Dotcom was able to get the DDoS to stop by pretty much bribing the attackers with potentially lifetime free vouchers to Mega's encrypted cloud service.
The Mega founder sent out 3000 free subscriptions that normally cost $99 each, so that he could get back to gaming and so that Lizard Squad would not attack the networks again in the future.
Thanks @KimDotcom for the vouchers--you're the reason we stopped the attacks. @MegaPrivacy is an awesome service.
-- Lizard Squad (@LizardMafia) December 26, 2014
Obviously, diplomacy works. I recommend that the U.S. Government gives it a try. #MakeLoveNotWar #UseMegaVouchers
-- Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) December 26, 2014
Remember... Lizard Squad only gets the benefit of free Mega premium accounts if they don't attack Xbox Live & PSN again. #ThatsTheDeal
-- Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) December 26, 2014