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Microsoft's Paint app faces axe

Written by James Delahunty @ 24 Jul 2017 9:04 User comments (8)

Microsoft's Paint app faces axe

Microsoft's iconic Paint application is coming to the end of its development, having been available in Windows since 1985.
The application provides for basic computer graphics editing and has been available with all consumer Windows operating systems, with marginal improvements with each iteration.

Its simplistic nature made it one of the most used Windows applications ever, but now it's days are numbered.

Paint has shown up on a list of Windows 10 features that will either be removed, or will no longer be developed. The list was issued as part of the Windows 10 Fall Creators update.

The successor to Paint - Paint 3D - will still be available for sure.

Other popular apps that face the axe are Outlook Express and Reader.

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8 user comments

124.7.2017 23:57

Paint changes names the world ends....

225.7.2017 13:52

They've already announced, after some outcry, that they will keep it as a Windows Store app.

All I can say is, "WTF are they thinking?!" Try taking a screenshot w/o Paint, if you don't own an equivalent program (which is quite common), as an easy example. Have fun!

325.7.2017 15:18

Originally posted by Bozobub:
They've already announced, after some outcry, that they will keep it as a Windows Store app.

All I can say is, "WTF are they thinking?!" Try taking a screenshot w/o Paint, if you don't own an equivalent program (which is quite common), as an easy example. Have fun!

I agree. Screenshots and Paint go hand-in-hand.

As for Paint3D.......what a lame and useless gimmick

425.7.2017 16:51

Originally posted by hearme0:
Originally posted by Bozobub:
They've already announced, after some outcry, that they will keep it as a Windows Store app.

All I can say is, "WTF are they thinking?!" Try taking a screenshot w/o Paint, if you don't own an equivalent program (which is quite common), as an easy example. Have fun!

I agree. Screenshots and Paint go hand-in-hand.

As for Paint3D.......what a lame and useless gimmick
Its paint with sketchup bascily....well MSs version...

525.7.2017 19:20

Originally posted by Bozobub:
They've already announced, after some outcry, that they will keep it as a Windows Store app.

All I can say is, "WTF are they thinking?!" Try taking a screenshot w/o Paint, if you don't own an equivalent program (which is quite common), as an easy example. Have fun!
Done! Took me about 15 seconds to take the screenshot and post on here and I didn't have to put in Paint and crop it either. Then again, it doesn't take very long to crop it so I didn't accomplish too much. LOL RIP Paint.

626.7.2017 03:43

Originally posted by fb2075:
Originally posted by Bozobub:
They've already announced, after some outcry, that they will keep it as a Windows Store app.

All I can say is, "WTF are they thinking?!" Try taking a screenshot w/o Paint, if you don't own an equivalent program (which is quite common), as an easy example. Have fun!
Done! Took me about 15 seconds to take the screenshot and post on here and I didn't have to put in Paint and crop it either. Then again, it doesn't take very long to crop it so I didn't accomplish too much. LOL RIP Paint.
After arrival of built-in Snipping Tool, Paint is no longer required for a screenshot, IMHO. However, Paint still has importance if you want to convert one pic format to the other, and get some basic photo editing done without 3rd party and/or web-based applications (I have used Paint for PNG => BMP a few days ago, meh).
This message has been edited since its posting. Latest edit was made on 26 Jul 2017 @ 3:45

730.7.2017 00:59

There's a fun History of Paint video on YouTube:

831.7.2017 13:49

Paint ain't dead,it just won't be included in future gen os's as already stated.However they have instead added 3D at the end of its name & included this new & improved version with windows *que Dr Evil Pout*

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