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Canonical shows off Ubuntu mobile OS on Galaxy Nexus

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 02 Jan 2013 2:53 User comments (5)

Canonical shows off Ubuntu mobile OS on Galaxy Nexus

As expected, Canonical has unveiled some more details about their upcoming Ubuntu mobile OS, even showing off some features running on a Galaxy Nexus handset.
The OS is built on the existing Android kernel and its drivers but will be able to use the "full power of the phone" by not using a Java Virtual Machine.

Canonical says the OS supports ARM and x86 architectures, so phone makers should have little issue adopting it.

The OS maker says Ubuntu will differentiate itself firstly with thumb gestures. Swiping in from the edges of the screen will let users switch apps or use universal search. A quick swipe from the left will bring up a small dock of your most used/favorite apps, while a full swipe from left to right opens a dock showing all your open apps. There will be more gestures added, of course.

The home page interface looks to be very different from existing mobile OSs, as well, focusing on our favorites and recently used/added content including music, contacts and apps.

Additionally, the phone will have universal search and its own Siri-esque voice assistant.

Finally, Ubuntu phones will all be dockable with a monitor, keyboard and mouse.

Ubuntu phones will be available by April 2014, and for now the Galaxy Nexus is the only officially supported device.

More information here: Ubuntu Phones

And a hands-on:

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5 user comments

12.1.2013 16:19

I like it. It is in development mode so there are expected issues of drag and many of the usual bugs. Overall, the videos show a promising mobile OS.

I wonder what this means to Google and Apple. Especially Google.

22.1.2013 18:42

What I like is that it doesn't use a virtual machine to load the OS. Even though it could be potentially less "secure" than other android based smartphone OS's.

32.1.2013 19:29

Swiping in from the edges of the screen will let users switch apps or use universal search. A quick swipe from the left will bring up a small dock of your most used/favorite apps, while a full swipe from left to right opens a dock showing all your open apps
...Already an app for that in Android...

42.1.2013 20:50

Wow just when I sold my Galaxy Nexus...


53.1.2013 12:21

Looks very interesting........

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