Users to the Shop Express tab of the company's Facebook Page can browse and purchase all the merchandise, just as if they were on the official site.
Adding to its normal features, users can also "like" clothing, and recommend items via posts on friend's walls.
Your account, along with real-time inventory and pricing, is synced across all of Express' sites and mobile apps, allowing for seamless shopping, says the company.
Says the company (via Mash):
Adding to its normal features, users can also "like" clothing, and recommend items via posts on friend's walls.
Your account, along with real-time inventory and pricing, is synced across all of Express' sites and mobile apps, allowing for seamless shopping, says the company.
Says the company (via Mash):
We continue to look for ways that the customer can interact with the brand on their own schedule and at their convenience, so that we bring down as many barriers as possible.