Unfortunately Nero hasn't released the changelogs so we don't know what kind of updates or new features the Nero Multimedia Suite 10 offers. However, if you want to try it out click the link below.
Download Nero Multimedia Suite 10
So is this a bloated incoherent mess like 9 and 8?
Originally posted by ZippyDSM:Good question, nero 7 is the best in my eyes and it what I used on my pc.
So is this a bloated incoherent mess like 9 and 8?
Nero 10 already ?, version 9 hasn't been out that long, surely..
Ah well, is still fine here, though even that is hardly used compared to imgburn (free)..
Well i waited... used Nero 7 for along time, upgrading to Windows 7 64Bit give me constant errors with Nero 7, so i bit the bullet an upgraded to Nero 10...
And am pleasently surprised, its great!
Most of the crap like Nero Scout is finally gone!
Showtime has been intergrated with vision which was a nice move, and so far ave no need to install codecs, it has played everything ave thrown at it.
Nero Media Hub, plays your movies music photos etc, the indexer is still there, but as you all know it can be turned off in services.
I think Wave Editor and Soundtrax should be incorporated into the one program.
So far its shaping up nicely! ;-D
If you were contemplating purchasing this soley for the gpu accelerated function of nero xtra please read the following list of problems I have encountered thus far
Nero Vision Extra Issues
Error when using cuda with ps3 profile (when avc profile is used, no error)
Ps3 Profile settings for quality bitrate is stuck at 256 kbit/s when moving slider, and never displays actual change when moving slider
If moving the quality bitrate slider in ps3 profile to top level (256 kbit/s shown in settings) after finishing selection, the final “output file” information displays 100 kbit/s and at the lowest level will show 10 Kbit/s, even though the slider shows no change in the actual settings menu
Lc-aac 5.1 audio is stuck at 77kbs, not acceptable for this type of audio ( he-aac comes out at 73 kbs which is in the acceptable range)
All settings and profiles that do actually work are encoded as a file saved with .0001 at the end which is unrecognizable for ps3 and probably a lot of other forms of players ( If only the avchd encoding with dolby digital was recognizable by my ps3 )
Avc profile has a functioning quality bitrate slider, but when choosing to opt for the target file size the “out file” information shows 256 kbit/s and it encodes at that bitrate as well , regardless of the targeted file size inputted.
Contact with nero support is usless.
Stick with mediacoder, nero 9 would burn blu-ray disks but had no feature to play blu-ray content and they never addressed that issue, I'm almost certain none of these issues will be addressed either in nero 10 most importantly the fact that lc-aac audio is stuck at 77 kbps