AfterDawn: Tech news

French Euromillions site hacked, Koran passage shown

Written by James Delahunty @ 29 Oct 2012 8:47 User comments (5)

French Euromillions site hacked, Koran passage shown Religion inspired defacing hits French Euromillions website.
The website was defaced on Sunday and replaced with a passage from the Koran. The passage, which condemns gambling, was shown in both French and Arabic. Koranic verses call games of chance and alcohol consumption works of the devil, that are intended to steer people away from God.

The Francaise des Jeux (FDJ) company, responsible for the Euromillion lottery in France, said other gamers were unaffected by the hack, and that no important data was compromised.

The Euromillions lottery is played in nine European countries, which jackpots that have closed in on €200 million.

FDJ said on Monday it was in the process of putting the website back online.

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5 user comments

130.10.2012 15:40


21.11.2012 19:06

Don't suppose the mass murders committed on 911 were worth a mention.

34.11.2012 00:01

I dont suppose the Koran mentions heroin / poppy production and supply , mothers killing their sons cos they didnt memorise the Koran properly , honour killings , mass murder.

Jesus - Prophet Of Peace
Mohammed - Prophet Of War

Nuff Said...

Roll on Meggido and 20/12/2012...

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 04 Nov 2012 @ 12:02

44.11.2012 01:53

dont suppose they mentioned muslim men killing there daughters for being with or having provocating thoughts about non muslim men.

55.11.2012 20:36

When do they come out with the Mohammad Scratcher... scratch Mohammad's beard off to see what you've won!

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