AfterDawn: Tech news

Spotify now offers three free months for Premium subscribers

Written by Matti Robinson @ 23 Aug 2019 12:52

Spotify now offers three free months for Premium subscribers

Spotify is by far the largest streaming music platform in the world. However, in the U.S. Apple has closed the gap, and according to some reports even passed Spotify.
Worldwide the battle isn't really even close, and, in fact, the gap has gotten wider in favor of Spotify since Apple Music launched. Nevertheless, the Swedish music powerhouse is feeling the pressure, for sure.

Perhaps one way this is materializing is the new policy Spotify just announced. The company is copying one from Apple's playbook, and is now offering three-month free period at the start of one's Premium subscription.

Not that it is an Apple only strategy, Spotify has previously offered all kinds of trial periods, and perhaps even a 90-day one for a period of time. However, from yesterday onward this is the de facto policy.

There are some exceptions, though, at least in the beginning. For now, the free three months only applies to default individual subscriptions as well as a student subscription.

Spotify did say, that they are bringing the same benefit to Duo and Family subscriptions soon.

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