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EA CEO: Next-gen consoles to be unveiled next year

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 23 Jul 2012 12:51 User comments (8)

EA CEO: Next-gen consoles to be unveiled next year Electronic Arts' CEO John Riccitiello has speculated today that both the PS4 and Xbox 8 will be unveiled next year, in preparation for either a holiday release or a 2014 release.
Riccitiello would not cite any specifics, but as the head of one of the world's largest publishers, his words carry some weight.

It has become clear that Microsoft and Sony are only worried about each other and not Nintendo, who's Wii U hardware will be released later this year and could have up to a two-year headstart on its rivals.

The CEO believes better visibility for the next-gen consoles will help slumping software sales, which have been in an extended, multi-year downtrend. Knowing which platforms they will be focusing on should help reverse the trend for publishers, adds Riccitiello.

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8 user comments

123.7.2012 13:23

With the grossly slumping performance of console endeavors, NOW would be a really good time for the PC market to jump into the market & really make a good impression.

By their own admission it's going to be 2 more years before another console comes out, which means games will continue to be reverse engineered for decayed technology, rather than continuing playing to the newer technology available.

Still, once the newer consoles arrive, those machines will probably have a 2.5/3 year shelf life before history starts to repeat itself once again.

223.7.2012 20:11

Since the Wii U is just 'playing catchup' technology-wise to the 360/PS3 (on the cheap), of course they don't really care about the Wii U.

323.7.2012 21:44

Originally posted by xnonsuchx:
Since the Wii U is just 'playing catchup' technology-wise to the 360/PS3 (on the cheap), of course they don't really care about the Wii U.

424.7.2012 05:23

no real hurry. just make more complex games. not this casual crap.

524.7.2012 13:28

Sorry but it's time for new ones. They keep evolving their current consoles with "newer slicker models" but that's about it. They need to work on their games I agree. If you want to increase the life of your console, be innovative plain and simple.

624.7.2012 14:45

Originally posted by min5sevaan:
no real hurry. just make more complex games. not this casual crap.

They have to limit most existing games to 720p or an upscaled lower resolution. so need hardware that can actually handle native 1080p for most games before they really make more complex games.

724.7.2012 15:49

The Wii U , yea sure it may have a head start, but really common , what does it actually have to offer? theres nothing new, just new games, and a new once again pathetic controller system. makes for some boring gamming. but hey fun for the 16 years old and younger.

Im pretty sure also that the ps4 and xbox 8 wont have much new to offer. Better hardware maybe, a kinect 2. and yes most likely bluray. and more expensive online play. but for actually being a "next-gen" system. no, thats what they said about the xbox 360. yea it has ok graphics, next gen is definately not just graphics or hardware. and no 3d is not next gen lol 3D is a Joke.

827.7.2012 22:56

WOW. So in like 2 more years I might buy another PS game or two. They have a lot to work on IMO. By then I might just say the heck with it all, and not even care. Good job Sony.

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