AfterDawn: Tech news

DMCA Takedown Notice

Google received 77 million takedown requests last month
Google received 77 million takedown requests last month
Google had to process over 75 million search takedown requests last month, an incredible amount that keeps increasing daily. 08 Mar 2016 - 1 comment
Google received 345 million DMCA copyright takedown notices in 2014
Google received 345 million DMCA copyright takedown notices in 2014
Google received 345 million DMCA takedown notices last year, up 75 percent from the record amount it saw in 2013. 07 Jan 2015
The BPI sends their 100 millionth DMCA URL takedown notice to Google
The BPI sends their 100 millionth DMCA URL takedown notice to Google
According to a new report, the BPI (British Phonographic Industry) industry trade group has sent nearly 275,000 DMCA takedown notices, encompassing 100 million URLs. 22 Sep 2014 - 3 comments
Google receives a million takedown notices daily
Google receives a million takedown notices daily
According to a new report, Google received over 1 million takedown notices per day over the last week, for a total of 7.8 million for the week, 10 percent higher than the previous record that was set just one week prior. 24 Aug 2014

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