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Version history for HeidiSQL

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Changes for (32/64 bit) v10.3 - v11.0

  • New features and enhancements in this version:
  • Support connecting to SQLite database files
  • drop schema support for PostgreSQL
  • support foreign keys in PostgreSQL
  • support foreign keys in MS SQL
  • read-only mode for grid cell editors, if underlying query or table does not allow updates
  • support scram-sha-256 authentication on PostgreSQL
  • enhanced readability of release notes
  • enhanced readability of help links with dark themes
  • support column comments of PostgreSQL
  • support disabling "Full table status" on PostgreSQL
  • new filter edit box on session manager, for filtering sessions using regular expressions
  • close query tabs via middle mouse click
  • trim text in various text inputs of session manager, to prevent leading and trailing spaces after pasting
  • sort collation drop down on "Bulk table editor" alphabetically
  • place icons on the 3 new/save/delete buttons on the session manager, to make them more noticeable
  • performance: use first 1000 rows only for calculating the CSV export size, and interpolate the rest.
  • widen buttons on search/replace dialog by one quarter, so translations fit better on them
  • use default library of given network type in command line receiver
  • refreshed application icon
  • Bugfixes:
  • fix crashes when restoring tabs: expect no UTF-8 BOM
  • Procedure body changes invisible when parameter tab is active
  • last active session was no longer scrolled into view area of session manager
  • crash when mouse moves over data grid with broken connection
  • clicking too fast on session folder opens connection instead of collapse
  • passphrase input for SSH tunnel now masked
  • detect columns from PG table keys only in current schema, do not mix these with columns from an equally named table in a different schema
  • fix crash when accessing data from data tab on a disconnected session
  • fix crash when active main tab changes and data grid is disabled (due to disconnect)
  • make copy/cut safer against harmless crashes, and show occurring error messages in log panel
  • MSSQL: Remove surrounding parentheses from default value
  • fix state of checkboxes on the session manager's Advanced tab
  • fix crash by click on "Add column" in table editor, when columns list has a minimum height
  • Third party libraries and components:
  • update libmariadb.dll to v3.1.7
  • update libpq.dll to v10.0.11
  • introduce additional libpq.dll v12.0.1
  • update InnoSetup compiler to v6.0.3
  • update VirtualTree component to v7.3
  • introduce sqlite3.dll v3.30.1

Changes for v9.4 - v9.5

  • New features:
  • Expect regular expression in filter text on right panel, not a simple string. Keep searching case insensitive, as in prior logic. Add text hint to filter box so the user knows he can enter a regular expression here. Closes #45.
  • Add new TAction for clearing query log, and assign it to the rightclick menu item of it. Give this new action the hotkey Ctrl+Q. Closes #25.
  • Add custom setting for number of days to keep queries in the query history. See
  • Use the grid export dialog for setting values for copy-to-clipboard clicks on grids. Adds a new button in the lower left on that dialog. See
  • Support grouping by tree node type in "check xyz" menu items on table tools dialog. See
  • Include ADO connection string in status bar connection details, shorten the lines reasonably and show the full lines in a message box when clicking on it. See
  • Support SQL security setting in view editor via drop down menu. See
  • Use the right SQL commands for killing a process on PostgreSQL. See
  • Bugfixes:
  • Prevent accessing non existing string list item in TMainForm.ListDatabasesGetText, to fix a sporadic crash after dropping a database. Closes #33
  • Temporarily disable local number formatting in data grid while the search dialog is open. Closes #30.
  • Prevent TMainForm.DisplayRowCountStats from crashing due to no current table/view/...
  • Don't export data for virtual columns. Fixes #5.
  • Simplify regular expression for extracting column details in ParseTableStructure(), so it does not barf on huge length/set. Fixes issue #2.
  • New attempt to fix menu and buttons flicker on Win10, this time by with the help of Delphi Detours library. See
  • fix exception in early stage of table editor initialization
  • Fix detection of column types with DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(123). See
  • Reduce flicker on Windows 10. See
  • Silence dumb exceptions from mysql_ping() call. See
  • Fix typos in encoding of xml exports. See
  • Prevent inserting cell text ellipsis in query tab. See
  • Work around access violation in highlighter, which raises after a successful reconnect. See
  • Fix sloppy regular expression in TDBConnection.DetectUSEQuery which removes too much of trailing quotes in a database name. See
  • Escape quotes and stuff in JSON keys and values. See
  • PostgreSQL: query timeout is set in milliseconds, not seconds. See
  • Inject a line break after the data grid WHERE filter and before a potential ORDER BY and/or LIMIT clause. This way the filter may end with a comment without breaking the rest of it.
  • Fix compiler warning
  • Fix crash when taskbar button interface is not available for some reason. See
  • Enhancements:
  • Support quote chars other than the relevant one within identifiers. For example "mycolumn" or "mycolumn" ... or even worse: "``mycolumn". Closes #44.
  • Send donators’ e-mail addresses encrypted
  • Update url to issue tracker and copyright year
  • SynEdit's SQL highlighter provides a sample source text. Display that text in the preferences editor panel for SQL colors.
  • Update gettext binaries, from . The old msgfmt.exe creates endless processes on Win10, not so this one.
  • Remove debug code. See
  • Extend TMySQLOption enumeration with newer items
  • unify context menu of various sql editors, by supporting all contained editors instead of searching for one with the name "SynMemoBody"
  • Trigger OnChange event on TSynMemo after toggling comment, so a save button gets enabled. See
  • Save session tree color when creating a copy of a session. See
  • Use new copy-columns icon in main image list
  • Create a nicer icon for "Copy selected columns/rows"
  • Create a new menu item for copying rows to clipboard, and assign Ctr+Shift+C to it. See
  • Support auto_increment flag on indexes other than primary or unique, on copy table dialog. If that still fails, give the user a hint to select the right index. See
  • Add "" to the engine drop down on the table editor, and make that the new default, so we leave the ENGINE=.. clause away. See
  • Use HTTPS for all web requests on
  • Update SynEdit component code to v2.0.9 beta from . Just a few additional highlighter keywords and one code change for background coloring included.
  • Attempt to add an error string which Windows provides after a failed call to LoadLibrary. See
  • Make Markdown export code compatible to the parser on, by using 3 dashes instead of 1, below header columns. See
  • Increase width of "name" field on view editor to the same value as it's on the procedure editor.
  • Reasonably increase and unify design time dimensions of object editors to 700x500 pixels
  • Remove per-row comment in PHP array grid export, which blows up the result. See
  • Don't encode html entities but escape quotes in JSON grid export. See
  • Use double quotes for PHP values when exporting a PHP array from a grid. See
  • Try to load libpq.dll with explicit file path if the path-less did not succeed. See
  • Cast unknown data type columns as text when generating a multi column filter from user input. See
  • Remove quirky logic from TMySQLQuery.Execute when distinguishing between text and binary data types. See

Changes for v9.3 - v9.4

  • New features:
  • Introduce GUI font preferences setting, so the user can customize the font of all dialogs and forms
  • Add a "clear" button to the both db+table filter textboxes.
  • Make insertion of node text on double click customizable, per tree style options menu
  • Make brace matching color customizable, via Tools > Preferences > SQL.
  • Add menu item "Run SQL file", as a complement to "Load SQL files".
  • Set font size per Ctrl + mousewheel in any grid view.
  • Add new "Options" dropdown button on SQL export dialog, and two new true/false settings: "Add comments" and "Remove auto_increment clauses".
  • Support procedures and functions in "Find text on server" dialog.
  • Support inline valued functions on MSSQL.
  • Make keep-alive-interval customizable in "Advanced" tab on session manager.
  • Display UTC date/time in 5th status bar panel.
  • Add "SQL DELETEs/INSERTs" to grid export formats.
  • Display the version of libpq.dll in the status bar's balloon hint with server details, using PQlibVersion().
  • Support wildcard options in "Find text on server" dialog in a new drop down box, to provide a possibility to find exact matches.
  • MySQL/MariaDB: Implement support for expired passwords. Show a change-password dialog after the very first query of a connection when it returns "Error 1820: You must SET PASSWORD before executing this statement".
  • Support Windows authentication via command line parameter W or winauth.
  • Accept SSL session settings as command line parameters. See for details.
  • Add some hotkeys for focusing table filter, database tree and main tabs. Also, add a new main menu with these actions, so the user can look up these hotkeys.
  • Enhancements:
  • Prefetch mass queries fired for each object in a database
  • Support MSSQL's XML data type, and do not cast it to VARCHAR in data grid
  • Increase size of analyzed text file chunk from 100K to 1M, in DetectEncoding(), so it fails less often to see encoding relevant characters
  • Add various missing translation strings
  • Detect table and its alias when using UPDATE/INSERT IGNORE
  • Display column comments on MSSQL
  • Add basic support for MySQL's new JSON data type.
  • Add new MySQL internally used date/time data types.
  • Internally handle MySQL's native column types in an enumeration, not as constants. See mysql.h.pp in the MySQL server code.
  • Add virtual column syntax for MySQL, which seems to differ slightly from the MariaDB implementation.
  • User manager: Allow double quotes in SHOW GRANTS output, to support ANSI mode.
  • Translate SynEdit shortcut captions.
  • Increase width of shortcut tree, so new translations have enough room.
  • Update SynEdit component
  • Remember size of completion proposal between sessions.
  • Rephrase confirmation message for running unsafe queries.
  • Do not quote column names when not required in SELECT query for data grid.
  • Add some new lines in SQL export, especially when "Add comments" is disabled
  • Try to show tooltip when columns in database tree are too narrow to show the full text.
  • Format byte numbers so that we never get a thousands separator in it.
  • Use a better fitting icon for the browse-file button in SQL export dialog.
  • Warn if export output filename contains illegal characters, which TFileStream.Create does not catch for some reason.
  • Do not check existence of IS.routines before querying it.
  • Remember selected encoding in several file-open-dialogs.
  • Use an exact comparison in multi-column filters for some PostgreSQL data types to overcome SQL errors, e.g. UUID, INT etc. Also, prevent other errors by matching the value against a certain regular expression. If it does not match, leave this column away.
  • Update all PostgreSQL libraries
  • Add splitter on procedure editor.
  • Set each procedure parameter on its own line, and remove some tabs.
  • Display number of sorted columns on "Sorting" button.
  • Display number of selected columns besides available columns on "Columns" button in "Data" tab.
  • Add new item "Logging preferences" to context menu in SQL log panel
  • Preferences: Add checkbox for "Horizontal scrollbar" in Logging tab.
  • Preferences: Give each tab an individual icon, and use flat button style for tabs.
  • Display network type in tooltip over server status panel.
  • Cosmetics in session manager: Rearrange and resize labels in statistics tab.
  • Cosmetics: Make status bar panel for server version a bit wider.
  • Update Transifex command line client to 0.12.1.
  • Add client plugin for MariaDB's GSSAPI authentication, basically Windows authentication.
  • Move some menu items for configuring data grids into a new submenu labelled "Grid view options"
  • Create a duplicated menu item there, for "View binary data as text" button from the main toolbar
  • Create a new menu item there, for jumping to the "Data" tab in the preferences window
  • Add related translation strings
  • Move plink.exe path to lpCommandLine parameter instead of passing it as lpApplicationName. This way, a folderless plink.exe call should use the first available one from the path environment.
  • Support multiple objects selected in user manager > add object.
  • Clear contents of filter boxes when pressing Esc key.
  • Support all integer and real data types for displaying as Unix timestamp.
  • Support session name in placeholders for filename.
  • Bugfixes:
  • Non functional bind parameter detection
  • Use db.func instead of schema.func when schema is empty, on retrieving MSSQL routine structure
  • MSSQL: Fix broken query for altering column comment via table editor
  • A yes/no message dialog may also return mrCancel, when the user clicks the X button to close it. Handle this case as if the user clicked "no", when HeidiSQL detects an unsafe query.
  • Fix endless loop in retrieval of column comments on MSSQL.
  • Fix order in table column parsing, so that collation is expected before a virtual expression
  • Fix non-working detection of indexes on PostgreSQL pre-9.0 servers
  • Postpone repaint of the data grid to later, after click on a header column with a bad WHERE filter. Fixes a crash in VirtualTree, when handling the click somewhere.
  • Fix position of horizontal splitter on second and successive query tabs.
  • MSSQL: Set textsize to a large value, so the view editor does not load partial code only.
  • Use a reasonable default height for the query editor, to prevent a splitter problem.
  • Prevent various problems with alignment of controls.
  • Fix duplication of query tab controls, when it comes to aligning the query helpers tree.
  • Fix crash when opening completion proposal with only views in a database.
  • Ignore surrounding parentheses when detecting table aliases for completion proposal.
  • Table designer: Do not allow an empty length/set for data types which require one.
  • Slightly increase auto-calculated width of size column in database tree, so it does not use ellipses on wider texts, e.g. "1.023 KiB"
  • In SQL dumps, make "SET NAMES utf8mb4" a version conditional statement for the minimum MySQL version supporting that charset.
  • Implement TPGQuery.TableName, so exporting grid rows get a table name when needed. E.g. for output format "SQL Inserts".
  • Allow tab after double dash comment in SQL highlighter.
  • Fix detection of virtual columns without "GENERATED ALWAYS" clause.
  • Fix unquoted and uncleaned numeric values in data grid updates and inserts.
  • Fix bug in TAdoDBQuery.TableName when multiple queries were executed.
  • Use an exact comparison for PostgreSQL's BOOLEAN datatype.
  • Fix multi column filter concatenated without OR after linebreak.
  • MSSQL: Work around multiple results from a single query, in case of a stored procedure for example.
  • Fill SSL command line parameters only if not empty in HeidiSQL session.
  • Overcome 4000 character limit in IS.VIEW_DEFINITION.
  • Use b'' format only for BIT columns in MySQL only.
  • Fix "Database(s)" string split by space characters. Allow semicolon only.
  • Fix wrong FLOAT data type mapping between DB.TFieldType and TDBDatatypeIndex, in TAdoDBQuery.Execute.
  • Do not complain about empty password when SHOW GRANTS output does not include the IDENTIFIED BY clause on MySQL 5.7.6+.
  • Rewind result set for column comments before iterating over it, as it's an inner loop.
  • Trim database names when passed as semicolon separated list.
  • Use exact text data types instead of their whole category for detecting special binary columns. Fixes unquoted JSON content in SQL exports.
  • Fix slow highlighter when TableNames contains several 1000's of strings. Removes limitation to 1000 table names for highlighting.
  • Fix crash when showing hint (animation) on grid cells with large text portions.
  • Catch exception when clicking "Cancel running operation" and the KILL command cannot be executed.

Changes for v9.2 - v9.3

  • * Bugfix: Crash in foreign key dropdown editor
  • * Bugfix: Crash when killing processes on very long running servers
  • * Bugfix: SQL error when accessing UUID and JSON columns in PostgreSQL via SUBSTR
  • * Bugfix: MSSQL: Prefer "schema.table" quoting over "schema"."table" when renaming a table
  • * Bugfix: Fix column type converted to locale string format by String.ToUpper in TDBConnection.GetCreateCode - prefer String.ToUpperInvariant instead, to avoid funny characters in data types
  • * Bugfix: MSSQL: Do not pass "Database=xyz" to connection string if database(s) setting contains more than one database
  • * Bugfix: MSSQL: Try to use some universal date/time format, by injecting a "T" between the date and the time portion
  • * Bugfix: Fix wrong detection of BIT default values
  • * Bugfix: Use "SET search_path TO db" instead of "SET SCHEMA db" for changing a database in PostgreSQL, for downward compatibility reasons
  • * Bugfix: Prepend 'E' to escaped PostgreSQL strings
  • * Bugfix: Use updated URL for MariaDB Explain analyzer, and encode semicolon in URL parameter
  • * Bugfix: User manager: Select "authentication_string" instead of "password" column on MySQL 5.7.6+
  • * Bugfix: Fix various selection bugs in column selection panel
  • * Bugfix: Fix SQL error in "Copy table" dialog, in PostgreSQL mode. Use lowercase table and column names in IS.TABLES, so PG can find them
  • * Bugfix: CSV import: Disable features supported in MySQL only, if active connection is not MySQL
  • * Bugfix: PostgreSQL: Always keep public schema in search path, so one can use procedures from it without prefixing
  • * Bugfix: Text import: Use very last value from last row, even if it's not followed by a field or line terminator
  • * Bugfix: PostgreSQL: Fix wrong ALTER TABLE query for modifying table comment
  • * Bugfix: Update VirtualTree component code to v6.1.0, to fix graphical issues in Windows 8 + 10
  • * Enhancement: Show error when SSH port is already in use
  • * Enhancement: Add support for PostgreSQL's data types uuid, cidr, inet and macaddr
  • * Enhancement: Strip folder path from various file settings, including plink.exe location, if it's the application directory
  • * Enhancement: Try higher ports, up to the 20 next ones, as SSH local port, when the configured one is in use
  • * Enhancement: Display session name in caption of all message dialogs
  • * Enhancement: Add a custom icon for confirmation dialogs, with a question mark on it, so we don't have to use the "i" icon.
  • * Enhancement: Use server time for data grid > "Insert value" menu items
  • * Enhancement: Show line breaks other than Windows style as normal line breaks in text editor
  • * New feature: Introduce option for setting the line break style in text cells without breaks
  • * New feature: Session manager: Add support for SSL cipher, and add various texthints

Changes for v9.1 - v9.2

  • * New feature: Add support for JSON grid export
  • * New feature: Add support for Markdown Here grid export
  • * New feature: Support new command line parameter "n", or "nettype", which takes an integer, representing the protocol number (0=mysql tcpip, ...).
  • * New feature: Add support for connecting to Microsoft Azure Servers
  • * New feature: Add edit box + updown buttons for limiting the size of exported INSERT queries in bytes.
  • * New feature: Display creation time, last alter time, comment and start time of scheduled events.
  • * New feature: Online help document available. Various "Help" buttons in relevant dialogs link to this document.
  • * Bugfix: Dropping functions and procedures on PostgreSQL now with required parameters list
  • * Bugfix: Size bars in "Database" tab on PostgreSQL now with correct values
  • * Bugfix: Loading full grid data on PostgreSQL did not work on text columns
  • * Bugfix: Fix microseconds in MSSQL date/time data types, hidden in data and query grids.
  • * Bugfix: Use ISO 8601 date/time format on MSSQL
  • * Bugfix: PostgreSQL: Fix wrong order of columns shown in indexes, and show normal indexes also
  • * Bugfix: Do not uppercase ENUM values in procedure parameter datatypes
  • * Bugfix: Fix crash when right-clicking a database, following by a click on "Drop"
  • * Bugfix: Version conditional disabling for "Create new" menu items in MySQL mode only
  • * Bugfix: TEXT data type has a maximum length of 65k for MySQL only. Introduce other values for MSSQL and PostgreSQL.
  • * Bugfix: Fix memory leak in TfrmTableTools.SaveSettings
  • * Bugfix: Let longer data type matches win over shorter ones, especially important on PostgreSQL
  • * Bugfix: Make TPGConnection.FetchDbObjects compatible to pre-9.0 servers on PostgreSQL
  • * Bugfix: Fix non working addition of new columns in MySQL
  • * Bugfix: Detect xid type (oid 28) as integer.
  • * Bugfix: Detect character type (oid 1042) as char, not varchar.
  • * Bugfix: Detect aclitem[] type (oid 1034) as unknown, not text.
  • * Bugfix: Fix detection of PostgreSQL data type INTERVAL as VARCHAR.
  • * Enhancement: Automatic storing of settings in portable mode
  • * Enhancement: Optimize query for getting total row count on PostgreSQL
  • * Enhancement: Add support for microsecond precision of MSSQL date/time types in table editor, show these in "Length/Set" column
  • * Enhancement: Add a help button to the quite non-intuitive controls on the export dialog
  • * Enhancement: Add support for JSON data type on PostgreSQL
  • * Enhancement: Add support for HIERARCHYID data type on MSSQL
  • * Enhancement: Increase various default values for window dimensions, for reasonable look and feel for new users
  • * Enhancement: Add "Rename" context menu item in session tree.
  • * Enhancement: Use local number formatting in grids by default
  • * Enhancement: Use transparent background for NULL cells by default
  • * Enhancement: Support columns with a string literal as default value plus an ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP clause.
  • * Enhancement: Increase compatibility when getting procedure body on MSSQL.
  • * Enhancement: Remove duplicates from recent file list pulldown.
  • * Enhancement: Translate connected/disconnected words in status bar
  • * Enhancement: Set focus on filter box when SQL help dialog opens.
  • * Enhancement: Update gettext unit
  • * Enhancement: Make search/replace dialog resizable
  • * Enhancement: Activate "Clear filter" button after applying text to filter memo.
  • * Enhancement: Gracefully remove superfluous WHERE keyword from data grid filter, so other places like the previously modified "More filters" menu do not add a second WHERE.
  • * Enhancement: Use existing data grid WHERE filter to filter values from quick filter > "More values".
  • * Enhancement: Remove outdated details in readme file, and redirect to official help page instead.
  • * Enhancement: Detect all array style types on PostgreSQL as unknown type, e.g. TEXT[].
  • * Enhancement: Pass column or argument name to NativeToNamedColumnType(), as a hint for the user.
  • * Enhancement: Support quoted datatypes in TDBConnection.GetDatatypeByName, coming from TDBConnection.ParseTableStructure

Changes for v8.2 - v8.3

  • This is a maintenance release, fixing a build update problem on Win64, along with various other fixes and the new comment field on the session manager.

Changes for v8.1.0 - v8.2

  • New feature: Fast table status for databases with InnoDB tables. (Disable Session > Advanced > [X] Get full table status)
  • New feature: Favorites in database tree
  • New feature: Append parameter names for procedures and functions in completion proposal
  • New feature: Compressed .sql file export
  • Migration to the brand new Delphi XE 5 compiler
  • Replace out-dated code which partly not runs in 64 bit mode
  • Update gettext unit
  • Update Cromis.DirectoryWatch unit
  • Update VirtualTree component code to 5.2.1 (r567)
  • Update SynEdit component (r114)

Changes for v8.0 - v8.1.0

  • Make snippets directory customizable. Fixes issue #3276
  • Provide a libmysql.dll from a MariaDB-5.3.12 server, to fix pluggable authentication. Also fixes "malformed packet" on LOAD DATA.
  • Introduce Win7+ jump items on task button. See
  • Introduce the new data option "Local number format"
  • Remove "Run file" dialog, and use a standard Windows IProgressDialog instead when executing a SQL file.
  • Add CHECK option "FOR UPGRADE" to maintenance dialog. Fixes issue #3279.
  • Provide edit box for custom NULL value, in grid export dialog. See
  • Support length of "max" in data types. Used in MSSQL.
  • Issue #3212: Add schema support in MSSQL.
  • Add overlay icons for table engines Blackhole and MergeMyISAM.
  • Add preference option and logic for alternating grid row background colors. Fixes issue #2820.
  • Display values in grid columns which the user explicitly sets to be a UNIX timestamp in date/time format. Fixes issue #3215.
  • Append instead of overwrite data grid filter when user has Shift pressed. Fixes issue #865.
  • Issue #3191: Implement a simple search/replace dialog in the popup text editor.

Changes for v7.0 - v8.0

  • Available in 23 languages now. Thanks to all translators and Transifex hereby!
  • Database tree: Introduce optional folders for tables, views, routines etc.
  • Introduce session folders in session manager.
  • Make routine editor work on MS SQL servers.
  • Support search and replace in data and query results.
  • Add support for microseconds in temporal datatypes of MariaDB 5.3+ and MySQL 5.6.
  • Introduce a query history, available in the right side helpers box. Can be turned off.
  • Implement grid export as PHP array.
  • Host > Variables: Add "Global" column, and highlight values different to their session pendant
  • Add menu item for launching mysql.exe command line with current parameters.
  • Table editor: Fix handling of BIT default values, and support BIT columns in MS SQL.
  • Table editor: Improve selection of ENUM and SET default values
  • User manager: Support dots in database and table privileges
  • Data grids: Support copying/pasting NULL values
  • Fix stripped backslashes in VIEW body editor
  • Apply hotkeys to dialog buttons
  • Grid export: Remove zero padding to avoid octal => integer conversion in PHP
  • Data grid: Propose column names from selected table in filter panel
  • Database and new table filter above database tree
  • Table editor: Display number of selected columns in status bar
  • Database tree: Indicate previously selected tables with a non-ghosted icon in the tree, while leaving never selected ones ghosted
  • Display timestamp in very right status bar panel when executing a query
  • Table editor: Add missing DATE and TIME datatypes for MS SQL
  • Table editor: Support old style "TYPE BTREE" in table index code
  • Routine editor: Finally fix ramshackle detection of routine body
  • Data grid: Make foreign values drop down optionally
  • Dialogs: Introduce "KeepAskingSetting" checkbox
  • Session manager: Move startup script and local time zone options together with SSL settings to a new "Advanced" tab
  • SQL export: Support filename and dirname patterns in export target combobox
  • Database tree: Display overlay icons for some special table engines like federated, csv, aria and performance_schema
  • Implement an automatic keep-alive ping, to prevent SSH tunnels from disconnecting
  • Add support for renaming tables in MS SQL
  • Fix crash on exit when connected to pre-4.1 servers
  • Table editor: Enhance MS SQL compatibility in table editor
  • Fix and enhance handling of multiple statements and multiple results
  • Grid export: Add "Include query" and "Include auto increment column" checkbox options
  • Processlist: Add link label "EXPLAIN Analyzer on"
  • Internal: Refactor logic for reading and writing application and session settings
  • Session manager: Introduce new columns "Last connect" and "Counter"
  • Extend the variable editor to explicitly modify strings, numbers, booleans or enumerations
  • Detect client timezone and send SET time_zone to the server, so that NOW() and friends return UTC-fixed values
  • Session manager: Add server specific icons for TokuDB, InfiniDB and Infobright
  • Session handling: Use home brown file format for exporting and importing registry settings, as used for the portable version
  • Implement usage of mysql_warning_count(). Ask for running SHOW WARNINGS in a new query tab.
  • Fix command line for Wine users
  • Introduce new preference option "Prefill empty date/time fields".
  • Restore previous selection after refreshing process list (and neighbor tabs)

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