Eric Schmidt

The former Google CEO and now the Executive Chairman of newly found holding company Alphabet Eric Schmidt has written an op-en for the BBC about ......

Google and Facebook have come under fire from a powerful source in Europe concerning their business practices and treatment of Internet users' privacy.

Executive chairman and former CEO of Google, Eric Schmidt, has claimed that Android is more secure than the iPhone.

Exec also addresses privacy concerns

Says Chairman Eric Schmidt

The Chairman to sell 3.2 million shares

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt reportedly blasts China's information technology track record in a book due to be released in April this year.

Thanks to a new partnership between charity Teach First and search giant Google, English teachers specializing in computer science will receive ......

Eric Schmidt, executive chairman at Google Inc., has said proposed anti-piracy blocks on websites such as The Pirate Bay would be a disaster ......

Google CEO Eric Schmidt, who announced last week he will be stepping down to be succeeded by co-founder Larry Page, will receive a $100 million ......