During that time, hard drives have gotten more efficient and larger drives, including 4TB, have become more mainstream.
A few of Blackblaze's charts:

Will the trend continue, or will corporations see an opportunity to cash in on profit margin; I wonder.
Here in the UK they're not.
Pre-flood I bought 2tb HDDs for £53, today the same drives from the same supplier are £65.
They have a way to go yet (although I did get some Buffalo 3tb drives for £75 on an offer recently, which seemed the best value I could find).
To be fair to the HDD manufacturers, the values of currencies have dropped a lot since the flood as well. If you were paying for your new hard drive with gallons of gas, grams of gold, or (LoL) bitcoins, the price would be way down.
150$ for a 4tb USB3 WD drive is not a bad deal ^0^
Yeah.......this is old news as prices went back to normal about 3 months ago if not longer.
This "report" is like reading today's paper......tomorrow.
Part of the reason for prices not following the historic curve down is that we've reached the end of the huge recording density improvements since around 2004 from the introduction of perpendicular recording. There are serious physical limitations due to magnetic grain size and how small write heads can be made and still do perpendicular recording at greater densities.
For that reason, Seagate has introduced Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) which increases densities but has serious write penalties. WD has introduced helium-filled drives which allow it to stuff more platters into the drive. The future for HDDs will be one of serious tradeoffs in cost vs. performance.