Huge chunk of internet services and sites crashed today, as Fastly, a cache provider, crashed. Among affected sites were Spotify, Amazon, Reddit and hundreds of other sites.

Reddit has launched its own video hosting service for its millions of users, cutting out the need for separate third party uploads.

The Turkish government has blocked access to Reddit, once again evoking harsh censorship in the nation.

Yesterday, the saga of Ellen Pao took a somewhat unexpected turn as the executive resigned as CEO of reddit.

Reddit proudly posted long awaited user stats in advance of their 10 year anniversary, as the site continues to grow to new heights.

Earlier this week, a poster with the name mistysilver made a large post on Reddit claiming that reputation managers were being paid by the software giant Microsoft to post positively about the upcoming Xbox One console

Bill Gates has dropped by Reddit today to answer some questions, with some interesting answers regarding Microsoft and his foundation's work.

R.I.P Aaron Swartz.
Swartz, the celebrated Internet activist took his own life earlier today. He was 26.
The programmer was also one of ......

Reddit announced last night that its 2012 traffic numbers are impressive.
The site saw 400 million unique visitors and 37 billion page views, ......

President Obama managed to break Reddit yesterday.
The President had his own AMA (ask me anything) on Reddit yesterday, giving users a 30 ......

The once-popular social sharing site Digg has sold for just $500,000 this week.
Bought by Betaworks, the company had raised over $45 million ......

Reddit has announced a protest of SOPA and PIPA. On January 18 the normal site will be replaced by links to information about the 2 bills.

Activists from around the Internet are escalating the war against SOPA from protests to organizing campaigns to defeat legislators supporting the bill.