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Adele cold on music streaming, bemoans the decline of CDs

Written by James Delahunty @ 01 Dec 2015 9:41 User comments (4)

Adele cold on music streaming, bemoans the decline of CDs Music streaming services are probably the future, but Adele clings to the past when it comes to the consumption of music.
The superstar's new album, 25, is only available to stream via Pandora as she continues to snub several major platforms that consumers turn to for their music needs. She's not the first major music artist to be cold on music streaming and she won't be the last, but at least she is acknowledging that music streaming is "probably" the future.

In an interview with Rolling Stone, the artist reveals she isn't a subscriber of any of the music streaming services, and she really prefers having music on CDs.

"It probably is the future, but, eh," she said. "There are kids I know who are, like, nine who don't even know what a f**king CD is! I've got my CDs out on display in my house just to prove a point. Maybe CDs will have a massive comeback like vinyl did."

She probably shouldn't hold her breath on that one. While CDs are certainly better than the Destiny's Child cassette tapes she still owns, they are fragile, prone to scratching and damage and who didn't have a CD player laser slowly wither and die on them more than once? Even worse, they take up space!

Maybe people will collect them like Vinyls at some point, but it's hard to imagine the same vintage quality applied to CDs as Vinyl. I stand to be corrected.

In the meantime, Adele and the music firms she is associated with have the right to distribute her music whatever way they wish, but music streaming services are only likely to evolve and appeal more to consumers.

Read the full interview with Rolling Stone:

Tags: Adele
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4 user comments

12.12.2015 15:43

A CD is a terrible medium. Anyone who still buys CD's is ripping and storing digitally as well. CD's require manufacturing and shipping and all sorts of overhead involved in that piece of plastic that is ripped and forgotten.
She might have a good argument when it comes to streaming, but streaming is just defense against pirating. Streaming is the new "radio". That's what she needs to figure out.

24.12.2015 07:52

She's so stupid. It's like these artists have no grasp of technology and because they don't really understand it, they shy away from it. All she is doing is missing out on money. It's the same thing JK Rowling did for years by refusing to have her harry potter books legally distributed as ebooks. People made their own copies because they were simply unavailable in the medium they preferred. I don't doubt she lost out on millions. Thing is, she already had so much money by then she didn't give a crap.

34.12.2015 09:44

Nowadays there really isn't any advantage to buying cds and ripping them. Unless you are an audiophile or something. Now, they offer digital music at very high bit-rates. Gone are the days 128kbps. Well, Amazon does anyway.
I am sure she was offered huge $ from Pandora for exclusive streaming rights. And what about YouTube? Many people go to YT to "Listen" to their fav music they don't own. Come on Adele, let's get real. Not allowing your music to be accessible as much as possible to your fans is not putting your fans first. You are putting yourself first.

46.12.2015 11:50

English is not my native language.
Do you like the Beatles? If you want to listen them in stream, you must subscribe to compulsorily at Apple, and so on.

There is another problem. With the end of owned CDs, DVDs, BluRay, etc., in a not too distant future, a large portion of music and movies that are not part of the list of stream services, are doomed to digital limbo in which the Internet is turning. We are heading toward a monoculture, simple puppets.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 06 Dec 2015 @ 11:51

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