Version history for Miro
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Changes for v5.0 - v5.0.1
- * Bug fixes
- - (all) crash on database upgrade: OperationalError: no such table: dtv_variables
- - (OS X) Vimeo "likes" are not downloaded
- - (all) Intermittent Vimeo download failure
- - (Windows) Monitor goes into power saving mode while playing back
- - (Windows) Mouse doesn't disappear in fullscreen playback mode on windows
- - (all) clicking yes to donate resets the counter to 100 but doesn't wait 6 months before displaying the ask again
- - (all) Re-fetch 7-digital data
- - (all) Crash in check_subprocess_hung
- - (all) n _scrape_vimeo_download_errback TypeError: sequence index must be integer, not 'str'
- - (all) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
Changes for v4.0.6 - v5.0
- * New features
- - (all) dual audio files
- - (all) Download Vimeo HD videos, if available
- - (all) Miro needs a "currently playing" shortcut
- - (all) device enhancements meta ticket
- - (all) don't convert videos when they don't need to be converted to work on the device
- - (all) device fill maximum level setting
- - (all) auto-sync setting
- - (all) fill remaining space
- - (all) when items expire out of Miro, expire them off synced devices
- - (all) Update the Global Preferences panel General tab
- - (all) Add a context menu to allow setting the Video Kind metadata field
- - (all) In-app donation requests
- * Bug fixes
- - (all) Can't change view in app while videos are migrating to new storage.
- - (all) Miro Says "Movies directory gone" no way to recover.
- - (all) preference panel tabs get translated at import
- - (all) better emusic support
- - (OS X) Update stuff in Miro binary kit
- - (Linux and Windows) expanding folder should not select folder
- - (Linux and Windows) (4.0.1 - 90022384) keep button during playback
- - (Linux) Unknown Extension options: 'runtime_dirs'
- - (all) show version and git sha in titlebar in dev mode
- - (Windows) No support for RTL and complex scripts in subtitles
- - (Windows) miro does not recognize changes in proxy configuration
- - (Linux) Debian bug report: Scary exception: ImportError: No module named xinerenderer
- - (all) highlight enter device area when dragging an item onto any part
- - (all) syncing progress bar fixes
- - (Windows) "erno 13, permission denied"
- - (all) Circle position slider does not allow precision skipping
- - (OS X) migration dialog gets half hidden on osx
- - (all) Various files are executable although they don't need to be
- - (all) play/pause/play sequence from item context menu restarts from beginning
- - (all) Mac binary kit installation install stuff into /Applications
- - (all) move infoupdater and friends from widgets to portable
- - (all) rhythmbox can't disconnect from miro share
- - (all) find_next_item IndexError: pop from empty list
- - (all) always round down instead of up for odd dimension handling
- - (all) Auto-download option selector works in wrong order
- - (all) device syncing: files with the same filename overwrite each other
- - (OS X) AttributeError: 'ContinuousDrawableButton' object has no attribute 'releaseInBounds'
- - (all) miro handles malformed HEAD request badly
- - (all) Skip connect error test when on a proxy
- - (all) Download from url queue gets deleted if Miro is closed.
- - (all) 4.0.3 Unknown Error at Startup
- - (all) DatabaseConstraintError: signal_change() called on non-existant object
- - (all) code cleanup: nuke
- - (all) Vimeo "likes" are not downloaded
- - (all) Crash: ObjectNotFoundError during watched folder updates
- - (all) TrackItems is slow on startup
- - (OS X) Crash in get_enabled_audio_track
- - (all) Customized user agent for miro guide in app store
- - (all) YouTube videos with only FLV resource fail to download
- - (all) crash: bad conversion from unicode to str
- - (Linux) Exception when calculating the result for the progress bar
- - (Linux) Ubuntu 11.10 conversion fail... -strict experimental switch in wrong place... easy fix?
- - (all) it is not possible to add any item to a Playlist.
- - (all) max connections setting seems broken
- - (all) Can't stream sharing items
- - (all) Exception when reordering playlists.
- - (all) failing unit tests
- - (all) Search thumbnails not invalidated properly when a new search is performed
- - (Linux) GTK segfault, possible refcount error
- - (all) in on_new_metadata KeyError: u'fake-volume-E'
- - (all) in add_video IndexError: list index out of range
- - (Windows) in get_variable OperationalError: database is locked
- - (Windows) in do_button_release_event AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'button'
- - (Windows) in copy_subtitle_file File "shutil.pyc", line 47, in copyfile
- - (OS X) edit file (video) no Ok buttom in some languages
- - (all) Preferences dialog: The "Close" button is in English for all languages in Miro 5.0-rc2 (de6acfba)
- - (all) IntegrityError: column path is not unique
Changes for v4.0.6 - v5.0 RC 1
- 1. Song information and Album art lookup
- Clean up your music collection by automatically looking up the Artist, correct title, and album name and artwork among other thing.
- 2. Album View
- A clean view to group together all your songs by Album and Artist. Also a simplified way to view video items by kind (Movies, Clips, Podcasts?)
- 3. Faster Device Syncing and Conversions
- We?ve added a Quick fill option to get your music onto your device fast! Automatic syncing, options to convert only when necessary, and updates to the ffmpeg binaries.
- 4. eMusic in the Stores section
- Purchase music from eMusic and add it straight to your library.
- 5. Download HD videos from Vimeo feeds
- When available, you can now download HD quality videos from Vimeo podcasts.
- 6. Massive updates to the Windows backend
- From playback to gui display to libtorrent, everything is updated and upgraded.
Changes for v3.5.1 - v4.0 Beta 1
- New features
- bz:3059 (all) history page ... what did I just play?
- bz:6985 (all) Offer to add iTunes music library as a watched folder
- bz:8204 (all) Creating a new Playlist should not change right-side context
- bz:8696 (all) extension system
- bz:9285 (all) Add a menu item to 'Import Media'
- bz:9440 (all) add shuffle/repeat playback options
- bz:9487 (all) Add autodownload configuration in options
- bz:9779 (all) Impossible to delete a video without mouse during playback
- bz:9999 (all) copy video url should always be active
- bz:10381 (all) Add support for magnet links
- bz:10989 (all) move download stats to bottom of view
- bz:11412 (all) Video controls look disabled
- bz:11594 (all) extend context menu for items for copying url
- bz:11695 (all) select urls from feed settings dialog
- bz:12029 (all) add a watched / unwatched filter option to feeds
- bz:12748 (all) no way to clear last search result
- bz:14558 (all) Support Amazon Download Store
- bz:14712 (all) IPv6 capability
- bz:15025 (all) remove -git checking; add app.debugmode
- bz:15194 (all) build regression test system for feedparser
- bz:15203 (all) Make transfering to portable music player easier
- bz:15532 (all) Create widget for 'rating' metadata
- bz:15541 (all) add dev menu
- bz:16012 (all) save crash reports to a file on disk near the log files
- bz:16120 (all) global preferences for showing / hiding podcast content in library tabs
- bz:16169 (all) add "see crash report" button to crash reporter dialog
- bz:16346 (all) Add DHT support to Miro
- bz:16654 (all) implement Import Media
- bz:16371 (Linux) no conversion - copies should have their own queue
- bz:8655 (Linux and Windows) video control bar fullscreen autohide behavior
- bz:14775 (OS X) new volume slider
- Bug fixes
- bz:847 (all) Security Audit of Launching external player
- bz:2509 (all) audit backend threading
- bz:3856 (all) Play externally causes loop if democracy is the default viewer
- bz:4821 (all) relative links fails to resolve.
- bz:9869 (all) Expandable/Collapsable Sidebar Sections
- bz:10113 (all) implement navigate with arrows
- bz:10156 (all) There's no copy and paste. Makes it hard to add a channel from something you find within Miro
- bz:10787 (all) Start playback automatically upon toggling fullscreen
- bz:11111 (all) add items to playlists dynamically
- bz:11276 (all) Differentiate between feeds and watchfolders
- bz:11890 (all) remove single_feed code from codebase
- bz:11937 (all) Add option to detect audio files in first time startup
- bz:12203 (all) crash when Miro can't write to movies directory
- bz:12730 (all) needed unit tests
- bz:12861 (all) Remember Last Tab/Sort Order/Scroll Position in Media List/Sidebar
- bz:14332 (all) "Contents appear in the library" duplicated when feed description edited.
- bz:14746 (all) audio metadata research
- bz:14818 (all) no matches in a view
- bz:14819 (all) library views
- bz:14976 (all) Test for writability of folder is dodgy
- bz:15005 (all) ManualItemTracker object has no attribute view
- bz:15006 (all) itemtest.test_set_none fails
- bz:15019 (all) Updating watched folders: File "miro/storedatabase.pyo", line 529, in get_obj_by_id KeyError: 1539
- bz:15021 (all) Error in list view tool tip, when no description available
- bz:15026 (all) fold ADOPTERS into CREDITS
- bz:15070 (all) feed updates not limited to 3 at a time
- bz:15072 (all) File "miro/util.pyo", line 475, in check_u MiroUnicodeError: text '' is not a unicode string (type:
) - bz:15128 (all) Get rid of psyco on Mac
- bz:15164 (all) Large watchfolders may introduce unnecessary stall/delay
- bz:15200 (all) Possible to avoid the "can't play media" display
- bz:15205 (all) newly downloaded database view is broken, breaks Mac OS X unwatched count in dock
- bz:15293 (all) Downloads stuck in starting up
- bz:15319 (all) Minor Download bar tweaks
- bz:15332 (all) give indication of time remaining for sync to complete
- bz:15345 (all) rename 'Audio' tab to 'Music'
- bz:15348 (all) search performance is slow in a big list
- bz:15354 (all) Any change to an item momentarily scrolls the window to the top in either view
- bz:15360 (all) No option to pause / cancel / resume download in listview anymore
- bz:15385 (all) Not recognizing when devices are connected or ejected
- bz:15389 (all) sync now flashes before conversion bar
- bz:15391 (all) Context menus for Items in Device view
- bz:15393 (all) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'video_id' referenced before assignment
- bz:15395 (all) File "miro/devices.pyo", line 216, in add_items ... IndexError: list index out of range
- bz:15437 (all) Upon startup, when ListView is sorted by a column, the UI does not indicate it
- bz:15442 (all) Miro stops and reports error when incomplete frame encountered on conversion - should ignore it.
- bz:15471 (all) remove adopt-a-line bits
- bz:15479 (all) crash on startup with device connected and 1 files synced from miro on device
- bz:15480 (all) Crash when selected playlists, then sync now button
- bz:15496 (all) cleanup for run_tests doesn't run
- bz:15514 (all) Crash upon selecting anything in ItemView
- bz:15520 (all) os x nightly won't run from the app bundle
- bz:15531 (all) Add View menu to menubar to enable toggling columns
- bz:15543 (all) unittest failures regarding WindowsFrontendState
- bz:15547 (all) singlefeed still exists in db
- bz:15548 (all) Edit Item dialog
- bz:15561 (all) write unittests for ffmpeg/ffmpeg2theora output processing
- bz:15563 (all) Channel items in thumb view not displayed initially
- bz:15578 (all) Unplayed counter on watched folder not immediately
- bz:15646 (all) arrows for song skipping, spacebar for play / pause
- bz:15661 (all) 'Show all connected devices' setting
- bz:15662 (all) Allow device settings to be configured
- bz:15692 (all) no remote playlist in Miro
- bz:15695 (all) no metadata in itemview/listview
- bz:15696 (all) no accept codecs sent/ignored
- bz:15697 (all) no icons for daap
- bz:15698 (all) Possible problems when bonjour server is inactive
- bz:15700 (all) items don't get removed on disconnection
- bz:15701 (all) Edge cases when server/client is closed abnormally
- bz:15702 (all) bulk sql manager errors due to incorrect exception handling
- bz:15720 (all) Infinite recursion in
- bz:15732 (all) implement test skipping
- bz:15736 (all) os x version doesn't show git commit in About dialog
- bz:15738 (all) Miro signals system allows for duplicate callback registration
- bz:15747 (all) Emiting a signal inside that same signal should raise exception
- bz:15752 (all) NestedSignalError/signal callback re-connection fallout
- bz:15753 (all) upgrade to libtorrent 0.15
- bz:15760 (all) List view UI changes for Miro 4
- bz:15767 (all) NestedSignalError while selecting items in sidebar with Ctrl key
- bz:15771 (all) unable to delete site - then crash
- bz:15778 (all) torrent files don't download
- bz:15782 (all) one item turns to 3 downloads
- bz:15786 (all) Miro's bottom chrome
- bz:15793 (all) new 'Stores' sidebar section
- bz:15800 (all) Use custom widgets to style List View headers
- bz:15821 (all) extensions preference panel
- bz:15827 (all) Hide shares that cannot be connected to
- bz:15840 (all) httpauthtools crashes on invalid input provided by server
- bz:15841 (all) Miro Connect screen design
- bz:15842 (all) Miro Sync Screen Design
- bz:15871 (all) name 'SORT_COLUMN' is not defined
- bz:15877 (all) Item object calls search.match() which does not exist
- bz:15889 (all) Status indicators don't indicate a particular status
- bz:15895 (all) context menu reorganization
- bz:15899 (all) in _sanitize_keys UnicodeEncodeError
- bz:15900 (all) Connection fails to my Library
- bz:15901 (all) Conversions fail - with special daap server build
- bz:15903 (all) error in log when removing watched folder
- bz:15904 (all) errors when renaming share in preferences panel
- bz:15929 (all) nightly launch failure: Cannot load frontend: widgets
- bz:15933 (all) Delete/Conversion/Drag and Drop needs to be disabled for remote item
- bz:15942 (all) AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'get_title'
- bz:15949 (all) UI updates for items in main view
- bz:15953 (all) vodo feedparsing test does not work if not in correct timezone
- bz:15961 (all) installing DAAP library on windows
- bz:15962 (all) Crash when trying to save to the same file
- bz:15968 (all) share duplicated after restart
- bz:15972 (all) New Item details Pane
- bz:15974 (all) hang when starting a conversion
- bz:15977 (all) 2 crashes when trying to play item manually deleted from file system
- bz:15981 (all) prefpanel textbox entries behave poorly
- bz:15984 (all) Miro should pick up the name actually being used for sharing instead of what's in the config
- bz:15985 (all) Miro should warn if there are outstanding clients connected when trying to shutdown
- bz:15986 (all) Miro should stop playback and disconnect share when the remote side is gone
- bz:16018 (all) sidebar overhaul
- bz:16044 (all) saved search feeds have incorrect url.
- bz:16051 (all) BonjourError when avahi is installed but daemon is not running
- bz:16060 (all) websites added before update not deleted immediately
- bz:16061 (all) New feed filter headings and content
- bz:16062 (all) in set_volume AttributeError: 'VideoPlayer' object has no attribute 'video_window'
- bz:16065 (all) item context menu and handle_play_movie still using obsolete playback_manager.start_with_items API
- bz:16070 (all) tablist.pyo", line 639, in get_info KeyError: 1
- bz:16071 (all) Edit item dialog should be updated to match sidebar sections
- bz:16077 (all) When to resume
- bz:16090 (all) Switch feeds from 3-section UI to a 1 section with filters
- bz:16092 (all) save filter state when switching tabs
- bz:16102 (all) key errors when playing through Unplayed video list
- bz:16103 (all) feed default sort is time ascending - should be descending
- bz:16108 (all) crash when trying to reorder playlists and feeds in sidebar
- bz:16114 (all) add "Add a Watched Folder" menu item to Sidebar menu
- bz:16116 (all) fix fastresume data saving
- bz:16123 (all) Update "Feed" to "Podcast" in ui and dialogs
- bz:16127 (all) Update Site or Website text to Sources
- bz:16128 (all) Match Sidebar text images with Mainview Heading / Images
- bz:16129 (all) Downloading tab won't display when download in progress
- bz:16137 (all) Downloading tab listview status column doesn't show status
- bz:16139 (all) ValueError: math domain error
- bz:16153 (all) SyntaxError: invalid syntax
- bz:16165 (all) add Android Market as a default Store in sidebar
- bz:16171 (all) in get_selected_view KeyError: u'folder-contents'
- bz:16173 (all) Dragging podcast into a new folder - CRASH in __getitem__ AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'value'
- bz:16178 (all) clicking on play button for torrent directory doesn't do anything
- bz:16188 (all) add extension to daap to send cover art
- bz:16189 (all) Need icon for available shares in the sidebar
- bz:16190 (all) NotImplementedError when clicking on the "status" circle in listview
- bz:16207 (all) Download tab default sort
- bz:16224 (all) _make_cover_art_file - object needs an argument
- bz:16225 (all) sidebar tabs can't be removed during playback
- bz:16234 (all) Playback will only play what is in the current view
- bz:16245 (all) Renaming share name crashes Miro on Linux
- bz:16249 (all) Nice to have spinning progress bar when connecting to shares
- bz:16255 (all) Slider switch slightly confusing
- bz:16258 (all) Sharing hangs with no network
- bz:16264 (all) All new icons for the preference pane
- bz:16270 (all) Crash report, after right clicking sidebar section Sources
- bz:16271 (all) Crash report, after right clicking sidebar section Podcast
- bz:16276 (all) crash opening preferences, can't determine number of cpus
- bz:16283 (all) Right-click on Playlist tab heading gives rename remove context menu
- bz:16285 (all) New top Chrome UI
- bz:16288 (all) --failfast support for unit tests
- bz:16293 (all) Should read metadata for audio files before video files
- bz:16296 (all) Audio or Music?
- bz:16304 (all) Unicode error in metadata, _sanitize_values
- bz:16310 (all) Importing progress bar text should be updated to something less urgent.
- bz:16311 (all) KeyError: u'Miro Share (2)
- bz:16316 (all) Deleting the currently playing item does not update playing icon
- bz:16322 (all) updateFreq log or setting is incorrect
- bz:16335 (all) Improve sort performance
- bz:16336 (all) Performance sweep for 4.0
- bz:16342 (all) Crash when choosing dump database menu item
- bz:16343 (all) Shared library should be broken into video/music categories
- bz:16345 (all) Sidebar tab heights, colors, and font sizes
- bz:16348 (all) Replace volume knob image with new one
- bz:16349 (all) Tiny HDD icon for the downloads bar
- bz:16350 (all) Feeds bar UI
- bz:16352 (all) AttributeError: 'VideoBox' object has no attribute 'selected_tab_list'
- bz:16354 (all) Don't include leading "The" or "A" in album/artist sort
- bz:16355 (all) new icons for device section of sidebar
- bz:16356 (all) transcode needs throttling automatically
- bz:16365 (all) flip the date triangle in the sorts
- bz:16370 (all) Conversions fails when converting file that resides on device or share
- bz:16372 (all) RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration
- bz:16374 (all) items on devices don't have delete context menu option
- bz:16378 (all) feedparser dies if entry has thumbnail, but no enclosures
- bz:16381 (all) Figure out Playlist Sorting
- bz:16382 (all) More ways to resume playback
- bz:16383 (all) Change timing of upgrade progress dialog appearance and close.
- bz:16388 (all) Need a way to share only video/audio/podcast items
- bz:16402 (all) Multiple tabs selected when Showing external device.
- bz:16406 (all) Miro Share Preference should have the same options as the Connect tab main view
- bz:16407 (all) Miro not shutdown when device is attached
- bz:16408 (all) Crash when I ejected the device during metadata extraction
- bz:16410 (all) Indicate what Default Device means in the conversion list for Device settings.
- bz:16412 (all) Device won't display main view when conversion / syncing in progress.
- bz:16413 (all) Crash attaching a camera as a usb device
- bz:16414 (all) Crash when clicking Droid Videos tab
- bz:16417 (all) Update video and music tab main view titles when device name updated.
- bz:16421 (all) fingerprint has been MR 1.1 for years
- bz:16424 (all) New Video tab in Bulk Editing Dialog
- bz:16428 (all) Unable to handle rapid fire seeks on transcoded media
- bz:16429 (all) UI glitch when invalid value entered in pref window textbox
- bz:16432 (all) 'Sources' Tab needs content
- bz:16435 (all) sidebar triangle behavior
- bz:16436 (all) Support all OGG related mime types and file extensions
- bz:16439 (all) torrent details shouldnt say N/A if it's not a torrent
- bz:16447 (all) Don't filter out watched vidoes while they're in the playlist
- bz:16449 (all) context menu delete would be better as remove for items.
- bz:16454 (all) new entry in extensions table each time Watch Folder extension is enabled.
- bz:16455 (all) ValidationError: 'song.ogg' (type:
) is not any of: [ , ] () - bz:16456 (all) Miro should treat HTTP and HTTPS YouTube URLs equally
- bz:16474 (all) 'Podcasts' tab needs content displayed better
- bz:16476 (all) deleting video while watching doesn't stop playback
- bz:16484 (all) Top-level playlist tab is a drop-zone
- bz:16487 (all) Sharing tabs missing if Sharing set to 'off'
- bz:16491 (all) date-added KeyError crash
- bz:16497 (all) ValueError: iter not from this nodelist
- bz:16498 (all) Droid on windows is mounted when device not in usb mode
- bz:16507 (all) playlist top-level tab has default display
- bz:16509 (all) Sources tab main page url entry does not add missing http://
- bz:16512 (all) AttributeError: 'SearchController' object has no attribute 'toolbar'
- bz:16519 (all) Edit Item video tab dialog truncated on os x
- bz:16520 (all) Playback is choppy when active downloads in main thumb view
- bz:16521 (all) crash saving a search
- bz:16522 (all) crash when switching tracks and switching from list to thumb view on device
- bz:16525 (all) row height issue? when importing a large watched folder
- bz:16528 (all) resume button display when clicking on watched folder
- bz:16529 (all) Watched Folder Data Display
- bz:16538 (all) Miro goes crazy when you enter invalid URL for search feed
- bz:16539 (all) single-click actions on thumbnail dont' work
- bz:16542 (all) Can't tell that I've selected an item in the list view
- bz:16545 (all) crash moving items via edit item dialog
- bz:16548 (all) Remember last tab in sidebar
- bz:16553 (all) move Miro Guide back to top of sidebar and rename as 'Miro'
- bz:16558 (all) Remove buttons for 'All / Unwatched / Non-Podcast' for Videos, Music and Misc tabs
- bz:16559 (all) Sidebar tweaks
- bz:16560 (all) fuzzy text for certain locales for status text next to "Play" button
- bz:16561 (all) Can't edit metadata of items type Misc
- bz:16563 (all) Crash making changes on view menu during video playback
- bz:16565 (all) selecting miro guide + something else leads to off by one selection
- bz:16570 (all) ngettext and rounding
- bz:16573 (all) sources picking up old icons from previous sources
- bz:16577 (all) contextual menu in misc folder shows wrong selections
- bz:16578 (all) description should never say "Local Files:"
- bz:16581 (all) there should be no gray status balls in list view
- bz:16584 (all) Miro may get stuck at eventloop.join() on shutdown
- bz:16588 (all) Search does not work for non-alphanumeric text
- bz:16590 (all) Amazon store download requires their installer
- bz:16592 (all) Can't play items from remote Miro share
- bz:16593 (all) Connect tab shows 2 shares after share rename - then crash
- bz:16596 (all) fix context menu for drm'd items
- bz:16598 (all) Download errors from Amazon
- bz:16599 (all) crash trying to download from amazon
- bz:16605 (all) download-arrow isn't there
- bz:16606 (all) Crash editing metadata on search results so item is no longer in results.
- bz:16612 (all) length in list view
- bz:16615 (all) make optional miro guide open on default
- bz:16616 (all) New Guide sidebar UI
- bz:16618 (all) Add Clear or Remove to context menu for failed downloads
- bz:16623 (all) Resizing and cropping thumbnails
- bz:16625 (all) Resume at XXX not redrawn on config change
- bz:16628 (all) connect display icon is smaller than other display icons
- bz:16629 (all) Resume at XXX not correctly shown for some files
- bz:16634 (all) The fontsizes in Connect display too small
- bz:16635 (all) get help in connect pane currently non-functional
- bz:16647 (all) Can't deselect certain items from podcast titlebar once selected
- bz:16661 (all) Album art is upside down
- bz:16674 (all) Search results are not saved in the view
- bz:16680 (all) x files to sync dialog doesn't update when the sync completes
- bz:16686 (all) Active item text should be white in list view
- bz:16687 (all) Status bubbles in sidebar tabs UI
- bz:16688 (all) Policy for file extension and protocol associations
- bz:16690 (all) NestedSignalError (selection-changed) in download
- bz:16692 (all) Can not add new items to playlist while it is playing
- bz:16694 (all) Clicking Play on a torrent folder.
- bz:16702 (all) Behavior: follow currently playing item
- bz:16706 (all) Download to my Miro button isn't hooked up
- bz:16710 (all) table view has a gap in the middle
- bz:16711 (all) fallback needed when previous tab unrestorable
- bz:16712 (all) Sharing eject produces crash when trying to select Miro guide
- bz:16713 (all) sharing display shows no items
- bz:16730 (all) Sidebar UI fixes
- bz:16731 (all) Connnect UI fixes
- bz:16733 (all) Miro tab restoration prevents startup
- bz:16737 (all) KeyError in PlaylistSort.sort_key
- bz:16741 (all) Incorrect time metadata for shared videos
- bz:16743 (all) Should check metadata before playing anything
- bz:16750 (all) Miro Mobile needs a way to determine whether to transcode a file or play a supported format directly
- bz:16751 (all) 'ConversionItemRenderer' object has no attribute 'add_main_button_text
- bz:16752 (all) Videos tab needs filters implemented
- bz:16755 (all) Dialog box for File->"Import Media" does not appear after first try
- bz:16756 (all) Drag and drop in playlist produces error
- bz:16758 (all) Unicode error with date strings
- bz:16762 (all) copy conversion doesn't send progress updates
- bz:16780 (all) feeds duplicated when added to a folder
- bz:16786 (all) default stores, source, podcasts
- bz:16794 (all) Support magnet links no matter the base in which BTIH is encoded
- bz:16795 (all) glitch in progress bar for conversion
- bz:16796 (all) default when sources in debug mode
- bz:16802 (all) search results should not appear in top level Podcast tab
- bz:16803 (all) TypeError in handle_item_list
- bz:16804 (all) No 'Download to my Miro' button in listview
- bz:16806 (all) item details pane side scrolling
- bz:16807 (all) Sorting bar UI
- bz:16809 (all) file items should have titles sin file extension
- bz:16813 (all) watched folders don't allow for music-related columns in list view
- bz:16821 (all) miro doesn't handle HTTP 100 Continue for posts
- bz:16823 (all) Sync Screen UI adjustments
- bz:16826 (all) Bulk Edit confirm buttons
- bz:16827 (all) New watched folder sidebar icon
- bz:16828 (all) Deprecation warning in edit items dialog
- bz:16829 (all) Disabled titlebar buttons don't really look disabled
- bz:16831 (all) Cannot select, then WidgetNotReadyError in list view
- bz:16832 (all) bubble for downloading tab is wrong color
- bz:16836 (all) Playlist items cannot be reordered
- bz:16837 (all) Wrong main display UI after removing multiple playlists
- bz:16839 (all) playlist folder text nor pluralized properly
- bz:16842 (all) "ValueError: Image has invalid size: (0, 0)" in
- bz:16855 (all) Keep icon in depressed state missing
- bz:16861 (all) Videos/Music tabs should have a 'Watched' sort
- bz:16864 (all) Hitting tab in a tablist should not move to the next tablist
- bz:16866 (all) UI glitch in list view/standard view buttons
- bz:16869 (all) Enforce minimum width for some columns in listview
- bz:16873 (all) add files and folders dialog tweaks
- bz:16874 (all) remove music tab filter buttons
- bz:16882 (all) Import media dialog does not find media files (and crashes if it does find any)
- bz:16885 (all) Better Looking Blank Item Details Widget
- bz:16886 (all) KeyError: 'mercury...
- bz:16894 (all) file gets incorrect from size on conversion
- bz:16898 (all) Misc sidebar tab sometimes displays below Downloading tab
- bz:16901 (all) Video naming when downloaded from a share
- bz:16902 (all) Downloaded Misc-type items have Unplayed counter that can't be unset.
- bz:16907 (all) Can't get from search box to items to start playback with keyboard
- bz:16913 (all) error in find_duplicate_torrent_from_magnet
- bz:16914 (all) Clicking off empty downloading tab switches to Guide instead of selection
- bz:16916 (all) Keyboard navigation causes rows to expand
- bz:16917 (all) Better display of media duration
- bz:16918 (all) Save as playlist button in audio/video view
- bz:16921 (all) Unchecking "Play in Miro" produces error on playback
- bz:16924 (all) change wording on blank album art
- bz:16925 (all) 'Ok' not OK!
- bz:16926 (all) sorts
- bz:16927 (all) Remove media icons from new guide bar
- bz:16929 (all) 'TypeError: GtkTreeModel.get_iter requires a tree path as its argument' when device removed
- bz:16930 (all) will-close signal nesting
- bz:16932 (all) Switching between list view / item view causes crash on Mac
- bz:16933 (all) crash selecting multiple podcasts
- bz:16936 (all) Clicking on Closed Sidebar tab doesn't open it
- bz:16937 (all) no handling of new watched folders that aren't accessible
- bz:16953 (all) NameError: global name 'search_engines' is not defined
- bz:16955 (all) crash accessing share on another Miro
- bz:16956 (all) crash choosing an item w/ non-ascii chars to share
- bz:16958 (all) crash on linux, when share from windows shutdown.
- bz:16959 (all) Miro on linux can not connect to Window share
- bz:16960 (all) can't expand a closed sidebar tab with the arrow
- bz:16964 (all) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name' - when stopped playback on an item.
- bz:16969 (all) Make the top chrome slightly less tall
- bz:16970 (all) Update to the top-level Search page
- bz:16972 (all) Let's change the blue sidebar color to a brighter blue
- bz:16973 (all) Make the boxes in top level pages a lighter gray
- bz:16979 (all) 3 items in list view, crash when I click on them
- bz:16980 (all) Large watched folders slow miro to a crawl
- bz:16986 (all) Time display for not-downloaded items
- bz:17004 (all) Failed download item context crash
- bz:17005 (all) no share context for device items that have file:/// urls.
- bz:17006 (all) miro thinks my droid is a hero
- bz:17007 (all) share items say Download in list view
- bz:17012 (all) Crash when feed points to a non-existing file on network share
- bz:17013 (all) Torrent's can fail to move from incomplete
- bz:17017 (all) Replace top level page icons with these smaller ones
- bz:17019 (all) change default main window size
- bz:17023 (all) Removing a bunch of items is slow
- bz:17025 (all) When to run movie data program
- bz:17030 (all) dragging items to playlist switches view to playlist top-level tab
- bz:17033 (all) attaching somewhat unknown droid for the second time.
- bz:17037 (all) empty crash reports submitted to bogon
- bz:17039 (all) crash deleting items from droid
- bz:17045 (all) duration tests failing
- bz:17047 (all) View menu disabled in top-level Podcasts tab
- bz:17048 (all) View/Sorts menu for Feeds lists columns that shouldn't be available
- bz:17056 (all) cover art extraction broken
- bz:17059 (all) MiroMovieData.exe crashes
- bz:17060 (all) image files labeled "video"
- bz:17061 (all) Miro sharing may not know remote is disconnected
- bz:17068 (all) Remove item menu still active even when no items selected
- bz:17076 (all) crash deleting base tab
- bz:17079 (all) No playback started when attempting playback of multiple selected items
- bz:17080 (all) crash dragging last item to last position
- bz:17082 (all) Crash completing download on windows, moving to dir
- bz:17084 (all) x_in_expander seems inaccurate by a few pixels
- bz:17085 (all) improve moviedata unittesting
- bz:17090 (all) Remove stale checks in MovieDataUpdator.request_update()
- bz:17091 (all) syncing errors and mp3 conversion
- bz:17093 (all) ListView item height
- bz:17095 (all) Change sorter background
- bz:17096 (all) New Keep button
- bz:17098 (all) Change downloading progress bar
- bz:17099 (all) Increase list view font size 1 pt
- bz:17104 (all) Stopping playback of newly downloaded podcast causes exception
- bz:17105 (all) Crash report error dialog raises exception
- bz:17106 (all) Long/short dates in Date/Date Added columns
- bz:17112 (all) Thumbnails for videos not sent over
- bz:17115 (all) RuntimeError in metadataprogress.pyc line 127
- bz:17123 (all) Adding existing video messes with metadata count
- bz:17128 (all) Blogdigger is no more
- bz:17129 (all) UI glitches and inconsistency when clearing a search
- bz:17131 (all) cover art goes MIA
- bz:17137 (all) don't scan external drives if we aren't displaying.
- bz:17145 (all) Tighten up parameters for transcode pipeline
- bz:17165 (all) crash deleting mulitple feeds or sites
- bz:17169 (all) in on_title_clicked AttributeError: 'MultipleSelectionDisplay' object has no attribute 'controller'
- bz:17170 (all) beta channel
- bz:7208 (Linux) SCIM causes dtv to crash on typing in a text field
- bz:9266 (Linux) Miro causes a lot wake-ups while idle
- bz:10321 (Linux) Video playback is squished after disabling dual screen
- bz:10560 (Linux) setting HOME environment for running in test sandbox variable causes problems
- bz:11134 (Linux) (r8952) resizing of options dialog
- bz:11469 (Linux) Accessibility: font size too small on 2.0.1 (r9185)
- bz:11807 (Linux) ABC World News videos are always dowloaded twice
- bz:13462 (Linux) Miro Crashes Immediately When Playing Video
- bz:15010 (Linux) BulkSQLManager.start() called twice
- bz:15044 (Linux) TypeError: 'ItemList' is not iterable
- bz:15154 (Linux) Adding/Removing items during playback is wonky
- bz:15181 (Linux) resume not working under certain circumstances
- bz:15209 (Linux) The search box matches anything in the absolute path of the filename
- bz:15214 (Linux) error calling renderer callback
- bz:15341 (Linux) ValueError: Can't append items when not playing
- bz:15343 (Linux) ResumeDownload: ValidationError("None value is not allowed") ValidationError: None value is not allowed
- bz:15344 (Linux) Don't upsize conversions
- bz:15355 (Linux) There's no way to scroll the library to the currently-playing item
- bz:15498 (Linux) some videos not correctly detected a video
- bz:15522 (Linux) in shrink_size sself.access_times = new_access_times NameError: global name 'sself' is not defined
- bz:15526 (Linux) Implement top-level Podcasts tab
- bz:15558 (Linux) failing unittests: HTTPClientTest.test_redirect and HTTPDownloaderTest.test_restore
- bz:15572 (Linux) List View rows are tallest the first time they're rendered
- bz:15580 (Linux) list view status indicators are missing
- bz:15581 (Linux) KeyError: 'folder-contents' when clicking a button in item view
- bz:15649 (Linux) mouse scroll-wheel doesn't work in Video/Music tabs
- bz:15652 (Linux) AttributeError: 'TrackItemsManually' object has no attribute 'search_text'
- bz:15663 (Linux) Generic phone support
- bz:15693 (Linux) GStreamer/Linux can't stream from pydaap
- bz:15750 (Linux) Cover Art not removed when it's item is
- bz:15755 (Linux) ValidationError: 'downloading' (type:
) is not a - bz:15866 (Linux) KeyError: u'device-video'
- bz:15868 (Linux) AttributeError: 'ItemInfo' object has no attribute 'media_type_checked'
- bz:15869 (Linux) AttributeError: 'ItemInfo' object has no attribute 'is_playing'
- bz:15883 (Linux) ValueError: signal items-added already connected to
> - bz:15890 (Linux) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'hide'
- bz:15891 (Linux) incorrect media type: identified as audio, but it's video
- bz:15912 (Linux) TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
- bz:15922 (Linux) Ctrl+backspace in search box doesn't always work
- bz:15963 (Linux) KeyError: xxx when starting miro for first time
- bz:15967 (Linux) Errors deleting or moving playlist
- bz:15969 (Linux) 1 new in the sidebar, but 2 new in the thumbnail view
- bz:15970 (Linux) Searching Playlists Loses ordering
- bz:15983 (Linux) AttributeError: 'ItemInfo' object has no attribute 'remote'
- bz:15990 (Linux) AttributeError: 'TableModel' object has no attribute 'row_for_iter'
- bz:15997 (Linux) AttributeError: 'ItemList' object has no attribute 'should_show'
- bz:16003 (Linux) AttributeError: 'SharingTracker' object has no attribute 'CMD_QUIT'
- bz:16009 (Linux) exception on close with sharing disabled
- bz:16014 (Linux) Exception when quitting in mDNS thread
- bz:16020 (Linux) TypeError after selecting Playlists tab
- bz:16021 (Linux) Miro crashes after creating new DB
- bz:16042 (Linux) AttributeError: 'DownloadsController' object has no attribute 'item_view'
- bz:16048 (Linux) Remove 3-section interface on channel displays
- bz:16053 (Linux) AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'id'
- bz:16054 (Linux) Incomplete search results when broadening search
- bz:16068 (Linux) crash creating Saved Search feed via Menu option
- bz:16074 (Linux) Items in multiple playlists appear in main list multiple times
- bz:16075 (Linux) Not all available columns should be defaults
- bz:16076 (Linux) DAAP thread keeps Miro process from exiting
- bz:16078 (Linux) Rating item resets playback to beginning of track
- bz:16079 (Linux) Now playing indicator not working
- bz:16081 (Linux) Cancelling from Add Feed Dialog
- bz:16082 (Linux) AttributeError: 'MP4Cover' object has no attribute 'imageformat'
- bz:16086 (Linux) SetItemIsPlaying gets called 6-8 times a second
- bz:16087 (Linux) Crash after mounting nfs share
- bz:16089 (Linux) Switching tabs too fast causes error
- bz:16093 (Linux) video thumbnails are sometimes 1.6mb or more
- bz:16099 (Linux) Cover art not extracted from some container formats
- bz:16101 (Linux) Miro can share but can't see shares
- bz:16113 (Linux) Problems changing filters for item lists
- bz:16122 (Linux) unittests broken: AttributeError: 'WidgetStateConstants' object has no attribute 'assertSetEqual'
- bz:16148 (Linux) in do_size_allocated min_width += self.column_widths[name] KeyError: u'size'
- bz:16168 (Linux) Need "album artist" metadata field
- bz:16170 (Linux) "Newly available" not updated after viewing podcast
- bz:16185 (Linux) newly available badge displayed in download view
- bz:16186 (Linux) artist = item.get_artist(), AttributeError: 'SharingItem' object has no attribute 'get_artist'
- bz:16202 (Linux) KeyError: 'date'
- bz:16215 (Linux) Don't create 2 ItemListTrackers for the same item list
- bz:16227 (Linux) standard view isn't sorted according to headers
- bz:16228 (Linux) Improve keyboard interface for 4.0 without spending a lot of effort
- bz:16230 (Linux) AttributeError: LinuxApplication instance has no attribute 'on_fullscreen_clicked'
- bz:16248 (Linux) Search during playback causes exception
- bz:16275 (Linux) Crash changing download directory
- bz:16278 (Linux) Sort order and ListView/StandardView
- bz:16279 (Linux) Share selection between list view / standard view
- bz:16298 (Linux) ERROR: test_badfile (miro.test.importtest.Test_import_itunes) on linux
- bz:16306 (Linux) items in Audio device tab in list view don't indicate they're playing
- bz:16307 (Linux) subtitles menus show wrong enabled track
- bz:16317 (Linux) Miro Linux not quitting clean
- bz:16318 (Linux) Nexus one detection is flakey on linux
- bz:16326 (Linux) cannot sync podcasts/playlists
- bz:16327 (Linux) Cannot eject device while media is playing from it
- bz:16329 (Linux) Getting list of items has no metadata other than name
- bz:16332 (Linux) Make download/cancel feel faster
- bz:16333 (Linux) Playing new mp3 in shared library takes long time to load
- bz:16347 (Linux) AssertionError: (u'device',
) - bz:16366 (Linux) copy text - Resume Download - on paused download in list view
- bz:16368 (Linux) crash dragging file from mounted device (windows hardrive) to Libary
- bz:16373 (Linux) Syncing icon should stop if conversion to device fails
- bz:16398 (Linux) Magnet links do not work in internal browser
- bz:16415 (Linux) AttributeError: 'Metadata' object has no attribute 'assertDictEqual'
- bz:16416 (Linux) AssertionError: u'Bumper Sticker' != 'new title'
- bz:16419 (Linux) dht startup error with libtorrent 0.14.
- bz:16423 (Linux) RuntimeError: device_connected() called on connected device
- bz:16425 (Linux) audio/video path doesn't allow for deep directories
- bz:16430 (Linux) FAIL: test_default_column_widths (miro.test.widgetstateconstantstest.WidgetStateConstants)
- bz:16431 (Linux) unit tests fail to run on ubuntu build box
- bz:16450 (Linux) KeyError: None
- bz:16479 (Linux) deletes wrong item
- bz:16500 (Linux) Column-creep in Downloading
- bz:16501 (Linux) StandardView/ListView toggler gets out-of-sync in Downloading
- bz:16508 (Linux) Metadata extraction needs test-cased based unittesting
- bz:16535 (Linux) KeyError: 'downloading'
- bz:16543 (Linux) crash on linux startup
- bz:16571 (Linux) math.ceil for expiration dates in displaytext
- bz:16638 (Linux) Video Tab doesn't show video.
- bz:16663 (Linux) Folder counters not updated on feed removal
- bz:16670 (Linux) Error updating Device name
- bz:16671 (Linux) Crash deleting item from device via context menu
- bz:16672 (Linux) error converting item to device
- bz:16673 (Linux) Implement Download to my Miro
- bz:16675 (Linux) Device Audio and Video tabs have no View menu
- bz:16676 (Linux) Playing on device - modifying search in list view.
- bz:16678 (Linux) crash starting playback on device - possible non-ascii char issue
- bz:16679 (Linux) Crash clicking only unplayed option in Podcast sync
- bz:16683 (Linux) Remember top-level tab expansion state
- bz:16697 (Linux) shouldn't be able to drag items to downloading or conversions
- bz:16705 (Linux) Crash when viewing podcasts
- bz:16708 (Linux) Threading crash on startup
- bz:16715 (Linux) Way too easy to accidentally cancel a torrent/downloading item
- bz:16722 (Linux) crash selecting a drive - or on startup selecting connect tab.
- bz:16724 (Linux) clicking on my drive in the sidebar
- bz:16725 (Linux) crash ejecting attached usb drive
- bz:16727 (Linux) AttributeError on startup
- bz:16753 (Linux) WidgetNotReadyError, clicking on Droid Music tab, after connected.
- bz:16760 (Linux) Miro crashes when closing expander after source or podcast removal
- bz:16766 (Linux) UnboundLocalError: local variable 'added' referenced before assignment
- bz:16776 (Linux) Can't add to a playlist while it's playing
- bz:16778 (Linux) TypeError: Gtk.Label.set_text() argument 1 must be string, not int
- bz:16781 (Linux) Item not detected as video - filename error in the log file.
- bz:16800 (Linux) AssertionError: different column types for (u'item',) (s...
- bz:16810 (Linux) playing item switches when doing a search
- bz:16811 (Linux) Error: Error stating file: No such file or directory
- bz:16843 (Linux) AttributeError in log when clicking Import Files without first clicking Search For Files
- bz:16858 (Linux) crash: when editing multiple video data
- bz:16870 (Linux) FAIL: test_sort_key_map (miro.test.widgetstateconstantstest.WidgetStateConstants)
- bz:16878 (Linux) KeyError: u'watched'
- bz:16881 (Linux) Error during Miro startup with clean gconf
- bz:16887 (Linux) device music tab list view shows "download" button
- bz:16934 (Linux) TypeError: could not parse subscript as a tree path
- bz:16968 (Linux) "Download Linked File" does not work
- bz:17032 (Linux) moviedata keeps getting run on the same video generating an infinite number of thumbnails
- bz:17116 (Linux) Scroll view jumps to top when starting playback of an item
- bz:17120 (Linux) can't start torrent download when downloading to non-ascii char named directory
- bz:17146 (Linux) external drives with lots of files don't finish scanning
- bz:15679 (Linux and Windows) Video Search bar in Windows/Linux is too big
- bz:15839 (Linux and Windows) Can't drag and drop the watched folder to the Audio section.
- bz:15973 (Linux and Windows) video details bar ui changes
- bz:16155 (Linux and Windows) Changes to subtitle UI on windows/linux
- bz:16208 (Linux and Windows) Library shares does not expand to show playlists
- bz:16244 (Linux and Windows) internal error when accessing pref pane on Windows
- bz:16268 (Linux and Windows) When play video with subtitles error with Crash Report appeared
- bz:16282 (Linux and Windows) Crash when I clicked stop seeding on a torrent container dl from a feed
- bz:16550 (Linux and Windows) Gap between panel togglers in Edit Item on GTK
- bz:16632 (Linux and Windows) Fatal Python error: PyEval_SaveThread: NULL tstate
- bz:16642 (Linux and Windows) Top-level podcasts/playlists tabs can be dragged, resulting in crash
- bz:16643 (Linux and Windows) Selection lost when dragging tab to closed folder
- bz:16744 (Linux and Windows) Remove magnet protocol association on uninstall
- bz:16961 (Linux and Windows) navigate tab list gets stuck if tab expanded
- bz:16962 (Linux and Windows) can make window much narrower when the item detail is expanded
- bz:16991 (Linux and Windows) Crash Dialog after clicking down arrow by Captions
- bz:17043 (Linux and Windows) GTK scroll save / restore broken
- bz:17051 (Linux and Windows) scroll-to-item broken in Standard View on GTK
- bz:17055 (Linux and Windows) double-toggling in tablist
- bz:17081 (Linux and Windows) Drag and drop in item list bizarre on GTK
- bz:17121 (Linux and Windows) click events on GTK
- bz:7789 (OS X) complete *.divx file support
- bz:8457 (OS X) Dragging metal area does nothing
- bz:9046 (OS X) Miro treats *.iMovieProject files as folders
- bz:9232 (OS X) Get Error Changing Movies Directory. You don't have permission to write to the directory you selected.
- bz:9360 (OS X) Miro dock icon counts, but Miro does nothing else
- bz:10142 (OS X) Paused Videos prevent the system from starting the screensaver
- bz:11306 (OS X) Can't terminate Miro upon crash through trick dialog
- bz:12638 (OS X) No Growl Notifications
- bz:13370 (OS X) Crash when guide has bad unicode characters.
- bz:13696 (OS X) Can't play Ogg Theora videos
- bz:13818 (OS X) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'current_process' on OSX
- bz:13843 (OS X) relics in sidebar when moving feed to folder
- bz:13854 (OS X) miro hangs when switching subtitle track on mkv file
- bz:14779 (OS X) redundantly run?
- bz:14805 (OS X) memory leaks on OS X
- bz:14927 (OS X) Convert menu may unexpectedly change
- bz:14941 (OS X) "Play" -> "Pause" when playing from playlist doesn't work
- bz:15069 (OS X) File "miro/plat/frontends/widgets/window.pyo", line 177, in update_size_constraints AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setContentMinSize_'
- bz:15110 (OS X) Fullscreen while popout is active focuses wrong window
- bz:15386 (OS X) conversion progress bar has no label
- bz:15392 (OS X) must reselect checkbox for options to become active
- bz:15394 (OS X) in _migrate_thumbnail File "shutil.pyo", line 53, in copyfile IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/Volumes/NO NAME/.miro/LOGO.mp4.hKUhn.png'
- bz:15481 (OS X) Race with QuickTime implementation
- bz:15549 (OS X) Crash when viewing playlists
- bz:15565 (OS X) crash in overlay
- bz:15566 (OS X) crash in playback
- bz:15575 (OS X) crash with row-activated
- bz:15576 (OS X) add LSApplicationCategoryType key to os x Info.plist
- bz:15577 (OS X) Nightly build missing guide, search, and main view contents
- bz:15635 (OS X) Removing/adding items breaks selection
- bz:15651 (OS X) sandbox fails to build with set -o errexit
- bz:15667 (OS X) NSMallocException allocating 32 bytes for CFString
- bz:15671 (OS X) CFBundleVersion can't be git commit id
- bz:15678 (OS X) OS X does not play/pause selected item on enter/space
- bz:15737 (OS X) No main view and sidebar items display on os x 10.5 ppc
- bz:15749 (OS X) Software update menu needs to go for App Store
- bz:15751 (OS X) os x launch fails ValueError: zero length field name in format
- bz:15763 (OS X) Miro crashes when drive detached (unmounted) or attached (mounted)
- bz:15765 (OS X) Garbled UI on Mac OS X
- bz:15880 (OS X) ValidationError: value 71.0 (key: u'rating') has the wrong type:
- bz:15980 (OS X) Reordering Playlist in List Mode causes Visual Error
- bz:16049 (OS X) Exception dragging item to tablist on OS X
- bz:16056 (OS X) Default to False on "Startup on login" question
- bz:16104 (OS X) in set_index AttributeError: 'CellRenderer' object has no attribute 'set_index'
- bz:16124 (OS X) app crash when unloading extensions prefpanel
- bz:16142 (OS X) n _check_already_connected ValueError: signal changed already connected...
- bz:16152 (OS X) WindowServer uses 100% CPU and crashes Miro nightly
- bz:16157 (OS X) ValueError: depythonifying 'unsigned int', got 'int' of wrong magnitude
- bz:16175 (OS X) adding text to a multilinetextentry in a scroller doesn't show scrollbars
- bz:16176 (OS X) osx cocoa is eating frontend crashes
- bz:16187 (OS X) no icon displayed for extensions, amazon in preferences window
- bz:16203 (OS X) connect tab may be missing on startup
- bz:16210 (OS X) mulitple tabs appear selected
- bz:16254 (OS X) error when selecting device in sidebar
- bz:16261 (OS X) all subtracks are enabled on playback of mkv file with subs
- bz:16274 (OS X) Playback progress bar display stutter at the start of playback
- bz:16321 (OS X) Miro not correctly storing preference changes
- bz:16344 (OS X) Preference icons are being squeezed
- bz:16386 (OS X) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'video_path'
- bz:16409 (OS X) File appears to get bounced out on drag-n-drop
- bz:16418 (OS X) DeprecationWarning: integer argument expected, got float
- bz:16427 (OS X) os x scroll jumps to top
- bz:16444 (OS X) Resizing main window while on device tab made impossible
- bz:16485 (OS X) Source and Miro Guide selected on startup
- bz:16527 (OS X) textentry activate signal isn't implemented right
- bz:16562 (OS X) Playlists remove menu is pluralized when 1 playlist selected
- bz:16566 (OS X) multiple selection with top level sidebar and its children should not be allowed
- bz:16580 (OS X) Appearance issues in Cocoa listview headers
- bz:16587 (OS X) "View" menu for item view should not be selectable on certain displays
- bz:16589 (OS X) Crash opening Folders tab in Preferences
- bz:16595 (OS X) Crash opening Edit Items dialog if drm media included in bulk selection
- bz:16601 (OS X) Vestiges of old thumbnail view in list view
- bz:16607 (OS X) Two 1px vertical lines showing up on sort buttons in title bar
- bz:16611 (OS X) blank space above scrollbar in list view
- bz:16619 (OS X) Window resizing acts badly on OS X
- bz:16627 (OS X) Play External dialog on playback for videos from remote share
- bz:16637 (OS X) Sidebar display glitch OS X during expand/collapse
- bz:16641 (OS X) AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ITEM_INFO_FONT'
- bz:16650 (OS X) crash report failed to submit - UnexpectedStatusCode
- bz:16651 (OS X) crash browsing for watched folder from Sidebar menu item
- bz:16653 (OS X) Download tab won't display: global name 'app' is not defined
- bz:16662 (OS X) app crash - removed watched folder, tab selected and item playing.
- bz:16666 (OS X) remove button missing for watched folder if added via Sidebar menu
- bz:16668 (OS X) missing sidebar scroller on startup
- bz:16696 (OS X) ValueError: depythonifying 'unsigned int', got 'int' of wrong magnitude
- bz:16701 (OS X) crash when disconnect on sync
- bz:16721 (OS X) OS X does not remember column widths for some displays
- bz:16745 (OS X) Video window buttons
- bz:16761 (OS X) crash clicking change on import media dialog
- bz:16764 (OS X) nothing displayed in osx conversions tab.
- bz:16770 (OS X) WidgetActionError when performing search in playlist
- bz:16775 (OS X) explosion in sharing during shutdown
- bz:16785 (OS X) weird artifacting on clear button of completed conversion
- bz:16787 (OS X) line break in pasted text makes podcast subscription fail
- bz:16805 (OS X) Revisions to our Current top chrome UI
- bz:16830 (OS X) Clicking on title of currently playing item in video box produces KeyError
- bz:16835 (OS X) Drag and drop to parent folder crashes Miro
- bz:16838 (OS X) bubbles glitch in sidebar
- bz:16840 (OS X) error: NSInternalInconsistencyException - Invalid parameter not satisfying: aString != nil
- bz:16854 (OS X) Downloads from feeds get placed into 'other' category
- bz:16859 (OS X) first time dialog won't launch on osx
- bz:16862 (OS X) throbber overlaps buttons in miro guide tab display header
- bz:16865 (OS X) Daap song format chunk 'asfm' contains '.' in string
- bz:16879 (OS X) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'update_metadata_progress'
- bz:16883 (OS X) When I request a transcoded URL I get new miro-segmenter processes showing up in Activity Monitor
- bz:16899 (OS X) Way to make Stores tab not display
- bz:16905 (OS X) Crash using Up arrow to navigate sidebar when closed tab encountered
- bz:16906 (OS X) Error when hitting spacebar with no selection
- bz:16908 (OS X) tab key doesn't navigate UI on os x
- bz:16915 (OS X) sidebar jumpy, and unscrollable when updating
- bz:16985 (OS X) NestedSignalError when collapsing Guide
- bz:17000 (OS X) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'setAllowedFileTypes_'
- bz:17001 (OS X) crash sharing items that contain non-ascii chars.
- bz:17008 (OS X) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'update'
- bz:17031 (OS X) OS X splitter doesn't honor size requests
- bz:17038 (OS X) send_model_changed() Details: _selection_to_restore was not set
- bz:17042 (OS X) OS X only saving scroll pos of active view
- bz:17052 (OS X) tab restore broken
- bz:17054 (OS X) add files dialog broken on OS X
- bz:17063 (OS X) Browser titlebar glitch when window is resized
- bz:17064 (OS X) top level sidebar may become multiply selected along with its children
- bz:17067 (OS X) invalid input in pref doesn't restore old value on losing focus
- bz:17069 (OS X) command-f stopped working on mac for fullscreen, doesn't toggle on windows
- bz:17138 (OS X) unnecessary question about droid
- bz:17139 (OS X) text remains in background on devices screen
- bz:17140 (OS X) indexing progress bar on devices
- bz:17154 (OS X) exception when downloading
- bz:17178 (OS X) Updating sidebar causes unwanted scroll
- bz:2512 (Windows) audit Windows threading
- bz:8608 (Windows) Minimize to tray while playing - disables context menu items
- bz:9357 (Windows) On windows vista, runs first time setup screen everytime it is launch. (doesn't retain settings)
- bz:9541 (Windows) Main window stops responding
- bz:9928 (Windows) Miro prevents Windows shut down
- bz:11319 (Windows) Crash when replaying a video repeatedly, each time resuming where left off
- bz:11409 (Windows) Installed 2.0 over 1.2 - videos in folder being watched all appear twice
- bz:13264 (Windows) Miro freezes when we use Playback > Stop menu item, when playing .wmv video files
- bz:14444 (Windows) SSL certificate problem
- bz:15114 (Windows) socket.error: [Errno 10047] An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used
- bz:15353 (Windows) New VolumeSlider for Windows
- bz:15452 (Windows) crash after trying to play locked .m4v files from itunes store
- bz:15472 (Windows) miro on windows won't startup
- bz:15519 (Windows) browser missing on windows nightlies
- bz:15540 (Windows) Miro Windows crashes on startup - if feed quickly selected.
- bz:15586 (Windows) CREDITS file missing on Windows
- bz:15665 (Windows) Miro Windows (2010-12-29-master-nightly) doesn't have 'Show More' button
- bz:15699 (Windows) Need a way to bundle mDNSResponder and/or client libraries for Windows
- bz:15773 (Windows) Feeds and websites don't display unique icons
- bz:15975 (Windows) Play External Dialog for all newly added videos
- bz:15991 (Windows) Windows doesn't build because of InfoList
- bz:16141 (Windows) Non-ascii character search within Engine search are not rendered in the sidebar
- bz:16220 (Windows) datetime.fromtimestamp broken on Windows; should avoid direct use
- bz:16241 (Windows) Big list of Windows UI changes
- bz:16277 (Windows) NestedSignalError: Can't emit update-finished while handling update-finished
- bz:16305 (Windows) started a few conversions, then clicked on the conversions tab
- bz:16330 (Windows) Looking at another user's shared library in thumbnail mode creates crash dialog
- bz:16337 (Windows) Crash when clicking video box after playback stopped
- bz:16339 (Windows) in update_fast_resume_data RuntimeError: boost::filesystem::exists: Access is denied
- bz:16394 (Windows) AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'encode'
- bz:16445 (Windows) broken images cause Miro to crash
- bz:16496 (Windows) crash - using droid on windows XP
- bz:16502 (Windows) this crash indicates miro is detecting my wireless usb adapter
- bz:16531 (Windows) instructions don't say to restart Miro
- bz:16544 (Windows) crash sorting by status in list view
- bz:16551 (Windows) PyCurl download in for Windows is broken
- bz:16633 (Windows) crash changing art via edit item dialog
- bz:16648 (Windows) Cookies aren't saved anywhere
- bz:16656 (Windows) Sidebar Source strikethrough, after right clicking sidebar section Sources
- bz:16681 (Windows) 2 windows shares displayed after rename
- bz:16735 (Windows) crash on windows startup
- bz:16736 (Windows) crash on windows related to license button, when podcast tab clicked.
- bz:16738 (Windows) Investigate/fix font sizes on windows
- bz:16846 (Windows) Now playing display is off by a couple of pixels
- bz:16868 (Windows) set_can_focus AttributeError: 'ContinuousCustomButtonWidget' object has no attribute 'set_can_focus'
- bz:16880 (Windows) NameError: global name 'RunTimeError' is not defined
- bz:16941 (Windows) Playing files without association externally gives exception
- bz:16954 (Windows) crash choosing to import from iTunes on first time music click
- bz:16977 (Windows) crash ejecting Droid on Windows
- bz:16978 (Windows) attached droid and clicked on Music and video tab
- bz:16987 (Windows) Video Partially Blacked Out
- bz:16990 (Windows) Hang on Exit
- bz:16998 (Windows) error in startup on fresh install when iTunes installed.
- bz:17024 (Windows) Miro crashes when stop play video
- bz:17057 (Windows) External playback of files associated with Miro does not work on Windows
- bz:17135 (Windows) welcome message on the guide appears
- bz:17141 (Windows) miro becomes unresponsive on windows 7 when device attached
- bz:17148 (Windows) video search default display forces miro window height to expand
- bz:17182 (Windows) External playback on Windows always opens files in Explorer
- bz:17186 (Windows) Do not execute unsafe files for external playback in Windows
Changes for v3.5 - v3.5.1
- New features
- bz:11491 (OS X) Play gvi Google Video format media
- Bug fixes
- (all) updated translations
- bz:14804 (all) Some files downloaded from YouTube unplayable in Miro
- bz:14894 (all) update conversion commands to output to h.264 wherever possible
- bz:15074 (all) Licensing issues with ffmpeg
- bz:15077 (all) Miro doesn't remember list view for library tabs
- bz:15079 (all) Miro 3.5 may not play some .mkv files
- bz:15144 (all) update all wiki urls
- bz:15198 (all) Downloader doesn't shutdown when main process hangs
- bz:15226 (all) Bad Spanish translation: "Error-Archivo no ecotrado"
- bz:14490 (Linux) Play button sometimes fails to do anything
- bz:14924 (Linux) Files in unsupported formats silently skipped
- bz:15119 (Linux) media keys handling is wrong
- bz:15137 (Linux) Video converter does not coerce child window dimensions to integer
- bz:15150 (Linux) Error when playing movies that haven't been checked
- bz:15151 (Linux) Error when deleting newly-downloaded video
- bz:15152 (Linux) Crashes in frontend thread not getting sent to the error dialog
- bz:15156 (Linux) Changing play in miro while playing causes error
- bz:15352 (Linux) miro error on ffmpeg binary file path change
- bz:11578 (OS X) miro crashes on launch on Mac OSX when user home dir contains non-ascii chars (ex: Björn)
- bz:12659 (OS X) can not install in a path with non-ascii charaters
- bz:14428 (OS X) matroska files fail conversion
- bz:14986 (OS X) Crash with unicode error when trying to play
- bz:15217 (OS X) Crash when quitting during playback error
- bz:12538 (Windows) Miro randomly crashes after finishing video playback
- bz:14973 (Windows) in ask_for_http_auth ValueError: Scheme not present in auth header: NEGOTIATE,NTLM,BASIC realm="stuproxy"
- bz:14994 (Windows) "application configuration incorrect" error preventing miro startup
- bz:15064 (Windows) Incorrect video remaining duration displayed
- bz:15168 (Windows) log windows version
- bz:15185 (Windows) Preferences dialog will not open if Windows font path is not C:\Windows\Fonts
- bz:15309 (Windows) File "miro\httpclient.pyc", line 392, in _handle_auth AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'remove'
- bz:15312 (Windows) clean_up: [Error 32] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
Changes for v3.0.1 - v3.0.2
- Bug fixes
- #13390 (all) in get_subscriptions_from_query UnicodeDecodeError?: 'utf8'
- #13114 (Linux) thumbnails are generated from first frame
- #13169 (Linux) miro browser doesn't work with xulrunner 1.9.2
- #13227 (Linux) switch from gtkmozembed to webkit
- #13296 (Linux) Can not click on or enter text into text fields on Miro guide
- #13327 (Linux) Playback does not continue with next track
- #13338 (Linux) IOError: [Errno 5] Input/output error: '~/.miro/miro-log'
- #13340 (Linux) browser doesn't scroll to top on page loads
- #13383 (Linux) reduce max volume to 1.0
- #13379 (OS X) OS X auto update code must support the minimumSystemVersion tag.
- #13210 (Windows) ValidationError?: 'watch' (type: ) is not a
- (Linux) This release fixes problems with Miro and XULRunner 1.9.2 by ditching XULRunner for webkit.
- Requires python-webkit and libwebkit.
- No longer requires gtk-mozembed and xulrunner dependencies.
- (Linux) Volume range went from 0.0 to 1.0 prior to Miro 3.0. With Miro 3.0 we changed it to 0.0 to 3.0. Miro 3.0.2 changes this back to 0.0 to 1.0 for Linux.
- (OSX) Note: This is the last version of Miro that will run on and be supported on OSX 10.4.
Changes for v3.0 - v3.0.1
- Bug fixes
- (all) errant empty feed
- (Linux) playbin2 with no text-sink kicks up errors on playback
- (Linux and Windows) No menu bar in main window when pop-out player is in fullscreen
- (OS X) in _updateErrback UnicodeEncodeError?: 'ascii' codec can't encode character
- (OS X) embedded python executable is launched with a -p argument which it does not understand, so it complains and dies.
- (Windows) parent_id points to item where isContainerItem is false
Changes for v2.0 RC 3 - v2.0
- A beautiful, all-new widget based interface (see it in action here)
- Browse while you watch– pop out any video to an external window (our number one requested feature)
- Miro is now faster, more responsive, and uses less memory
- You can add streaming sites like Hulu to your sidebar (note: streaming with Flash only works in Windows and OSX)
- You can add download sites like or to your sidebar and download to Miro with a single click
- Improved playlists
- New compact, sortable list view
- Better audio support
Changes for v1.2.4 - v1.2.7
- 10291 FIXED Miro crashes when adding channels via the command line
Changes for v1.2.3 - v1.2.4
- NEW Miro logs os.system and os.machine on startup--this will help make it easier to know more about a user's system from the log
Changes for v1.2.1 - v1.2.2
- This was a Windows-fix release.
Changes for v1.0 - v1.1
- First, we have dramatically improved performance for torrent downloading and we offer more settings and control (thanks to libtorrent). With this update, Miro is truly a powerhouse for torrent feeds, if I do say so myself. Torrents are still a difficult and mysterious technology for many users, despite the huge bandwidth savings they provide to publishers. We aim to make your torrent experience seamless at worst and invisible at best.
- For example, Democracy Now! is a radio and television show that is very popular but only available in certain markets. With Miro, anyone with an internet connection can subscribe to an HD video torrent feed of the show with a single click and have the latest episode ready to watch each day. You simply cannot beat Miro for BitTorrent feeds.
- The second new feature is a combined search that lets you get results from all 5 search engines at once. You can still choose a specific site to search if you prefer but this will give you broader results.
Changes for v0.9.9.9 RC 2 - v0.9.9.9 Public Preview 3
- On Windows, Miro will now generate thumbnails for any file that you download or add to your library. It makes for a much nicer browsing experience. If a channel already provides a thumbnail for a video, Miro will show that instead.
- Miro now shows the channel icon instead of the generic video icon each video in a channel. It’s a simple change that makes a big difference.
- If you search for a video in your Library or a channel and then start playing it, Miro will remember the search term when you stop playing the video. Fixes a small annoyance.
- Miro now has the ability to add alternate channel guides and initiate individual video downloads with a 1-click button. We’ll be putting up 1-click button makers for these features soon and we’ll be integrating this functionality into the Miro Guide.
- We’ve spent some time improving the first-time user experience. When you run Miro for the first time, you’ll see this page which has a quick video overview and you’ll be able to subscribe to some batches of channels on specific themes, like Sports, News, Food, etc. We hope it will help new users get their bearings a little more easily.
- At the request of video bloggers, we’ve put a ‘permalink’ below the video playback area. This makes it easy to go to that video post and leave a comment. Someday we’d love to have integrated commenting.
- Some install functionality that makes our Co-Branded Miro service possible.
- Compatibility with OSX Leopard and Ubuntu Gutsy.
- Lots of bug fixes and small tweaks
Changes for v0.9.6.1 Beta - v0.9.8 Public Preview
- Keyboard shortcuts on all platforms. This should allow remote controls to be configured to control Miro.
- Improved system tray functionality on Windows, including a context menu.
- Added a new ‘report a bug’ menu item.
- Adds as a search engine.
- Fixed behavior when maximizing on Windows (won’t cover up the taskbar).
- Smarter importing and folder watching to avoid adding audio files.
- Removed Yahoo as a search engine, since most results did not link to enclosures.
- Fixed a memory leak.
- Fixed several unicode errors.
- Fixed miscounting of new and unwatched items in folders.
- Minor UI fixes, including name changes to sidebar items and new Miro Guide logo.
Changes for v0.9.2.2 - v0.9.5
- Refined interface. simpler, smoother, easier to use.
- Share menu. New ’share’ menu on each item lets you email a video or post to Video Bomb,, Digg, or Reddit.
- Partial proxy support. We are halfway done with proxy support. You should be able to use Democracy Player with no problems, but you won’t be able to access the Channel Guide from within the player. You can get to the channel guide on the web here.
- VLC 0.8.6 on Windows. We’ve upgraded the version of VLC that powers Democracy Player for Windows. This version has much better flash video support for sites like YouTube.
- Videos stored in folders by channel. Videos that you download from video feeds will now be stored in a folder with the name of the channel. This should keep things much more organized.
- Pause / Resume downloads. Long awaited! You can now pause and resume any download or all downloads.
- Better BitTorrent support. BitTorrent performance is significantly improved.
- Show seeding on torrents. In the downloading tab, you can see all the torrents you are currently seeding and you can stop them if you choose to.
- Drop-down for auto-download. There’s a new drop-down menu on each channel that let’s you set the Auto-Download mode without going into the channel settings.
- Thumbnail generation on OSX. On Mac, if you have downloaded a video that doesn’t have a thumbnail, we will make one automatically.
- ‘Details’ section. Each video item has a ‘details’ button that will show you any additional information we have about the video. This includes details about torrent status, the filename of the video, the full description, etc.
- Retry downloads on network errors. If your internet connection gets interrupted or if something else goes wrong with a download, Democracy Player will automatically retry. Very helpful.
- Bug fixes and other little touches.