Box Office

The current virus outbreak has affected every single industry in one way or another. Most of it is in a very bad way, very few have gotten off ......

Does movie piracy hurt sales and cost jobs? The MPAA and other trade groups would certainly have you believe that it does but at least on economist believes that is bunk.

It appears that actually putting together a strong cast and a good story can still lead to strong box office sales.
The Marvel blockbuster ......

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Chinese VP Xi Jinping have settled a long-standing trade dispute that will ease restrictions on imports of ......

Thanks to a new academic paper from researchers at the University of Minnesota and Wellesley College, the world has more evidence that piracy ......

The UK box office broke 1 billion pounds last year, for the first time in history.
The British Film Institute's research says the market ......

Just like their annual video game list, TorrentFreak has released the list of the most pirated films of 2011.
Topping the list was Fast Five, ......