AfterDawn: Tech news

Another massive data leak: Over 2 billion accounts and passwords

Written by Matti Robinson @ 01 Feb 2019 2:34

Another massive data leak: Over 2 billion accounts and passwords

Earlier this year, we reported about a massive collection of data breaches which totaled 773 million account details. Now there's a leak which is three times as big.
The previous one was called "Collection #1", and now HPI university (Hasso-Plattner-Institut) has released a tool to check if you have been breached in Collections #2 to #5.

These four new databases consist of 2.2 billion unique login and password entries. The collections were shared in BitTorrent networks and sized over 800 gigabytes.

Much of the data comes from large known data breaches, such as Yahoo's breach and Dropbox leaks, although it is impossible to say what leak is responsible for what portion as there is just simply too much data.

The Collection #1 breach checkup tool can still be found at the Have I been Pwned? website. HPI email checkup for Collections #2 - #5 can be found here.

Neither of the tools collect any data, they simply search for entries in the collections corresponding to your email address.

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