AfterDawn: Tech news

Electric vehicles must make artificial noise in the EU

Written by James Delahunty @ 02 Jul 2019 2:53

Electric vehicles must make artificial noise in the EU Electric vehicles and other forms of low emission cars are typically quiet in operation, which poses some risks to pedestrians.
From this week, all new electric vehicles sold in the European Union must be equipped with a device that sounds like a traditional engine. It must sounds when reversing or travelling below 12MPH, which is the quietest they typically would operate.

By 2021, all electric cars will have to feature an acoustic vehicle alert system (Avas), not just newly sold models.

Charity Guide Dogs had already complained that electric vehicles pose risks as they can difficult to hear approaching, and said that while it welcomes the changes, all EVs should have to emit a noise at any speed.

The UK government is hoping to stop the sale of all vehicles running on petrol or diesel by 2040.

Source: BBC News

Tags: EU
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