PartWord v2.0.0
Win10 / Win7 / Win8
Win10 / Win7 / Win8
PartWord helps a user determine which letters or numbers for a password need to be entered into an online form when they are only asked for part of the password.
As a security measure, sometimes Internet users will only be asked for part of their password instead of the whole password. For example, a banking site may ask you to enter the first, third and seventh letter/number of your password only. This avoids you typing out your whole password in case of spy software.
However, if you have a very complex password that contains letters in both cases, numbers and special characters, it can be difficult to determine what to enter. With this program, you would write your whole password into the top field, and then into the second field, you type in which letter/number the online website asks for.
So for example, if your password is NghG7Mb9;ke, and you are asked for the 3rd, 6th and 8th character, you would enter the full password in the first field and just "3 6 8" in the second and it will tell you what to enter in the form.
As a security measure, sometimes Internet users will only be asked for part of their password instead of the whole password. For example, a banking site may ask you to enter the first, third and seventh letter/number of your password only. This avoids you typing out your whole password in case of spy software.
However, if you have a very complex password that contains letters in both cases, numbers and special characters, it can be difficult to determine what to enter. With this program, you would write your whole password into the top field, and then into the second field, you type in which letter/number the online website asks for.
So for example, if your password is NghG7Mb9;ke, and you are asked for the 3rd, 6th and 8th character, you would enter the full password in the first field and just "3 6 8" in the second and it will tell you what to enter in the form.
HTML code for linking to this page:
partial passwords
enter digits
License type
Author's homepage
Visit the author's site
Date added
31 Jan 2019
File size
182.99 kB
(<1min @ 1Mbps)
Supported languages
Operating systems
Win10 / Win7 / Win81
1License and operating system information is based on latest version of the software.
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