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Mozilla Prism Firefox Extension for Mac OS X v1.0 Beta 1

Prism Firefox Extension is an application that lets users split web applications out of their browser and run them directly on their desktop.

  • Access web apps from system taskbar or dock Prism apps run directly on your desktop and can be accessed just like any other application
  • Rock solid web app stabilityPrism apps run separately from the browser, so they stay up even if your browser doesn't
  • System tray icon and dock badgesOn Windows, the system tray icon can be changed to give information about application

Once you have installed the extension and restarted the browser, you can turn any web site into a Prism application by choosing "Create Application for this Website" in the Tools menu.
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Mozilla Prism Firefox Extension for Mac OS X v1.0 Beta 1Filesize: 660.83 kB

prism web appl ication desktop website firefox

License type Freeware1
Author's homepage Visit the author's site
Date added 30 May 2009
Downloads 781
File size 660.83 kB (<1min @ 1Mbps)
Operating systems OSX1

1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.

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