AfterDawn: Tech news

PlayBook for Sprint delayed, 10-inch model upcoming?

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 06 May 2011 2:05

PlayBook for Sprint delayed, 10-inch model upcoming?

There are two new rumors today about the RIM PlayBook, one that the Sprint 3G model has been delayed and the other that a 10-inch model of the tablet is imminent.
If accurate, the 10-inch version of the tablet will be announced at the end of RIM's BlackBerry World, while the CDMA 3G version of the Sprint tablet has been delayed indefinitely.

The Sprint device was supposed to hit May 8th, but the new release date is unknown.

Says a briefing: "The launch of the BlackBerry PlayBook Tablet has been delayed for all Dealers. The new launch date will be communicated as soon as it is available."

Sprint's 4G model is still on track for its summer release, however.

A 10-inch model of the tablet would be put in more direct competition with the iPad 2 and Xoom (in terms of size).

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