
Facebook's digital currency Libra has suffered another blow ahead of its launch as all of the payment processors backing it have pulled their support.

eBay has acquired auto industry advertising and marketing technology company Cargigi, and the company's product will replace eBay's own Dealer Center.

There is a new king of the comic book world, with a mint condition 1938 Action Comics No. 1 (Superman's debut) selling for $3.207 million on eBay.

Earlier this week, it was confirmed that popular online marketplace eBay was hit by a cyber attack and personal information for a substantial amount of users was stolen.

Earlier this week, eBay user muresan began an auction for the extremely rare Nintendo World Championships game for the original NES.

Ebay has reportedly removed around 30 items of 'Holocaust memorabilia' from its auction site, and apologized that the items were allowed to be listed.

Ebay is seeking to expand its one-hour delivery services with the acquisition of Shutl.

ZTE has announced that it will begin selling unlocked versions of its Firefox OS-packing ZTE Open on eBay US and UK, starting soon.

The auction has since been pulled

Collection includes 6850 games and 300 consoles

Last month, Nintendo finally revealed the price of their upcoming Wii U console, with the base model selling for $299 and a Deluxe model selling for $349.

eBay has updated their logo, moving away from the the look they've had since inception.
The new design will "retain bits of the brand's history ......

A seller with the nickname 'SuperDae' has listed what he claims to be an Xbox Durango dev kit on eBay today, with bids sending the price through the roof.

Internet giants Facebook, Google, Amazon and eBay have teamed together to form a new US lobbying group.
The group will be called the Internet ......

A massive collection of video games has just sold for $1.23 million on eBay.
French video game collector "Andre" (no last name), put the ......

eBay has confirmed plans to upgrade their search engine to better compete against e-tailing giant Amazon.
"Amazon is on version 8.0 of search. ......

On Sunday, starting at 6 PM Central Time, HP will be selling refurbished 16GB and 32GB TouchPads on their eBay store.
The devices will sell ......

HP is preparing to rid themselves of the remaining TouchPads - refurbished units - through their eBay storefront.

New app feature from eBay helps users find items related to TV shows, sports teams, actors and so forth.

Earlier this week, a Chinese seller put the HP TouchPad Go up for sale on eBay.
The TouchPad Go is the 7-inch prototype model of the now ......
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