AfterDawn: Tech news

News written by James Delahunty (November, 2010)

AfterDawn: News

Cameron has big tech plans for East London

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 11:32

Cameron has big tech plans for East London Prime Minister of Great Britain, David Cameron, is set to announce big plans for establishing East London as one of the world's great technology centers.

Looking to spur the creation of private sector jobs to make up for public sector losses due to state spending cuts, British Prime Minister David Cameron has identified the tech industries as a safe bet for government backing and investment in the UK.

Later today, he is expected to announce that the likes of Facebook and Google are set to invest in the East London Tech City plan. He wants the area, which include Olympic Park, to give Silicon Valley a run for its money over the coming years.

"Right now, Silicon Valley is the leading place in the world for hi-tech growth and innovation," Cameron will say in a speech to businesses and entrepreneurs. "But there's no reason why it has to be so predominant. Our ambition is to bring together the creativity and energy of Shoreditch and the incredible possibilities of the Olympic Park to help make east London one of the world's great technology centres."

He will report that the response from international technology firms and venture capitalists to the plan has been overwhelming, and announce several firms that have agreed to invest in the area, including Intel, Cisco and BT.

AfterDawn: News

YouTube removes Islamic cleric's radical videos from service

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 11:32

YouTube removes Islamic cleric's radical videos from service Following the discovery of viable bomb materials hidden in parcels destined for Chicago, YouTube has decided to remove videos featuring an American-born radical cleric.

Anwar al-Awlaki reportedly appeared in over 700 videos available on the YouTube, the world's largest video hub, which amounted to a total of 3.5 million views. He was recently charged in absentia in Yemen with incitement to kill foreigners after the discovery of U.S.-bound explosives.

Following the developments, YouTube repeatedly received calls from British and American officials requesting that the cleric's videos, which often contained calls for a holy war, be removed from the service. In September 2008, YouTube already changed its policies, banning the upload of videos "that incite others to commit violent acts, videos on activities such as how to make bombs and footage of sniper attacks."

However, YouTube's system depends on users actually reporting videos that do not adhere to the upload guidelines. US Congressman Anthony Weiner, a Democrat from New York, who has dubbed al-Awlaki as the "bin Laden of the Internet," wrote to YouTube requesting that the site move to rid itself of the cleric's message.


AfterDawn: News

Dell buys up Boomi cloud company

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 11:31

Dell buys up Boomi cloud company Dell has announced a deal to buy a cloud-computing company after it recently lost a bidding war with Hewlett-Packard for cloud firm 3Par.

Dell has been eager to buy into cloud computing, which allows users to access files, services, software and all kinds of other content remotely using the Internet. All around the world, businesses are turning to the cloud for solutions to cut costs on servers and local software licenses, and all the big tech companies want a piece of the action.

Dell, the world's third largest computer maker, said that Boomi would help businesses reap the full benefits of cloud computing. "Twenty-six years ago we helped accelerate the move to client-server computing," said Steve Felice, president of Dell's consumer and small and medium-sized businesses division.

"Today we'll help drive a similar transformation with customers turning to the cloud to drive costs down and innovation up."

AfterDawn: News

Ofcom threatens UK telecom firms over bills

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 11:31

Ofcom threatens UK telecom firms over bills UK communications regulator Ofcom has threatened two telecom firms over bogus bills they had demanded customers pay up.

TalkTalk and Tiscali were threatened with fines by the regulator after they had billed customers for services that were canceled previously. Over 1,000 consumers contacted Ofcom complaining that they received agressive demands from the two providers for the payment of bills they didn't owe to them.

TalkTalk bought Tiscali last year and has blamed a new billing system that was introduced since for the billing errors. Tiscali customers on seven different billing systems are slowly being integrated with TalkTalk's own customer database.

Ofcom has warned that many thousands more customers may have been billed wrongfully. TalkTalk said this problem should not arise again after it fixed problems with the billing system that will now stop it from producing spurious bills for customers who have left the services.

"TalkTalk Group has co-operated fully with Ofcom's investigation and we apologise for the inconvenience caused to this limited group of former customers," the company said.


AfterDawn: News

Samsung Galaxy S handset is first Wi-Fi Direct certified smartphone

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 10:22

Samsung Galaxy S handset is first Wi-Fi Direct certified smartphone Samsung certain likes to be the first a lot, like when it had the first DivX-certified handset, and now the company has done it again.

With the Wi-Fi Alliance just starting to certify Wi-Fi Direct devices last week, Samsung's GT-I9000 handset has already been listed on the Wi-Fi Alliance website as Wi-Fi Direct certified. A lot of modern-era Wi-Fi devices are capable of becoming Wi-Fi Direct certified, most likely through system updates as there is no hardware change in the protocol.

That is likely how the Samsung handset will become Direct-capable, a firmware update of some sort.

Wi-Fi Direct allows compatible devices to communicate with each other using Wi-Fi but without the need for a wireless access point or wireless router. This functionality could be added to a lot of existing smartphones on the market with system updates if the manufacturers follow Samsung's lead.

AfterDawn: News

Firm finds 88 serious security flaws in Android 2.2

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 10:22

Firm finds 88 serious security flaws in Android 2.2 A security firm researching the safety of the mobile Android operating system has discovered a long list of security bugs, with at least some being thought of as a serious risk.

In a report, security firm Coverity claims to have identified several hundred bugs in the Android operating system. The researchers scoured over 60 million lines of open source code in their Coverity Scan Open Source Integrity Report, including the Android OS source used with the HTC Droid Incredible.

In total, 359 bugs were discovered by the team, with 88 of them categorized as being a "high risk". Coverity praised Android for having a lower density of bugs per thousand lines of code than average open source software, but said it had a higher bug density than the Linux kernel. Some of the bugs, it argues, should have been caught before release.

All Android distributions are different in some way or another, but it is thought that most Froyo-based Android phones will be vulnerable to the discovered bugs.


AfterDawn: News

Unknown Internet Explorer bug exploited in attacks

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 10:22

Unknown Internet Explorer bug exploited in attacks A previously unknown Internet Explorer bug has been used in target attacked online, security researchers warned today.

An unidentified website has been breached by the unknown attackers, who injected code that can exploit a flaw in the Internet Explorer browser. The perpetrators sent e-mails to selected individuals who were part of targeted organizations, luring them to the hacked webpage.

If the user was running Internet Explorer 6, or Internet Explorer 7, they may have been infected with a backdoor trojan. No user intervention would have been required for the malware to be delivered if the flaw was exploted successfully. Internet Explorer 8 "might" be technically vulnerable to the flaw, but the browser's built-in Data Execution Protection (DEP) would cause the webpage to crash instead.

"Looking at the log files from this exploited server we know that the malware author had targeted more than a few organizations," Symantec reported. "The files on this server had been accessed by people in lots of organizations in multiple industries across the globe."

The flaw lies in IE's handing of Cascading Style Sheets. The browser under-allocates memory, allowing data to be overwritten in memory vtable pointers. This can allow an attacker to inject code and execute it.


AfterDawn: News

Supreme Court Justices probe violent games law

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 9:44

Supreme Court Justices probe violent games law As reported during the weekend, the Supreme Court started examining legislation from California that would make the sale of violent video games to minors illegal.

The Schwarzenegger vs EMA case landed in the highest court in the United States and the reaction of the court can only fairly be described as very critical. Justice Antonin Scalia in particular had a lot of questions to ask the California attorney general, who was arguing for the law previously declared unconstitutional by a lower court.

"I am concerned with the First Amendment, which says Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech," Scalia said. "It was always understood that the freedom of speech did not include obscenity. It has never been understood that the freedom of speech did not include portrayals of violence. You are asking us to create a whole new prohibition. What's next after violence? Drinking? Movies that show drinking? Smoking?"

Scalia also took issue with the use of the term "deviant violent videogames" used by proponents of the law. "As opposed to what? A normal violent videogame?" asked Scalia. "Some of the Grimm's fairy tales are quite grim, to tell you the truth... Are you going to ban them too?" he added.


AfterDawn: News

Google Street View 'broke UK laws'

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 7:10

Google Street View 'broke UK laws' UK Information Commissioner Christopher Graham has revealed in a statement that Google Inc. broke UK laws by intercepting payload data from wireless networks while photographic UK streets.

Google recently admitted that regulators around the world found passwords and entire e-mails in the payload data it accidentally retrieved from wireless networks. Investigations are ongoing in Italy, France, Germany, Spain and Canada over the privacy breach.

"There was a significant breach of the Data Protection Act when Google Street View cars collected payload data as part of their wi-fi mapping exercise in the UK." Graham said in a statement.

"The Commissioner has rejected calls for a monetary penalty to be imposed but is well placed to take further regulatory action if the undertaking is not fully complied with." The ICO is requiring Google to destroy the data collected in the UK when it becomes legally possible to do so.

Google's Global Privacy Counsel Peter Fleischer apologized to UK Internet users for the mistake. "We are profoundly sorry for mistakenly collecting payload data in the UK from unencrypted wireless networks," he said. "We did not want this data, have never used any of it in our products or services, and have sought to delete it as quickly as possible."

AfterDawn: News

Turkey to ban YouTube again?

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 7:10

Turkey to ban YouTube again? Just days after it was widely reported that Turkey had ended a two year ban on YouTube in the country, it now seems likely that Turkish Internet users will be blocked from accessing the site again.

Access to YouTube had been blocked since May 2008 until just a few days ago due to videos uploaded by users deemed to be offensive to Turkey's founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. On Saturday, a court in Ankara lifted the ban when the video disappeared from the site.

YouTube was quick to point out that it had not removed the video at Turkey's request. Instead, a German firm had utilized Google tools that are provided to tackle copyright infringement on the website to get it automatically removed. The video has now appeared once again on the popular video sharing website because the company found the copyright claim to be bogus.

A Turkish court has now ruled that the ban should be re-instated, but not because of the original "insulting" videos. This time, the Turkish authorities are mad about a video which allegedly shows the former chairman of the opposition, Deniz Baykal, in a bedroom with a female aide.

Telecommunications Board spokeswoman Guleser Aykara said that the board was notified of the court ruling on Tuesday and that it would make a decision by Thursday on whether or not to implement the ban. "We will first check if the undesirable content still remains on the website," Aykara told Reuters.


AfterDawn: News

News Corp. warns MySpace over losses

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 7:10

News Corp. warns MySpace over losses News Corp. has sent a warning out to its social networking site MySpace that its continued losses have become a serious problem.

"We've been clear that Myspace is a problem," News Corp. chief operating office Chase Carey said during a conference call. "The current losses are not acceptable or sustainable. Our traffic numbers are not going in the right direction."

MySpace has had to present itself as a hub for musicians and their fans as Facebook has increasingly out-grown it. News Corp. bought MySpace in 2005 for $580 million, and the company now counts about 100 million users worldwide.

Facebook, on the other hand, now counts over 500 million worldwide users and the sites phenomenal growth seems set to continue for the time being. Carey said that News Corp. had been encouraged by a recent relaunch of the MySpace service but that it now needed to make a clear path to profitability.

"We need to make real headway in the coming quarters," he said.

AfterDawn: News

Record label abandons net piracy cases after BT deletes data

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 7:10

Record label abandons net piracy cases after BT deletes data The Ministry of Sound has been forced to abandon targeting thousands of alleged music pirates in the UK after BT deleted most of the data it was seeking.

Solicitors for the record label had been trying to force BT to hand over subscriber information from gathered IP addresses to identify music sharers. Those users would then be contacted and offered a chance to settle a case to avoid going to court.

BT had delayed handing over subscribers details as it demanded to know exactly how the user information would be used and stored. However, BT has since deleted over 80 percent of the data that the solicitors were seeking. Ministry of Sound's solicitors said that BT had deleted 20,000 of the 25,000 requested details. The ISP says it was only complying with data retention policies.

"The Ministry of Sound and its solicitors are well aware of this," said a spokesperson for BT. "Upon request from Ministry of Sound, we saved as much of the specific data sought as we reasonably could and any not preserved must have been too old."

Despite the setback, Ministry of Sound says it remains committed to targeting uploaders of its music on file sharing networks. "We will be making further applications for information from all ISPs," Ministry of Sound CEO Lohan Presencer said.


AfterDawn: News

WiGig, VESA to collaborate on wireless DisplayPort

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 7:10

WiGig, VESA to collaborate on wireless DisplayPort The Wireless Gigabit Alliance, or WiGig, has announced a partnership with the Video Electronics Standards Association (VESA), promising to deliver next generation wireless DisplayPort.

VESA and the WiGig Alliance will share technology expertise and specifications to develop multi-gigabit wireless DisplayPort capabilities. A certification program for wireless DisplayPort products will be developed in parallel.

The ability to connect PCs and handhelds to monitors, projectors and HDTVs wirelessly is highly desired among consumers and IT users. The WiGig-VESA collaboration will deliver a wireless display capability with image quality and I/O experience equal to that of wired interfaces.

"As a high-quality content creator in Hollywood, it is exciting to see the innovative solutions being offered by advanced wireless technology to fulfill the ever-increasing demand for anywhere, anytime content consumption," said Jeffrey Katzenberg, CEO of DreamWorks Animation.

"WiGig technology is a perfect match for DisplayPort since it provides the multi-gigabit bandwidth, packet architecture and bi-directional I/O capabilities needed to support the DisplayPort v1.2 feature set and beyond," said Bruce Montag, VESA chairman.


AfterDawn: News

Microsoft expects 5 million Kinect sales over holidays

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 6:16

Microsoft expects 5 million Kinect sales over holidays Microsoft has raised its three million holiday sales prediction of the new Kinect motion sensing system to five million following stronger-than-expected presales figures.

The $150 device that allows a user to control an Xbox 360 and its games software with movements and voice commands is set to go on sale at midnight in over 30,000 stores in the United States. It comes into a market dominated by the Nintendo Wii console and on the heels of Sony's PlayStation Move system for the PS3.

Industry figures hope that the new motion control systems will help to spark more life into the $60 billion industry following a slump brought on by the global recession. Microsoft's prediction of Kinect's success this holiday season, if true, could potentially add up to $750 million in revenue for the Redmond-based giant for the quarter.

"Presales have exceeded expectations," said Mattrick. "People are coming to us and saying this is must-have holiday item." Mattrick has warned that the company expects supply shortages throughout the holidays. "We're anticipating that some of our partners will be sold out at points of time this holiday, and that's something we'll do our best to work through," he said


AfterDawn: News

Facebook: Third party apps shared user data

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 6:16

Facebook: Third party apps shared user data Facebook has admitted to two U.S. congressmen that third-party applications have shared user data with other companies, and promised to fix the problem.

Republican Congressmsan Joe Barton and Democratic Congressman Edward Markey had written a letter to Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg about reports that third-party applications were sharing user information with other companies. Facebook Vice President Marne Levine responded in a letter, released on Wednesday, and confirmed that some apps have violated the social networking site's policies by sharing user data.

"We have taken enforcement action against the applications in question, and steps to ensure the deletion of the Facebook user data that was improperly transferred," Levine wrote. The Wall Street Journal had previously reported that Farmville and other popular applications on Facebook were transmitting user IDs to outside parties, while Facebook has also revealed that a handful of applications intentionally shared information with a data broker.

"The third-party data broker in question has also agreed not to operate on Facebook Platform in the future," Levine wrote.


AfterDawn: News

ITC staff sides with Nokia in Apple patent dispute

Written by James Delahunty @ 03 Nov 2010 6:16

ITC staff sides with Nokia in Apple patent dispute Nokia has gotten a boost in a patent infringement case involving Apple Inc., as staff at the International Trade Commission finds that the company did not violate the iPhone-maker's patents.

The investigative staff at the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) made its opinion clear in a brief submitted on Monday. The staff finding has equal standing before the commission's administrative law judge with statements by other parties arguing their own cases, according to an ITC spokeswoman.

The judge is not required to follow staff advice. The spat between both companies started when Nokia filed suit against Apple in October 2009 in a U.S. district court. The Finnish giant said that the iPhone infringed 10 patents it held. Apple countersued Nokia, and both companies later filed cases with the ITC.

Apple is asking the ITC to halt imports of Nokia devices that it claims infringes on its intellectual property. The judge will provide a ruling, expected by February 2011, and then the ITC will vote whether to follow the judges ruling in the case.


AfterDawn: News

Blekko search engine uses human filter

Written by James Delahunty @ 01 Nov 2010 1:35

Blekko search engine uses human filter A well-backed Silicon Valley company is launching a test version of a new search engine that it says adds a human touch to the process.

Blekko claims that the Internet has become increasingly populated with spam-like websites that have been specifically designed and optimized for good performance through Google's services. Such websites have content heavier on marketing pitches than substantive information, according to the company.

Blekko Chief Executive Rich Skrenta said that the key to eliminating this problem is to narrow searches to groups of websites that have been approved by people. This almost seems like a step backwards when you first hear it since search services have utilized increasingly complex algorithms to order and index the massive amounts of information in cyberspace.

Nevertheless, Blekko has raised $24 million in funding from some big name backers. Investors include Marc Andreessen, who co-authored Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser, and Ron Conway who has previously invested in Google, Foursquare and Twitter.

Blekko is certainly brave to take on Google, as many have tried and failed to dethrone or even significantly compete with it. Cull, which was founded by ex-Google employees, quietly threw in the towel in September, two years after launch.


AfterDawn: News

GameString Adrenaline brings games to Google TV box

Written by James Delahunty @ 01 Nov 2010 1:35

GameString Adrenaline brings games to Google TV box AfterCAD announced a service earlier this week that can bring video games from remote PCs to Google TV devices (amongst others).

The company also uploaded a concept video showing Blizzard's World of Warcraft being played using a LogiTech Revue. "Using GameString Adrenalin, you can now play high quality game titles using the new Google TV." said Chris Boothroyd, CEO of Aftercad.

"The Google TV is pretty cool and we thought it could also serve as a great game console for people who would want to play games they already have on the big screen right along side all of the other great content available on the Google TV. Now you can have it all!"

Concept Video


AfterDawn: News

Spotify not in talks with Apple, others

Written by James Delahunty @ 01 Nov 2010 1:35

Spotify not in talks with Apple, others Spotify is not in talks with Apple about a possible takeover of the music streaming service despite several media reports.

Apple had been reported to have approached Spotify about a possible acquisition, according to TechCrunch. "Apple and Spotify are in on-again, off-again discussions about an acquisition, but at best it's very early in the process," TechCrunch wrote.

"No firm price has been offered, no term sheet tabled. Still, it's interesting that the two are talking."

However, Spotify spokesman Jim Butcher denied that any such talks have ever taken place. "We wouldn't normally comment on this kind of speculation, but we wanted to make it clear that we have absolutely no intention of selling Spotify," he said.

Spotify's journey from Europe, where it has been quite successful, to the United States has been rocky to say the least. The company still insists that it will manage to get its streaming service to the country by the end of the year. There had been reported that at least some of Spotify's troubles could be due to Apple's influence over record companies.

AfterDawn: News

Sprint: We're dedicated to WiMAX

Written by James Delahunty @ 01 Nov 2010 1:35

Sprint: We're dedicated to WiMAX Dan Hesse. Chief Executive Officer Sprint Nextel Corporation, has cleared up the providers plans for its 4G services over the coming years.

Hesse said that Sprint's 4G network would use WiMAX "full stop," and that the company only played around with WiMAX' competitor, Long Term Evolution (LTE), for testing purposes in case Spring needed to support multi-mode phones that use both formats in the future.

Sprint made the decision to go with WiMAX for its 4G offerings instead of the widely-adopted LTE technology because it would allow the company to establish a 4G network much quicker than the competition. Verizon won't switch on its 4G network until the end of this year, while 2011 is the target for both AT&T and T-Mobile.

"When we had the opportunity to move into 4G, WiMAX was the only 4G interface, and it was perfect with the spectrum we owned," Hesse said. "We moved to establish the network because we didn’t want to wait, and we believe that being first to the market is an advantage."

Additionally, Hesse dismissed reports that Clearwire (which Sprint has a 54 percent stake in) would be working with T-Mobile after Sprint executives left the Clearwire board.

AfterDawn: News

Wi-Fi Direct certification started this week

Written by James Delahunty @ 01 Nov 2010 12:53

Wi-Fi Direct certification started this week Earlier this week, the Wi-Fi Alliance announced that certification of Wi-Fi Direct products had commenced, for device-to-device transmission of data.

With portable content like photos, videos and music taking center stage in the digital consumer experience, Wi-Fi Direct devices meet an important consumer need: directly connecting devices for applications such as content sharing, synching, printing, and gaming anywhere with ease.

Wi-Fi Direct allows the wireless network requirement to be cut out much more easily between popular consumer devices.

"We designed Wi-Fi Direct to unleash a wide variety of applications which require device connections, but do not need the internet or even a traditional network," said Edgar Figueroa, CEO of the Wi-Fi Alliance.

"Wi-Fi Direct empowers users to connect devices – when, where and how they want to, and our certification program delivers products that work well together, regardless of the brand."

Wi-Fi Direct-certified devices can connect with older Wi-Fi certified devices, enabling a vast range of devices already in use to connect with products implementing Wi-Fi Direct from the certification program's inception. With 82 million Wi-Fi-enabled portable consumer electronics and 216 million Wi-Fi enabled handsets set to ship this year, and growing at annual rates of 26 percent through 2014, consumers will be able to use Wi-Fi Direct to connect a huge range of digital devices.


AfterDawn: News

Broadcasters hold power in TV disputes

Written by James Delahunty @ 01 Nov 2010 12:53

Broadcasters hold power in TV disputes Recent disputes between Fox and several television signal providers has shown that broadcasters have retained an upper hand in disputes over content fees.

Some analysts believe that Cablevision may have allowed a dispute with Fox to go all the way to a channel blackout because it wanted to see what the government would do. If true, the stunt failed to get the Federal Communications Commission to do anything more than offer to act as a mediator between both companies.

When both sides could not reach a deal over fees, Fox blacked out content for three million Cablevision subscribers for 15 days. After viewers had already missed two games of the World Series, Cablevision caved in to terms it said were unfair.

The FCC basically claims its hands are tied in such a situation. "Under the present system, the FCC has very few tools with which to protect consumers' interests," FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski said in a letter to Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass.

"Current law does not give the agency the tools necessary to prevent service disruptions," he added.

In a statement issued on Sunday, Fox said Cablevision had engineering the entire dispute in a "misguided efforts to effect regulatory change to their benefit."


AfterDawn: News

Violent video game case headed to Supreme Court

Written by James Delahunty @ 01 Nov 2010 12:53

Violent video game case headed to Supreme Court The U.S. Supreme Court is to hear arguments on Tuesday concerning a federal court's decision to throw out a ban on the sale of violent video games to minors in California.

The original legislation was first signed into law by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger back in 2005, but it was declared unconstitutional last year by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco. It prohibited the sale of titles that depicted "killing, maiming, dismembering, or sexually assaulting an image of a human being" to anybody below the age of 18.

The federal court found that the law violated the minor's constitutional rights under the first and fourteenth amendment. It also found, as did other courts in other U.S. states, that there was insufficient evidence showing that violent games caused physical or psychological harm to minors.

"It's not so much a video game case as a First Amendment case," said George Rose, chief public policy officer at Activision Blizzard Inc. Other gaming companies and the ESA oppose such legislation, pointing out that the industry already takes steps to protect minors from content inappropriate for them.


AfterDawn: News

Xbox 360 mandatory update comes Monday

Written by James Delahunty @ 01 Nov 2010 12:53

Xbox 360 mandatory update comes Monday According to an e-mail sent to subscribers of the Xbox Live service, a mandatory Dashboard update for the Xbox 360 console is due to be pushed out on Monday.

Failing to install the update will make using the Xbox Live service impossible until the update is applied. "On November 1, 2010, there will be a mandatory service update to Xbox LIVE," the message reads. "This update will both add new features to your service and also enhance the interface, navigation, and responsiveness of Xbox LIVE."

A major update for the Xbox 360 Dashboard had been expected before the November launch of the Kinect motion control system for the console, and many users are already using a beta of the update.

"The time required to complete the update will vary based on your Internet connection speed. However, for most users, the update will require between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. You will not be able to use your Xbox 360 console while the update is processing," the message reads.

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