Besides the PS3, Sony is looking to incorporate the technology into Bravia HDTVs and the Blu-ray format in general.
The other four keys were motion control, Blu-ray, PSN, and PSP-integration.
IMO 3D will sell! I would love to see 3D games. I would definitely buy more games if it was 3D.
While it could be more immersing to have a game in 3D, I can't stand going to 3D movies. They can be fun but they mostly give me a headache.
Gaming in 3D as Sony is talking about isn't going to entice me to get a PS3, I am hoping this doesn't start a trend.
Hey, the Virtual Boy did it and that was a screaming success, so why not the PS3?
I can't really see this taking off.
Very nice that they realize what advantages they have so they can build off that like the upcoming one to one motion stick or whatever.
Originally posted by nonoitall:People couldn't see mobile/cell phones taking off either.
Hey, the Virtual Boy did it and that was a screaming success, so why not the PS3?
I can't really see this taking off.
I see it being a a gimmick more than anything for this generation of consoles; the developers whine about the ps3 being hard to program for as it is I can't see them taking it upon them selves to start doing any full games in 3d.
Also does this have to be used with those 3d tv's? Or is this the old school type of 3d?
^^^ i dont think that it will require to change your tv to play a game.
I think they will start with the old way for ps3, and if there will be a ps4 they will go for the new way.
This is very strange news, i have been playing 3D on my xbox since cod4, the glasses where expensive but worth every penny there compatable with most of the big games.
I would of persummed there compatability with ps3 but guess not, am i missing something?
am sorry but 3D as implemented is a joke is not more than moving 3D foil images and twice as headache inducing, nothing short of holographic 3D will suffice and they do not want to invest in that but good lord they want to bring back 3D and then make you rent the fcking glasses.....
People couldn't see mobile/cell phones taking off either.
Quote:Cell phones have a use tho fake LSD inspired crap over your video...not so much...unless...your doped out of your friggin mind....oh what am I saying the modern consumer is doped out of their friggin minds...........Quote:
People couldn't see mobile/cell phones taking off either.
And I still don't have one. ;-)
But suffice to say this has been tried before rather unsuccessfully. This time may be different, but I doubt it.
Originally posted by nonoitall:Yeah, tech around give me headaches just thinking about it.
Hey, the Virtual Boy did it and that was a screaming success, so why not the PS3?
I can't really see this taking off.
Quote:....therefore they haven't taken off??Quote:
People couldn't see mobile/cell phones taking off either.
And I still don't have one. ;-)
Quote:Quote:....therefore they haven't taken off??Quote:
People couldn't see mobile/cell phones taking off either.
And I still don't have one. ;-)