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PC piracy is declining, says PC Gaming Alliance

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 22 Feb 2011 1:11 User comments (15)

PC piracy is declining, says PC Gaming Alliance The PC Gaming Alliance (PCGA), a trade body, has said this week that PC piracy continues to decline, thanks mainly to the industry's move towards digital distribution.
Says PCGA president Matt Ployhar (via Bit):

What's really interesting is piracy was largely, historically rampant when you had an optical drive or a piece of physical media. And people would go and download the crack for it.

The only PC gaming business models that existed and continued to thrive and that could continue to live were MMOs. They did really well. And then there are free to play games. You can't really pirate free to play. You can but it doesn't make a lot of sense.

So, what's happening is game design is shifting and as a result of shifting game design, piracy, at least on the PC side, is actually declining as a result. There are stats that do corroborate that.

Ployhar does note that while the rates are declining, piracy will not ever disappear.

I'm not saying that piracy is going to go away. It's fascinating to watch. For example, you get a game like Crysis that got hit hard by piracy. Now what you're seeing to combat that are developers implementing achievements, in-game pets, all of these things that are tracked and stored in the cloud. So even if you pirate the game you're still not getting the bragging rights. You've got all these additional mechanisms where the value proposition of the game, where if you pirate it, it's just not going to be as fun.

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15 user comments

122.2.2011 01:13

nope there just really hasn't been anything worth pirating.

222.2.2011 02:19

Originally posted by DXR88:
nope there just really hasn't been anything worth pirating.
My thoughts exactly.

322.2.2011 03:23

I for one have completely stopped pirating now that I can get all the games I want legally over the internet.

422.2.2011 05:05

it would go back up again if i could be bothered to replace my faulty graphics card :)

522.2.2011 11:48

The only games out right now are crappy FPS and RTS that have been hashed, rehashed, regurgitated, chewed, swallowed, crapped out, boxed up and then resold.

I think the games industry has become stagnant, and the water is beginning to stink.

622.2.2011 13:39

Said it before make a great game, people will pirate it. Make a crap game, well crap is crap and nobody wants it, not even pirates. Maybe a few, but not a lot.

722.2.2011 15:17

Originally posted by DXR88:
nope there just really hasn't been anything worth pirating.

Fallout New Vegas, NFS Hot Pursuit, Bioshock2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2 (coming) to name a few.

Now I know tastes are arbitrary but these are great selling games. But I also know that YOU (DXR88) always use the excuse for pirating movies/music that "If Hollywood didn't produce crap blah blah blah".

You need to change your mentality and find reasons to contribute.

822.2.2011 15:51

Originally posted by lissenup2:
Originally posted by DXR88:
nope there just really hasn't been anything worth pirating.

Fallout New Vegas, NFS Hot Pursuit, Bioshock2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2 (coming) to name a few."

FNV: boring, NFS Hot Pursuit: gimped PC port (no AA support, couldnt even enable vsync, no wheel support), Bioshock 2: uhh, this game is a year old, Dead Space 2: this may be the only good one, Crysis 2: we'll see...

Yea, not looking so good right now.

922.2.2011 16:38

Originally posted by lissenup2:
Originally posted by DXR88:
nope there just really hasn't been anything worth pirating.

Fallout New Vegas, NFS Hot Pursuit, Bioshock2, Dead Space 2, Crysis 2 (coming) to name a few.

Now I know tastes are arbitrary but these are great selling games. But I also know that YOU (DXR88) always use the excuse for pirating movies/music that "If Hollywood didn't produce crap blah blah blah".

You need to change your mentality and find reasons to contribute.

I'm all for downloading the full game to try(Demo's only give you the kick ass parts in the games Much like trailers show you the funniest thing in the movie)that way when i do buy a game Like Fallout 3 version 2 i don't feel cheated.

As to Music i will hold my ground and my opinion 90% of Modern Music is like dog shit stuck to the bottom of your shoe. that other 10% that i do actually like and listen to I'll usually buy the entire album(for Habits sake). i don't actually watch many movies just TV series, that usually just happen to be on.

if you don't like my veiw of things,tough shit. People Died and still die every day to give me the right to have my own opinion an announce it as i see fit.

as to the article, what it fails to mention is the slow down in game production. used to be you'd have about 5 fantastic game releases either in the first quarter or the forth quarter of the year, sometimes both. now you'll only see 5 good games in a year if your lucky. this could attribute to the decline in piracy, as well as the insanely fantastic discounts given on steam during the holiday's

1022.2.2011 17:26

i for one stopped pirating after i bought orange box and was introduced to steam. Imo it is true what DXR88 said. There are just so many games that you don't even want to try after you hear what it is about. Yea it might looks pretty, but story/idea is utter bs. Few ones that i actually buy i want to keep so i don't mind steams policy that doesn't allow to resell your games. Even better now i don't have to make backups and make raid setup because games are stored in steam and my documents in googles cloud. Only thing that i now watch out are those annoying 3rd party drm s that steam unfortunately allows in it´s service. Those are really the only reason i think about downloading full game and not buying it.

1122.2.2011 19:40

Only thing that i now watch out are those annoying 3rd party drm s that steam unfortunately allows in it´s service. Those are really the only reason i think about downloading full game and not buying it
could not agree more though thinking about it is as far as I have gotten right now.

1223.2.2011 04:37

Originally posted by oappi:
i for one stopped pirating after i bought orange box and was introduced to steam. Imo it is true what DXR88 said. There are just so many games that you don't even want to try after you hear what it is about. Yea it might looks pretty, but story/idea is utter bs. Few ones that i actually buy i want to keep so i don't mind steams policy that doesn't allow to resell your games. Even better now i don't have to make backups and make raid setup because games are stored in steam and my documents in googles cloud. Only thing that i now watch out are those annoying 3rd party drm s that steam unfortunately allows in it´s service. Those are really the only reason i think about downloading full game and not buying it.
I for one stopped buying PC games because of Steam; the increase in steam-like DRM was enough to push me onto the Sony is pushing me back to the PC...and I will be forced to download cracks for all the games I buy.

1323.2.2011 06:32

Originally posted by KillerBug:
Originally posted by oappi:
i for one stopped pirating after i bought orange box and was introduced to steam. Imo it is true what DXR88 said. There are just so many games that you don't even want to try after you hear what it is about. Yea it might looks pretty, but story/idea is utter bs. Few ones that i actually buy i want to keep so i don't mind steams policy that doesn't allow to resell your games. Even better now i don't have to make backups and make raid setup because games are stored in steam and my documents in googles cloud. Only thing that i now watch out are those annoying 3rd party drm s that steam unfortunately allows in it´s service. Those are really the only reason i think about downloading full game and not buying it.
I for one stopped buying PC games because of Steam; the increase in steam-like DRM was enough to push me onto the Sony is pushing me back to the PC...and I will be forced to download cracks for all the games I buy.
Would you mind telling why steam pushed you to ps3? I could understand if you like to sell your games after you are done with them but is there another reason? Steam-drm allows you to play your games offline so you don't have to be constantly online and if you are traveling you don't need to carry cd/dvd disks with you. I think steam´s own drm is actually kinda loose and consumer friendly. It takes away something, but it also gives something back. You can't say that is the case with many drm s. Most just take away something. Im not saying steam is right choice for everyone. Some ppl want the actually copy (+ manuals etc) as trophy of some sort and there is nothing wrong with that.

1423.2.2011 09:10

If its shrinking due to a lack of titles worth pirating.

Steam,ect is easily cracked so thats not an issue, they may offer more service but at more than retail and used price no thanks.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 23 Feb 2011 @ 9:11

1524.2.2011 08:54

Well if you ask the various industries I'm sure they would say nothing good is coming out because of $99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999.00 in lost sales just this month alone!

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