Audacious v3.3.3
Open source
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP
Audacious is an open source audio player that supports playlists, skins and Internet audio streaming.
The player does not require much system resources so it won't interfere with your other working tasks. You can simply drag and drop folders and individual song files, search for artists and albums in your entire music library, or create and edit your own custom playlists.
It supports playback of audio CDs and can stream music from Internet sources. Plug-ins are also available for Audacious, allowing you to add more features, such as lyrics retrieval or even to set an alarm.
The player does not require much system resources so it won't interfere with your other working tasks. You can simply drag and drop folders and individual song files, search for artists and albums in your entire music library, or create and edit your own custom playlists.
It supports playback of audio CDs and can stream music from Internet sources. Plug-ins are also available for Audacious, allowing you to add more features, such as lyrics retrieval or even to set an alarm.
HTML code for linking to this page:
audacious media player
internet streams
License type
Open source1
Author's homepage
Visit the author's site
Date added
20 Dec 2012
File size
13.29 MB
(< 2min @ 1Mbps)
Supported languages
Operating systems
Vista / Win2k / Win7 / Win8 / WinXP1
1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.
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