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Version history for Cut Assistant

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Changes for v0.9.12.1 - v0.9.12.2

Changes for v0.9.9.5 - v0.9.9.6

  • usage of madExcept ( to improve reporting bugs.
  • new About dialog.
  • Allow usage of relative paths in save directories (cutlist, movie).
  • Automatically show progress window of VirtualDub when cutting movie.
  • New functionality: Automatically close cutting window after some time (configurable).
  • Added Navigation submenu with all navigation actions (single, medium, big skip)
  • Standard cut mode is configurable in settings.
  • New actions for medium(2s) and big(20s) jumps in video. Skipped time duration of medium and big skip is configurable in settings.
  • Size and count of frames in frame window is now configurable.
  • FR1715458: Display frame in addition to time at timeline.
  • Show progress in DirectShow-filter checking (in settings dialog).
  • Show filter blacklist in settings dialog.
  • layout improvements in several dialogs.
  • misc minor bug fixes

Changes for v0.9.9.3 - v0.9.9.4

  • "prev. / next 12 frames" commands can now be called from context menu for frame samples
  • misc. minor bugfixes

Changes for v0.9.7.3 Beta - v0.9.7.4 Beta

Changes for v0.9.6.10 Beta - v0.9.7.3 Beta

  • Support for Avidemux
  • Settings for Codec in VD when using "Smart Rendering"

Changes for v0.9.6.6 - v0.9.6.10 Beta

  • Supports "Smart Rendering" with VirtualDub 1.7. DivX encoder must be installed for this feature.
  • Full Screen Mode (Double click on video window or Alt+Return)

Changes for v0.9.6.5 - v0.9.6.6

  • Bug fixed: OLE Error when opening movie on some configurations.

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