AfterDawn: Tech news

Netflix responds to North Korea's streaming 'competitor'

Written by James Delahunty @ 25 Aug 2016 9:19 User comments (6)

Netflix responds to North Korea's streaming 'competitor' Netflix responded this week to the reported launch of a new set top box and streaming service in North Korea, called 'Manbang'.
According to reports, the new STB and service in the country only really offers TV channels from state controlled media, and it's not clear whether it actually offers anything on demand at all.

The name of the new service, Manbang, has understandably raised eyebrows, but apparently it translates to "everywhere" in Korea. Earlier this week, Netflix told Business Insider that they are "bummed we didn't think of that name first."

Furthermore, Netflix went on to edit its Twitter bio to one that may be approved by the DPRK regime.


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6 user comments

125.8.2016 23:26


What an F U to the N. Koreans. XD

226.8.2016 19:24

Didn't know that Kim Jong Un was gay, LOL, jk.

This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 26 Aug 2016 @ 7:24

326.8.2016 21:44

Originally posted by ivymike:
Didn't know that Kim Jong Un was gay, LOL, jk.
That's why he is so obsessed with missiles and the NK Navy.

426.8.2016 21:47

But do they actually WORK??? Most of his missile tests end in failure, LOL.

528.8.2016 16:29

Actually, yes, they DO work now. You should probably also check out our own history of booster failures, before you make too light of the dire reality: North Korea has nukes, and now a launch vehicle to mount them on.

631.8.2016 08:29

Originally posted by Bozobub:
Actually, yes, they DO work now. You should probably also check out our own history of booster failures, before you make too light of the dire reality: North Korea has nukes, and now a launch vehicle to mount them on.
Although it is still unconfirmed if they have nukes small enough to mount on the vehicle. I guess they could always drop nukes from their unicorns.

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