AfterDawn: Tech news

Google working on Nexus 10 with Samsung

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 09 Oct 2012 7:47 User comments (18)

Google working on Nexus 10 with Samsung

According to multiple sources, Google is currently working on the 10-inch "premium" Nexus 10 tablet with Samsung as the manufacturer.
The tablet will have a massive pixel density, higher than that of the iPad's Retina Display.

If accurate, the sources say the tablet will have a 2560 x 1,600 display and a PPI of 299. The third-gen iPad has 264 PPI and a 2,048 x 1,536 resolution.

Richard Shim, an analyst at NPD DisplaySearch, also noted that Samsung will be building the tablet, instead of Asus who built the Nexus 7. Samsung has developed some of the most popular Android devices, and worked with Google on the Galaxy Nexus, which featured Ice Cream Sandwich when it first launched.

Shim also said Google is working with Asus on a $99 tablet that will go into production in December for launch in the Q1 2013. It is unclear what kind of components will go in the tablet to keep the consumer price so low.

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18 user comments

19.10.2012 08:36

This would be the tab to get IMO. There really are only very very few tablets that a truly great. The Nexus 7 is almost there but falls short by about 3 inches.
The iPad is the only tablet that really interests me. The only one that I think is truly great and because of its maker I will never buy one.
But this... this... I'd wait in line for days in the middle of a hurricane for this!!

29.10.2012 12:47

none of these are truly great (including ipod) unless productivity can be had. if ipad is called great, the same can be applied to asus transformer prime, google nexus 7 (7" is actually great for holding while 10" is not) and so on but none of them have good office or other corporate software.

39.10.2012 13:58

Originally posted by mukhis:
none of these are truly great (including ipod) unless productivity can be had. if ipad is called great, the same can be applied to asus transformer prime, google nexus 7 (7" is actually great for holding while 10" is not) and so on but none of them have good office or other corporate software.

49.10.2012 14:05

Almost every mainstream news site I go to uses flash. I got a transformer tablet with ICS, totally awesome. Then I got nexus 7, total shit, cant use it online other than this site. Then, my transformer updates to Jelly bean, now it is total shit and can only be used on this site. Don't get me wrong, I like this site, lol, but android is now as worthless as ipad, wtf. The only device I can use now is my s2. I am going to return my transformer now, as I have no use for a device that can't do flash. They sell me a device that works great, then they F me and everyone else.

59.10.2012 14:30

I have ICS on my 3vo, and Flash still works fine o.O'...

Try the Skyfire browser; it translates flash to HTML5. It won't work for Flash games, but it will help at least a little.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 09 Oct 2012 @ 2:31

69.10.2012 14:48

lets hope they put an SD slot on this thing, I would have already bought a nexus 7 if it would have had one, HDMI would put it over the top

79.10.2012 18:23

Originally posted by seths:
Almost every mainstream news site I go to uses flash. I got a transformer tablet with ICS, totally awesome. Then I got nexus 7, total shit, cant use it online other than this site. Then, my transformer updates to Jelly bean, now it is total shit and can only be used on this site. Don't get me wrong, I like this site, lol, but android is now as worthless as ipad, wtf. The only device I can use now is my s2. I am going to return my transformer now, as I have no use for a device that can't do flash. They sell me a device that works great, then they F me and everyone else.
Umm why don't you use Firefox Beta instead of Chrome, if you are looking to play flash?

89.10.2012 20:18

would be awesome if true!

99.10.2012 21:19

there is no Flash on Jelly bean, unless u use a modified version.

1010.10.2012 14:27

Hmmm, I never even noticed flash was missing. I suppose there are still a few out there that must have it.

1110.10.2012 19:21

I just want to go back to ICS, I thought it worked pretty darn well. I have tried every browser out in the market place, I even bought skyfire pro, which is absolute garbage, but will play a flash video maybe one in ten. Firefox will play flash maybe two out of ten. It's like all we are supposed to watch online is youtube or porn, and don't get me wrong, they are both great, lol, but I am a tech news junkie.

1210.10.2012 20:13

That's exactly why the whole "Flash is buggy" argument annoys me. Maybe so, but 70-80% of video sites use Flash! And don't get me started on Flash games...

1310.10.2012 23:18

is all Adobe decision to kill Flash on Android not Google.

1411.10.2012 11:38

Originally posted by ThePastor:
Hmmm, I never even noticed flash was missing. I suppose there are still a few out there that must have it.
Same..although I guess I did notice it when my mobile Internet experience improved significantly following the death of Flash.

1511.10.2012 18:54

Fine. Now, go to Newgrounds, and try NOT using Flash =) .

Oh, wait, you can't.

Don't assume that YOUR usage is congruent with everyone else's, because it isn't. Flash is still used by a majority of sites on the internet.

1613.10.2012 09:04

Originally posted by Bozobub:
I have ICS on my 3vo, and Flash still works fine o.O'...

Try the Skyfire browser; it translates flash to HTML5. It won't work for Flash games, but it will help at least a little.

Yes, flash will work on's Jelly Bean that dropped flash...I thought I would miss it but in all honesty I haven't regretted upgrading to JB yet... :)

1713.10.2012 09:08

Originally posted by ID10Teror:
lets hope they put an SD slot on this thing, I would have already bought a nexus 7 if it would have had one, HDMI would put it over the top
Amen brother...same here. That was the deal breaker for me too....

1815.10.2012 07:25

Husband and Wife in bed reading.

Wife is reading 50 shades of grey.

Husband is reading Afterdawn.

Husband turns to wife and reads her this article.

Wife smiles and say's thats good news dear - a few inches can make
all the difference.

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