iOS 5

The developer "pod2g" has unveiled his long-awaited iOS 5.0.1 jailbreak, after weeks of testing his exploit on different devices.
Because ......

The fix Apple released yesterday hasn't fixed all the battery life problems. Some people are even complaining that it has made the problem worse.

iOS 5.0.1 is released. It fixes battery life issues and a vulnerability which got him banned a security researcher banned from the developer program.

Just two days after releasing the first beta, Apple has now launched a second fix for the iOS 5 battery issue.
Critics of the firmware claim ......

Apple has already released a beta version of an iOS update they say will solve the battery life problems experienced by some iPhone owners.

Apple has confirmed today that some iPhone 4S (and other iPhone) owners are experiencing bad battery life.
The company is working on a fix ......

The iPhone Dev Team have now released the updated beta of redsn0w, the popular tethered jailbreak solution for iOS devices, allowing for jailbreaking ......

Apple has released iOS 5.0 officially today.
The new software update adds 200 new features and can be downloaded for the iPad, iPad 2, iPhone ......

Apple will make it much harder to jailbreak with iOS 5, if multiple reports are accurate.
The company will update the software making it ......

Although unconfirmed, it appears that Apple may be ready to integrate Twitter directly into its upcoming iOS 5 mobile operating system.
By ......

In a strange move for the company, Apple has pre-announced that it will unveil the iCloud, iOS 5 and OS X Lion next week at its annual Developer's ......

According to new reports, iOS 5 may finally bring the ability to receive OTA updates from carriers, specifically Verizon and AT&T.
The two ......