemon Heart Gold, both for the DS platform, topped the gaming charts in the country, followed by Tales of Vesperia for the PS3 and Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakkyuu Portable 4 for the PSP.
i want pokemon :(
Seriously don't hold your breath on the PS3 holding steady...lol. Give it time and it'll be considered road kill again.
Oh good verperia finally came out for the ps3. I knew it must have been a timed exclusive.
Originally posted by fgamer:Fanboys, we all know one. And if you didn't before, now you do.
Seriously don't hold your breath on the PS3 holding steady...lol. Give it time and it'll be considered road kill again.
If you look at yearly wii vs ps3 sales in 2009 compared to 2008 in japan, it's obvious that the Wii is really on a decline there. Japanese gamers have went portable and for those left that still care about home consoles, about 8.5+ million already have a Wii. The DS is cannibalizing the Wii demographic. So it's expected the PS3 will perform better. Though I doubt the PS3 will catch up in all-time sales to Wii. That's a 5 million gap. The market is portable now.
Also in every console war since PS1, it seems like the winner always turned out to be the easy to pirate system. PS1, PS2 and now Wii. I'm pretty sure this pattern won't break. Even for the so-called "core gamer", the Wii's software library is good enough and the hardware is cheap enough to justify buying it for the easy "backup" loading.
Wii isn't even worth pirating for though... I modded mine and I haven't touched it in like 6 months lol