AfterDawn: Tech news

News written by Matti Robinson (February, 2023)

AfterDawn: News

How to Enable Bluetooth on Stadia Controller

Written by Matti Robinson @ 11 Feb 2023 1:04

How to Enable Bluetooth on Stadia Controller Google shut down its streaming game service Stadia late last month and this means that some people have Stadia controllers lying around that seem to be of no use. That is fortunately not the case, as there's a way to take advantage of the controllers on other platforms.

Google had the controllers restricted to Stadia only when the platform was up and running. However, they support standard Bluetooth connection, which has been enabled by Google for other platforms, now that their platform is defunct.

Enabling the controllers on other platforms requires Google's tool, but the procedure is luckily fairly simple.

  1. The Stadia controller needs to be first connected to a computer via the USB cable.

  2. After that is done, the user needs to direct their Google Chrome web browser on the computer to this Google website. Note that this might not work with other web browsers.

  3. The switching should be enabled in just a few moments by following the instruction on the website.

Google notes that this change is permanent and after switching to Bluetooth mode, the Wi-Fi mode is no longer available.


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