Rather than answer everyone's questions about the display individually, Sony released a huge FAQ which I have posted parts of here:
I pre-ordered the PlayStation 3D Display from a retailer that was offering a free copy of Resistance 3, but I notice that the promotion is no longer being promoted on the website. Am I still getting Resistance 3 for free?
Yes. If you pre-ordered the PlayStation 3D Display from a retailer that advertised a free copy of Resistance 3 on or before September 30, 2011, you will still be getting a copy of the game with your shipment. The offer officially ended on October 1st, 2011 and that's the reason retailers had taken down the promotion from their website.
What do I get in the box?
The 3D Display was made to play 3D games right out of the box. For the MSRP of $499.99, you get the 3D Display, one pair of 3D Glasses, MotorStorm Apocalypse Blu-ray game, and an HDMI cable. All you need to do is hook up your PS3 system and you?re ready to go.
Does the 3D Display work in normal 2D mode?
Yes. You can choose to play games and watch movies in regular high-definition 2D.
What's the difference between Active 3D technology used on the 3D Display and Passive 3D technology used on Passive 3D displays?
The most notable difference between the two is the 3D resolution. With active 3D, you get full HD 3D playback. With passive 3D, you will get half the resolution. Active 3D displays require active 3D glasses and passive 3D displays require polarized passive 3D glasses. The 3D Display supports active 3D and the highest resolution.
What 3D games are available right now on the PS3 system?
A full list of currently available 3D games is available here. Check back soon - it's updated frequently!
The specs of the TV include Edge LED backlighting and 240Hz refresh rate, two HDMI 1.4 inputs, a stereo headphone output and one component cable input.
Sony explains SimulView:
What is the advantage of SimulView?
This special two-player feature is unique to the 3D Display in that it significantly enhances two-player mode in select games. Ordinarily, two-player mode is played in split-screen format. With this unique two-player feature, each player gets their own full (2D) HD screen while wearing the 3D Glasses for the 3D Display.
Can I use SimulView with other Sony 3D TVs?
At this time, the 3D Display is the only display on the market that supports the SimulView two-player gaming feature.
What will I need to play a game with this special two-player feature?
The 3D Display, two pairs of 3D Glasses for the 3D Display, a PS3 system, a PS3 game that supports the special two-player feature, and a buddy.
What games support the SimulView feature as of launch? Will future games support SimulView?
At launch, you'll be able to play MotorStorm Apocalypse, Gran Turismo 5, Killzone 3, and Super Stardust HD. We'll have more titles to share soon.
Do both players need to use the new 3D Glasses for SimulView to work?
Yes. Each player will need to have a pair of the 3D Glasses for the 3D Display as these are currently the only 3D glasses available that support SimulView.
Do you expect that any existing games will be updated to add SimulView support?
Yes. We are continuing to evaluate all games that would be candidates for SimulView and working individually with each respective development team to determine if enabling SimulView makes sense.
Will the 3D Display work with anything other than my PS3 system?
Absolutely. While the 3D Display is optimized for any HD gaming console, it features three HD inputs (two HDMI, one component) that allow you to connect to your PS3 system, cable TV box, and PC. You can also connect your PS2 and PSP using their component video output..
What resolutions does the 3D Display support?
Any resolution up to and including 1080p (1920 x 1080 progressive scan).