About 20 Move compatible games are promised by the end of March 2011. At the conference, the first games that were shown controlled by Move were Sorcery and Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11.
Before those games were even demoed though, we did learn that Killzone 3 (due out in February 2011 for PS3) and a SOCOM 4 title will be controllable with Move too.
The conference didn't miss a chance to take some shots at competitors Microsoft and Nintendo either. Kevin Butler (fictional character in the 'It Only Does Everything' campaign) made some jabs at Kinect during an early montage of PlayStation offerings. SCEA president Jack Tretton then also took a jab at Microsoft's Cirque du Soleil performance for Kinect. "Don't worry I won't spit. You don't need any ponchos," he said.
Later in the conference, the Kevin Butler character walked out on stage and immediately took aim at Microsoft. "So am I crazy or did I see 100 French acrobats prancing around the other night?," he asked. "With PlayStation Move, your mom can make your mom jokes when she schools you at table tennis."
The Tiger Woods title will become Move-compatible through a PSN update when the system is launched in September. It will also be featured on the Move demo disc which presumably comes with the system. After the Tiger Woods demonstration, a new title called Heroes on the Move was also announced, featuring Ratchet and Clank, Jak and Daxter, and Sly Cooper.
PlayStation Move will also be promoted further through a deal with Coca Cola.
Some other titles that will be Move-compatible at launch include Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition, Time Crisis: Razing Storm, Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest, EyePet, Sports Champions and Kung Fu Rider.