AfterDawn: Tech news

Uber rival Didi denies U.S. IPO

Written by Andre Yoskowitz @ 16 May 2016 11:08 User comments (6)

Uber rival Didi denies U.S. IPO

Didi Chuxing, China's leading ride-hailing app company, has denied it plans to go public in the U.S. next year.
Multiple sources reported yesterday that the Uber rival was preparing to IPO in the U.S. in the next 18 months following a large fundraising campaign that included Apple's recent $1 billion investment.

"We currently have no IPO plan, so there's no point of talking about location or schedule,"
a spokesperson for Didi said in an announcement today, shutting down any talks of an IPO (for now).

Didi currently leads Uber in China, and the company claims 14 million drivers and 300 million active users. Didi offers taxi service, private cars, bus services and more.


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6 user comments

117.5.2016 13:34

This country REALLY needs to distance itself from the Chinese. Nasty government!

218.5.2016 06:43

Originally posted by hearme0:
This country REALLY needs to distance itself from the Chinese. Nasty government!
Some could really deem your remark as racist. "The Chinese"

318.5.2016 08:33

Originally posted by hearme0:
This country REALLY needs to distance itself from the Chinese. Nasty government!
You have any idea how many people across the world hold similar views about the US? Unlike in the US they DO get things done, good, bad or indifferent.

418.5.2016 09:02

Can there be at least one post on this site that doesnt turn into various governments, foreign or domestic, shaking their big d#@k stick.

518.5.2016 17:37

Originally posted by adre02:
Originally posted by hearme0:
This country REALLY needs to distance itself from the Chinese. Nasty government!
Some could really deem your remark as racist. "The Chinese"
Those "some" would be senseless morons with heinous decision-making abilities.

What would be the more appropriate way to refer to the Chinese? The Asians? That narrows it down to a third of the world.

Those "some" are likely to think that referring to those from Mexico as "Mexicans" is racist too.........NOT

You and the "some" should rethink your political correctness.
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 18 May 2016 @ 5:38

618.5.2016 21:09

Originally posted by hearme0:
Originally posted by adre02:
Originally posted by hearme0:
This country REALLY needs to distance itself from the Chinese. Nasty government!
Some could really deem your remark as racist. "The Chinese"
Those "some" would be senseless morons with heinous decision-making abilities.

What would be the more appropriate way to refer to the Chinese? The Asians? That narrows it down to a third of the world.

Those "some" are likely to think that referring to those from Mexico as "Mexicans" is racist too.........NOT

You and the "some" should rethink your political correctness.

I really do not care what you write, it holds true that some could deem it as racist or borderline racism. And quit putting my choice of words in quotes. Many would look at that and think racism yet many will not. It was a suggestion. I for one am not calling you a racist. I have read many of your post for years and you have not appeared to be one hence the reason I left my post.

There are other ways to construct the sentence so it doesn't come off that way, people of Chinese heritage or better those of Chinese ethnic descent?

Just a suggestion. Pull your panties out of that wedge.

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