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RealPlayer v17.0.13

Win2k / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / WinXP
RealPlayer is a universal media player that plays video and music in virtually any format. RealPlayer also lets you download and save videos with one click; create bookmarks for your favourite online videos and keep them in the RealPlayer library. You can also convert and transfer videos to 100's of mobile devices in all popular video formats.
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RealPlayer v17.0.13Filesize: 46.93 MB

Other editions:

real player real player all-in-one media player media player

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 27 Aug 2014
Downloads 173,253
File size 46.93 MB (< 7min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems Win2k / Win98 / WinME / WinNT / WinXP1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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RealPlayer v11.0.8

People still use this program? That's insane. VLC will play any file you can throw at it and it doesn't come with viruses and security exploits. If you want to keep your computer running, stay away from RealPlayer.